Well, there are alot of names from what I can tell that reffers the same phenomina. There are entire traditions that orient around that energy or other subtle energies. I have seen such words as, orgone, prana, yin and yang energy, life force, chi, cosmic energy, the holy spirit, etc. It all just seems to point to a misundestood energy or phenomina with various misunderstood properties and effects. Chi is what I refer to it as because that was the first name that matched it... nothing more.
The martial artist you refer to was probably engulfed in more posative thinking than anything else, but who knows.. I wasn't there. Scientific authority is a great tool for me but I don't allow it to be my only filter in determining possabilities or reality.
That guy sounds like a dimwit. I think it would rate up there with that video of the crazy monk attempting to stop that multi ton tree and ending up as a dirt sandwich...