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If you take away religion, what arguments are there against homosexuality?


1) Because homosexual love is just as real and as meaningful as heterosexual love, and deserves recognition and legal support just as much.

2) Because marriage is a legal institution that is needed to support such things as family access rights, medical decisions, and sharing of financial resources.

3) Because denying recognition of homosexual marriages is ultimately nothing more than the exercise of prejudice.

4) Because marriages are, after all, a very personal matter, and there is no good reason to deny them to couples that are willing to have them and have a certain degree of mental and emotional health. Unless, of course, they have incompatible duties already.
Again these can all be applied to polygamy and polyandry right?

Which, of course, makes lesbians better than heterosexuals, since heterosexuality has a greater risk of transmitting diseases than lesbianism.

I suppose this point applies to male homosexuality then.

btw, this question is OT.
No it isn't...
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Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
Isn't it ironic how all these constituents that push for a legalization of homosexual marriages also apply to polygamy and polyandry? Pushing one aspect of the agenda is biased then. Like I said it would require a complete reconstruction and revision of the traditional American view of marriage.

I would like to follow up with what makes it wrong for a old man to marry a young child?
LOL, Marriage in America is between 2 people, that is it...... So no it doesn't quite apply now does it.

And that is easy, an old man has capabilities to make right choices for himself through life experience and wisdom. the child does not, so therefor it is an old man taking advantage of a child...


LOL, Marriage in America is between 2 people, that is it...... So no it doesn't quite apply now does it.
It really is a riot seeing that the justice you seek for yourself doesn't apply to the others. The misconceived moral high ground is it? Marriage only fits the boundaries that you define, coincidence...

And that is easy, an old man has capabilities to make right choices for himself through life experience and wisdom. the child does not, so therefor it is an old man taking advantage of a child...
A fourteen year old can't make the right choices for them self? Living in America, there are quite a few teenagers that are making their own life choices. Why can't they choose to be married?
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Intentionally Blank
A fourteen year old can't make the right choices for them self? Living in America, there are quite a few teenagers that are making their own life choices. Why can't they choose to be married?
You're pretty off topic here. This thread is about morality.

Can you see any moral difference between a voluntary association between two adults and one with a child?


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
It really is a riot seeing that the justice you seek for yourself doesn't apply to the others. The misconceived moral high ground is it? Marriage only fits the boundaries that you define, coincidence...

I didn't make those rules silly, so lets not try to patronize me ok.....

Secondly, gay men/women currently fall into the quilifications of marriage in the USA. So gays should not be allowed to be married because there are still other minorities who cannot get married? Thats retareded....

How about we do this instead, just abolish all marriage. That way no one can pretend to be on a high horse...

A fourteen year old can't make the right choices for them self? Living in America, there are quite a few teenagers that are making their own life choices. Why can't they choose to be married?
You think a 14 is making the right choices for themselves?

I can see maybe a teenager who was forced to grow up for certain circumstances, maybe making good decisions to survive. That hardly means they would be ready for marriage.

Oh and also that would be a change of TWO laws, which is not what we are speaking of. Seeing as a man tryign to engage in any contact sexually with a fourteen year old is pedophile and illegal. or do you want to change that as well?


You're pretty off topic here. This thread is about morality.

I am questioning the morality of homosexual marriages? That is accepting it would mean to accept the majority of other banned marriages. Do you think it's ok to allow these other relationships to be justified as marriages?

Can you see any moral difference between a voluntary association between two adults and one with a child?

Not at all. If it is voluntary and the fourteen year old understands what he or she is doing then why is it inherently worse than homosexual marriage?


Intentionally Blank
I am questioning the morality of homosexual marriages? That is accepting it would mean to accept the majority of other banned marriages. Do you think it's ok to allow these other relationships to be justified as marriages?
No, I do not think child marriage is moral.

Not at all. If it is voluntary and the fourteen year old understands what he or she is doing then why is it inherently worse than homosexual marriage?
In civilized, non-Muslim society, we think that people need to reach an age of discretion before they are treated as adults for legal purposes, including signing contracts and marriage. The idea is that children aren't old enough to be able to make good decisions for themselves.

There are different ideas about exactly what is old enough, since obviously, it's a spectrum, and you have to draw the line somewhere. Where would you draw the line, if at all?


Intentionally Blank
The basic concept, Abibi, is that loving, non-harmful relationships between adults are o.k., but ones between adults and children always have the potential of being exploitative, so we have laws to protect children from adults who want to have sex with them.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
The basic concept, Abibi, is that loving, non-harmful relationships between adults are o.k., but ones between adults and children always have the potential of being exploitative, so we have laws to protect children from adults who want to have sex with them.
How could we expect someone who's religion degrades many to understand such a civilized thing....:rolleyes:


The idea is that children aren't old enough to be able to make good decisions for themselves.

Auto, yet there are teenagers who are sexually active and engaged in different types of illegitimate activities. They seem to be making decisions themselves just fine, even if they are the wrong ones.

If a teenager can have sex, why can't they marry?


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
Auto, yet there are teenagers who are sexually active and engaged in different types of illegitimate activities. They seem to be making decisions themselves just fine, even if they are the wrong ones.

If a teenager can have sex, why can't they marry?
teenagers cannot have consentual sex... duh


How could we expect someone who's religion degrades many to understand such a civilized thing....

Yeah I've seen just how far you are willing to go to ensure that equal marriage is instituted. :rolleyes: Then again you claim to be the civilized one when slandering my religion and my beliefs without even understanding them. :facepalm:


Intentionally Blank
Auto, yet there are teenagers who are sexually active and engaged in different types of illegitimate activities. They seem to be making decisions themselves just fine, even if they are the wrong ones.

If a teenager can have sex, why can't they marry?
Your question isn't really why can't they marry, it's why is it morally wrong for a society to allow them to marry, right?

First, let's establish what age you think people should have these rights, and what you define as a child. Otherwise things get kind of slippery.


Intentionally Blank
Yeah I've seen just how far you are willing to go to ensure that equal marriage is instituted. :rolleyes: Then again you claim to be the civilized one when slandering my religion and my beliefs without even understanding them. :facepalm:
You're the one equating adult relationships with child marriage, Abibi.


Jesus 4 Profit.... =)~
Yeah I've seen just how far you are willing to go to ensure that equal marriage is instituted. :rolleyes: Then again you claim to be the civilized one when slandering my religion and my beliefs without even understanding them. :facepalm:
I am sorry can you tell me your religions stand on women...?