No, that's not correct.
@Mandi and I keep repeating ourselves but people don't seem to want to listen and keeping copying+pasting their misconceptions over and over. The goal isn't really unification like in terms of some hive mind concept, but expansion of consciousness. Our individual awareness isn't dissolved into anything. We're all manifestations of Brahman experiencing itself as points of individual awareness. We're already God, but the point is to realize it consciously. In our view, God is our True Self and we seek to realize that. We don't believe in a dualism between ourselves and the universe, because the universe (or cosmos) is all there is. It's the complete sphere that emcompasses all existence. I'm a Shakta. "Shaktism" translates to "doctrine of power" and "doctrine of the Goddess". Shakti is the dynamic, transformative power of existence that is viewed as the supreme power of the cosmos, which underlies everything. Shaktism views Shakti as Brahman, in other words. Shakti is envisioned as a feminine force and so is worshipped as the Goddess. (The Feminine is viewed as active, and the Masculine is viewed as passive. The Feminine is the Source and the Masculine comes from the Feminine, just as we see in the reproduction of animals which sexually reproduce.) Whichever Goddess you like most can represent Shakti to you. For me it's Kali, since She represents Shakti and the cosmos as a whole the best in my view.
In Shaktism, you seek to consciously raise and nurture this powerful, intense energy in yourself. Metaphorically, this is viewed as the Kundalini Serpent raising through the spiritual centers of the chakras until the Serpent unites with the Crown chakra and Enlightenment/Liberation is attained. That is when God-consciousness is realized.
The ego that you lose is the all the limited views of yourself that embodiment tends to bring on. The attachment to the body, fear of death, the identification of the Self with the mask we wear in this (i.e. I'm not really Frank, that's just a mask I'm wearing during this experience). THAT is what will be dissolved, yes. The body and your limited identity now are temporary. They will be crushed in the jaws of Time as the wheel ceaselessly rotates. But the point of awareness that is Divinity manifest, which is what we are all really are, is eternal. It was never formed and can never be destroyed. It merely transforms.
Jai Kali Ma!
What mind can possibly approach you,
Much less grasp you, my beloved Kali!
This ordinary mind long for you to be simple,
predictable, easily appreciated, a sweet divinity,
a demure goddess, lovely to look at, engendering kindness.
Instead you parade forth in gruesome reality,
unabashed you unleash your limitless creative power,
thrilling the mind and body
with overwhelming sensual delights,
propelling the spirit into awe-inspiring
transcendent domains and
crushing us all in your jaws of time, decay and suffering.
You gave birth to ignorance and her offspring,
“lacking this” and “wanting that” populate the universe.
Is there nothing you don’t delight in creating?
How is this poor mind ever going to truly worship you?
I set out to circumambulate your divine form,
to do puja to you,
but lifetimes of effort have left me gasping,
seeing your infinitude spread out in all directions,
my mind and heart quiver
with fear and adoration, longing for annihilation in you
my beloved.
You demand full and total sacrifice,
not flower garlands and coins tossed at a statue,
not merely lighting candles and prostrating piously,
not sitting still as a corpse lost in the illusion
of inside and outside,
No, you delight in swallowing all sense of separation,
offer me your individuality you say,
offer up your ego mind,
offer up the waking, dream and deep sleep states!
This yoga is only for the insane
drunk on the nectar of Divine Love.
If you drink from the Holy Grail
you will drown in the end."
Again, the ego, the sense of separation, the individuality you lose are the perspective of limitation. In exchange, you gain infinity. You are God.
The antinomianism comes in because the non-dualism of such a view tends to frighten the conscious mind. So sometimes the mind needs a shock in order to truly comprehend such things. Which can lead to practices like cannibalism, convorting with corpses and even killing people. Philosophically, it can lead to forms of nihilism, too, as your mind opens to all-possibility and you reject the limited views of the human ape species on a tiny dustball. You realize there is no intrinsic purpose or meaning to anything. It just is. You can create your own path. You can just enjoy life in the moment, as it is. Death isn't viewed as a big deal. We're here one moment and gone the next. There is nothing you are beholden to in terms of social strictures. You are free.
(Note: This concepts are hard to put into words and I'm just at the beginning of learning all of this. So I may not be explaining some things as best as they can be explained. But I can only speak for myself, really.)