And yet no one has responded to my earlier post. What about those of us who are personally anti-abortion, support a right to choose for so long into the pregnancy, and then want a cut-off limit as to when an abortion can be allowed. Right now, legally, a woman can have an abortion at any time. Even if the child could be born naturally fully and healthy two weeks later. Some of us believe that once the fetus reached a stage of development inside the womb that they could survive outside the womb, that abortion should not be allowed. That the child should be born and perhaps put up for adoption.
Are we only pro-choice for 2 to 3 months and then pro-life for the 4th month on? Or what?
Pro-choice and pro-life ARE NOT black and white terms. You can certainly be both, both personally and politically. If certain people can't see that it is probably because they want to maintain their feeling of moral superiority over those who would support any allowance of choice when it comes to the subject of abortion.
Oh, and as a side note: I, as well as some others I am sure, am really tired of comparing the delicate subject and decision of abortion to the likes of pedophilia, murder, rape, and the like. A woman that goes in for an abortion does not do so with malice on her mind as the other things require. She does not do what she does with the outright intent to cause harm (no matter if you think she does harm or not). She does not go into this lightly and has taken a lot of time, personal self-reflection, research, emotional weighing of the pros and cons, and has sat through a lot of tears coming to a decision such as this. She will be confronted with her decision for the rest of her life as well. To level what she has done or plans to do with a vicious, uncaring, psychotic rapist or the like is just sickening emotional warfare. Those who do such a thing only appear to do it to either belittle the woman and make her feel even worse (that's right you her to suicide as if she hasn't already contemplated it) or because they have no better argument and grasp at ridiculous straws that only insult and have nothing to do with argument. Shame on you! :tsk: