Depends Upon My Mood..
Very brave post, Dallas. I hope the dogmatic and insensitive posters in this thread will find it in themselves to be humble enough to take it all in and respond from the heart rather than just repeating their tired old bumper-sticker morals and calling it a day.
Thanks for the words of kindness.Sometimes I feel like I have to say something.Other times I just sit back and listen to what a monster I am..And what about my husband?He approved of me doing it and took me thier.I guess now we should get a family member to take our kids in or socia services should remove them while he and I go do some serious jail time.We can tell our "born" children mommy and daddy are going to jail for murdering thier siblings. I suppose they would just have to deal with it.
Also I say somethign sometimes because I can gurantee you I am not the only woman reading this thread that has had one or more abortions.Not a lot of woman come forward and talk about it openly for fear of the "stoning" they will endure.Sometimes I feel defensive and protective of the other women lurking out there..