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I'm now a vegetarian!!!


Charismatic Enigma
I wanted to announce that after seeing a very disturbing insight into how animals are 'humanely' slaughtered in abbotior that I have made a decision to become a vegetarian!

The series 'Kill it, cook it, eat it' on BBC has put me off meat all together!
It documents peoples reactions on how animals are killed for food and there is a restraunt set up in the abbotior for people to try the said meat after it has been killed.

Apparently after the animals are stunned they are brain dead and un-aware of whats happening to them but I'm no genious but even I could see from the video that the animals were fully aware of the pain that they were going through as they were bled.

The woman who was explaining the process tried to convince the viewing audience that the spasms were due to lack of blood going to the muscles but for me that explanation didn't wash, it didn't explain why the animals were flinching when they were cut!

I have links to videos from the said show and here they are:


The sheep:

The cow:

Comapassion in world farming promo:

Now I don't know about you but after watching that I cannot bring myself to look at meat the same!
There is no way that that process is in any way humane!
I'm not going to judge meat eaters but I am choosing not to be one of them!

I think though that anybody who does eat meat should know where it comes from and take time to watch these videos.


Sweet n Spicy
I applaud you! :clap

I've been vegetarian for many years but on Oprah once, they were showing videos of how animals are slaughtered. There was a man beating a pig on its head. The pig's agonizing screams were unbearable. I started to cry and took of the TV. Some pigs are also killed by driving a wodden steak through the heart. Some calves are kept in tiny pens - most don't even see the light of day. They are starved so that the meat can be lean. Some chickens are hung upside down by a conveyor belt and their heads are sawed off electronically.

I would never be able to look at those videos you provided links to. It would only break my heart and I had enough crying yesterday for personal reasons.


Charismatic Enigma
Thank you for your encouragement, it means alot!
What you have described seems awefull and worse then what is in the videos but still as I said, there is no way that I even remotely consider what they do to be humane.

It's going to be hard as old habits are hard to break but my fiance is being very supportive, she even understood why I didn't want to come with her to do the weekly shop with her mum. I just don't want to be tempted by products that I don't see as being meat (pies etc.) if that makes sense?


Sweet n Spicy
Mister_T said:
I applaud both of you. I wish I had the will power to watch those videos.

Thanks but I stated that I will never be able to watch those videos. I won't even try. I would cry and it would ruin my day. It would haunt me forever.


Sweet n Spicy
darkpenguin said:
Thank you for your encouragement, it means alot!
What you have described seems awefull and worse then what is in the videos but still as I said, there is no way that I even remotely consider what they do to be humane.

It's going to be hard as old habits are hard to break but my fiance is being very supportive, she even understood why I didn't want to come with her to do the weekly shop with her mum. I just don't want to be tempted by products that I don't see as being meat (pies etc.) if that makes sense?

They try to electronically shock the animals to slaughter them in a "Humane" fashion. What do prisoners of war say when they are shocked? It's extremely painful. Sometimes if the shocks don't work properly, the animals are slaughtrered anyway.

I'm not sure what you meant by being tempted by products that are not meat. :eek:
I appluad you for making that choice, but alas i have an iron deficency and have to eat a cirtain amount of meat to be able to....well....live, there arent supplements that will supply my blood with enough iron so i have to eat the meat. i was a vegetarian after reading the book THE JUNGLE. that opened my eyes to so much. all of my best wishes to you.


Charismatic Enigma
Hema said:
Thanks but I stated that I will never be able to watch those videos. I won't even try. I would cry and it would ruin my day. It would haunt me forever.

You know, a small part of me wishes that I hadn't watched but an even bigger part of me is glad that I did.
I see meat now and I see an animal, a living breathing healthy animal that has no need in being destroyed for human consumption.
There are plenty of very tasty veggie alternatives that are much more healthy and tastier than meat!
And an even bigger plus side is the lack of having to worry about bird flu, mad cow disease and food poisening!

The 4 part series was cleverly done by BBC in the way that the first show was the cows and the animals got smaller from there!
Somebody high up mush have known that after the cow people would have been de-sensatised to the killing of the other animals.


Charismatic Enigma
Pagaal~Mexican18 said:
I appluad you for making that choice, but alas i have an iron deficency and have to eat a cirtain amount of meat to be able to....well....live, there arent supplements that will supply my blood with enough iron so i have to eat the meat. i was a vegetarian after reading the book THE JUNGLE. that opened my eyes to so much. all of my best wishes to you.

See that I can deal with, you actually really need the meat and it is essential to your survival.


Charismatic Enigma
Radio Frequency X said:
I still like meat.

As I said, I'm not going to judge meat eaters, if people want to be linked to the barbaric acts in the videos then so be it!
Luckily I don't want to!


Citizen Mod
darkpenguin said:
I wanted to announce that after seeing a very disturbing insight into how animals are 'humanely' slaughtered in abbotior that I have made a decision to become a vegetarian!

The series 'Kill it, cook it, eat it' on BBC has put me off meat all together!

That show was good, it's what put me off meat too. Their follow up "Pull it, Pluck it, Toss it, Eat it While it Still Alive" put me off vegetables and fruit. Now I'm starving.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I certainly found no joy in watching the videos, and I agree that meat eaters ought to take the time to witness the entire process from slaughter to supermarket for those who choose to continue to eat animal flesh.

I always seem to find myself in a difficult position whenever I read/watch this kind of material since I eat meat. I need to meditate and pray on this as well as discuss this with my husband and kids since they would be affected, too, by my food choices.

Ideally, I would be a vegetarian again (I was one for 10 years), but pragmatically I need to consider what others in my family can live with. Thank you, DP. :)

FWIW, one of the videos has been flagged already for graphic content.


Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
darkpenguin said:
As I said, I'm not going to judge meat eaters, if people want to be linked to the barbaric acts in the videos then so be it!
Luckily I don't want to!

As well as I don't judge vegetarians. We have different tastes, ethics, and understanding of the natural relationship and position of species on planet earth. There is no certain truth as I understand it, with regard to the right and wrong of meat-eating vs. plant eating, so to each their own. :)


Well-Known Member
darkpenguin said:
And an even bigger plus side is the lack of having to worry about bird flu, mad cow disease and food poisening!

That's right. Because bacteria only grows on meat. :cool:


Well-Known Member
darkpenguin said:
As I said, I'm not going to judge meat eaters, if people want to be linked to the barbaric acts in the videos then so be it!
Luckily I don't want to!

You're not going to judge? I think you just did.:cool:


Charismatic Enigma
nutshell said:
You're not going to judge? I think you just did.:cool:

Nope I just pointed out that any meat eater is connected to the killing process, that wasn't judging that was just a cold harsh fact my friend.

As for the bacteria part, I think I would have alot more to worry about eating meat.
Again another fact!


Charismatic Enigma
Radio Frequency X said:
As well as I don't judge vegetarians. We have different tastes, ethics, and understanding of the natural relationship and position of species on planet earth. There is no certain truth as I understand it, with regard to the right and wrong of meat-eating vs. plant eating, so to each their own. :)

True, there are no rights and wrongs on the subject it's all down to preferance.

I just think the videos are a good eduacational tool for any meat eater, for me it had such an imapact that I have changed my view on meat and the process but I would be kidding myself if I thought that everyone should agree with me!


nutshell said:
You're not going to judge? I think you just did.:cool:
Perhaps he menat that he is going to stop judging after that post??? :)

I believe I could kill a cow or a chicken myself if it were necessary. I've watched my dad kill a lamb. I wouldn't enjoy it, but I could definately do it.

If you don't think you would be able to, it's probably a good idea not to eat meat.

As for the bacteria, that is mostly due to poor sanitation in the kitchen. You can avoid most food borne illnesses fairly easily.