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In Defense of Marriage


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
they want what they want & they want it now!
Denial of creature comforts is one of the hallmarks of dehumanization.
Are you saying that those who identify as homosexual are less than human?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
And as mentioned in my previous post, where gay marriage has been legalized, rights of others have been infringed upon in the name of "gay rights."

I was going to go thru your whole post point by point but I realized I can probably cut thru a lot of brouhaha and save both of us some trouble by getting clarification on this one point first:

How are the rights of others infringed upon in the name of "gay rights?"


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Please, tell me - Will the logical fallacies coming from gay supporters every end?
Are aunts, uncles or grandparents trying to redefine marriage & thereby infringing on others' rights? Nope.

That's the motto of "gay rights."
They don't care if children are denied a mother, or a father... they want what they want & they want it now!

I'd ask you the same thing.
Child: a developing human being, which includes children in eutero.
Children ARE getting killed by abortion (wripping their bodies apart limby by limb) & most of them are after 8 weeks, when all body systems are in tact, including the nervous system, which transmits pain signals.

And this coming from someone who didn't know the definition of a "child"??? :rolleyes:

"Medical definition of CHILD: : an unborn or recently born person"
Child - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

"Child Development definition of CHILD: Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between conception and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy."
Definition: Child Development

Let's leave the unborn out of this - it would be a pity to use them against their will as little itty bitty strawmen - especially when some don't even consider them human beings yet...

Back to gay rights though -PLEASE tell me how outlawing discrimination based on sexual orientation infringes on the rights of others? I just don't see it.

To clarify - as a Christian, I personally believe that a marriage is between one man and one woman. But as a US citizen, I believe that I do not have the right to infringe on the rights of others to pursue life, liberty, and happiness within their own moral code of ethics - as long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others as they do so. See - I want the same consideration from THEM as well. If I want freedom of religion and speech and freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness myself within my own moral parameters - I have to be willing to extend those same rights to others.

That doesn't mean that I AGREE with their life choices - but so what? They may not agree with mine either, and I don't care whether they do or not.

I raised my kids to treat others as they want to be treated. As an interracial family, we had our share of odd looks, discomfort, and judgmentalism and I know how it feels. I never want the guilt of treating others in that manner on my conscience.

Preach the gospel always - when necessary, use words. If we live a life of grace, and allow God's grace to flow through us to others, we can be a very effective witness to the "peace that passes all understanding." Much more so than when we push others away by prejudices and judgmentalism.

I don't know about you, but I have logs in my own eyes that tend to prevent me from being able to effectively get the splinters out of anyone else's eyes.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Marriage between a man and a woman is based on the natural creative process of society.

I'm lobbying my state legislature and representatives in Congress to ban infertile couples from being married! How dare they get married because they love each other, but cannot procreate!?

Why, that's the most unheard of thing I've ever heard of; and I've heard of some pretty unheard of things.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Of course heteros have anuses and engage in anal sex also - & the same risks apply to them! :rolleyes:

It is NOT a "ignorantaium" fallicy to say that male couples engage in anal sex.
Statistics gathered from doctors and health clinics show they do!

Homosexuality (deemed as "death" by an ex-homosexual & ex-gay rights leader) is NOT what we want to teach children, especially considering that statistically, (according to the US CDC) homosexual practices present risks... since homosexuals switch partners often, they are more likely to get STDs & AIDS (which 2 friends of mine died from).
http://www.cdc.gov/stdconference/2000/m ... ay2000.htm
http://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/doc ... 08comp.pdf

We also know that anal sex is risky (for anal fissures, colon rupture, bacterial infection & anal cancer), even in 2 healthy males.

What IS the preoccupation with anal sex!? Hell, I'm as gay as a picnic basket and I don't think of it nearly as often as some of you heteros. And if gay guys do **** themselves into oblivion with anal sex, we'll be a self-extinguishing problem... we'll all die, which should make a lot of people deliriously happy. But who will you rag on when we're gone?


I too would like to hear of some real examples of the rights of others being infringed upon in the name of gay rights. That should be good for a laugh.

One more time: all of the dark scenarios, slippery slope arguments and the outright fear mongering of same sex marriage opponents has been proven to be nothing more than a lot of hot air. This is based on the experiences of the countries (10 and counting) and other regional jurisdictions where same sex marriage has been allowed for a number of years.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
And more importantly say it to my face?
I'll give my address if you want.
I'm sick of this crrapp.

That's why you Ozzie guys are so freakin' hot! Take no ****, take no prisoners. :D


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I honestly have sat around trying to come up with a way my rights could be infringed upon if gays have the right to get married, and I can't come up with a thing.


What IS the preoccupation with anal sex!? Hell, I'm as gay as a picnic basket and I don't think of it nearly as often as some of you heteros. And if gay guys do **** themselves into oblivion with anal sex, we'll be a self-extinguishing problem... we'll all die, which should make a lot of people deliriously happy. But who will you rag on when we're gone?

Now I'm laughing . . . the funny part of all this is that once same sex marriage is legalized (and it is inevitable), it further marginalizes its more vocal opponents. In a short period of time after it becomes law they mostly fade away.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Yes indeed. Think of Loving v. Virginia. Oh sure there will always be racists who are against any mixed ethnicity marriages. But for the most part they are inconsequential.


Resident Liberal Hippie
Please, tell me - Will the logical fallacies coming from gay supporters every end?
Are aunts, uncles or grandparents trying to redefine marriage & thereby infringing on others' rights? Nope.
And that goes right back to the OP.

How are YOUR rights infringed upon when a same sex couple marries?


Resident Liberal Hippie
Child: a developing human being, which includes children in eutero.
Children ARE getting killed by abortion (wripping their bodies apart limby by limb) & most of them are after 8 weeks, when all body systems are in tact, including the nervous system, which transmits pain signals.
Again with the abortion strawman?

Stay on topic girl.

Lesbian couples cannot get pregnant unless they WANT to. (In-vitro, etc).
Gay couples cannot get pregnant unless they WANT to. (Surrogate, etc)

In other words, same-sex couples DO NOT have abortions!



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Please, tell me - Will the logical fallacies coming from gay supporters every end?
Are aunts, uncles or grandparents trying to redefine marriage & thereby infringing on others' rights? Nope.

That's the motto of "gay rights."
They don't care if children are denied a mother, or a father... they want what they want & they want it now!

I'd ask you the same thing.
Child: a developing human being, which includes children in eutero.
Children ARE getting killed by abortion (wripping their bodies apart limby by limb) & most of them are after 8 weeks, when all body systems are in tact, including the nervous system, which transmits pain signals.

And this coming from someone who didn't know the definition of a "child"??? :rolleyes:

"Medical definition of CHILD: : an unborn or recently born person"
Child - Medical Definition and More from Merriam-Webster

"Child Development definition of CHILD: Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between conception and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy."
Definition: Child Development
What a bunch of mawkish balloon juice. Stop wasting bandwidth with your bathos and find a real villain to pick on.

edit: Fred Phelps would be a real good place to start. And Rush Limbaugh.
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