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In Defense of Marriage


Active Member
And how many children are raised by aunts or uncles or grandparents?
Should that be banned as well?
Please, tell me - Will the logical fallacies coming from gay supporters every end?
Are aunts, uncles or grandparents trying to redefine marriage & thereby infringing on others' rights? Nope.

Seems to me you are all about your dogma, to hell with the children...
That's the motto of "gay rights."
They don't care if children are denied a mother, or a father... they want what they want & they want it now!

Are you being purposely dishonest or are you so ignorant of the facts that you honestly think that children get aborted?
I'd ask you the same thing.
Child: a developing human being, which includes children in eutero.
Children ARE getting killed by abortion (wripping their bodies apart limby by limb) & most of them are after 8 weeks, when all body systems are in tact, including the nervous system, which transmits pain signals.

You claim to stand up for TRUTH but your posts thus far indicate you have no idea what the word means.
And this coming from someone who didn't know the definition of a "child"??? :rolleyes:

"Medical definition of CHILD: : an unborn or recently born person"

"Child Development definition of CHILD: Child development refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between conception and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy."
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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
It amazes me that people are so upset about some things that affect others, but don't give a rat's whatever about things like health consequences of homosexual sex & about the consequences for children of gay marriage. Do you realize there are health risks involved, not just statisically (STDs & AIDS) but also anal fissures, bacterial infection, anal cancer & colon rupture? If 2 people understand these real risks & want to do it anyway - fine - but when kids get involved (as in legalizing gay marriage) I have a problem with it. Why would you want children to be adopted by couples practicing unhealthy practices when children imitate their parents?

1) There are health risks involved with having sex regardless of gender and sexual orientation.

2) Your argument would only be an argument for banning homosexuality altogether. Not legalizing same-sex marriage is not going to make homosexual couples or homosexual couples with kids go away.

3) Are you heterosexual because of your parents? Did you and your parents ever talk about their sexual practices? Children of homosexual parents are no more likely to be homosexual than children of heterosexual parents.

Children have a RIGHT to be raised by the 2 opposite sexes that created them.

No, they don't.

Gay marriage denies them either a mother or father, devaluing both parents, saying mothers or fathers are not really important. 2 dads or 2 moms are fine - when studies & common sense show that children need BOTH a mother & father...

No studies show that. In fact, studies show just the opposite. The important factor is to have two loving parents (or one loving parent, really). What gender they are is not important. Besides, your argument would be an argument in favor of banning single-parent households. If a child has a right to a mother and father, then we shouldn't allow them to be in a house that lacks either of those things.

Gay couples already have rights under laws like common law marriage and cohabitation agreements...
Common-law marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cohabitation agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Even if no contract is written up, they have rights.
Yet even more rights are extended if a couple creates a contract when they begin living together.

"Some of the same rights" is not equal treatment. "All of the same rights" would be equal treatment.

There is no need to redefine marriage to include sexual deviations.

That's true. There is no need to redefine marriage. Yet many states feel the need to...so that it will only be between a man and a woman. If they stopped redefining it to that, we'd be OK.

In fact, doing so will harm many - including homosexuals (& others who are persuaded to be homosexual) by condoning statistically harmful behavior and by not giving children what they need most: BOTH a mother and father.

It will harm no one, and no one is "persuaded" to be homosexual. You either are or you aren't. Do you feel like you could be persuaded to be homosexual? What children need most is a loving parent or two. It doesn't matter what gender they are.

Children have the right to not be taught homosexuality in school. Yet, in places where gay marriage has been enacted, these rights have been infringed upon...

No, they haven't. No one is teaching anyone homosexuality in school any more than they're teaching heterosexuality. They may teach a sex ed course, and now include references to homosexuality as well as heterosexuality, but that's because they're both part of human sexuality. They're not advocating any particular thing.

Normalizing & even encouraging children to explore homosexuality obviously causes more to experiment with homosexuality.

And even if it does, it doesn't matter. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality.

Also, others' rights have been infringed upon in favor of supporting gay rights.
*In April 2008, an Albuquerque photographer was fined over $6,000 for refusing to be hired to photograph a lesbian couple's commitment ceremony.

Assuming this is true, it's probably because that's discrimination based on sexual orientation. If you're going to offer your services to the public, you can't refuse some people because of their race, religion or sexual orientation. That has nothing to do with same-sex marriage.

*In May, 2008, a black administrator was fired from the U of Toledo, Ohio, for writing an editorial objecting to the comparison of black discrimination to same-sex marriage.

All I see is that she was suspended, and places of business have the right to suspend an employee for conduct they don't like. If I said something publicly that my employer didn't like, they'd be within their rights to suspend me.

*An intolerant opponent of Proposition 8 even violently attacked & injured a Proposition supporter in Oct. 2008.

Wow, a random person attacked another random person!? What are the odds?

*On November 19, 2008, eHarmony, a Christian-based matching service was forced by New Jersey's Division on Civil Rights to provide website matching services for homosexuals.

Not from what I see. All I see is that they agreed to a deal that involved them starting a new website for homosexuals.


Active Member
What does abortion have to do with same sex marriage. If those loving couples adopting unwanted children that should be a benefit to the anti-abortion movement.


Active Member
I have been married to my wife for almost 40years and I have a sister who has been married to her same sex partner for 10yrs. Is there anyone here who would like to tell me that their marriage is any less special than mine?
And more importantly say it to my face?
I'll give my address if you want.
I'm sick of this crrapp.


One of the hidden benefits for the rest of society of legalizing same sex marriage is: once it becomes law, the shrill, misinformed and often downright absurd objections of those who oppose it fade from public discourse. Every once in awhile a local bishop or fundamentalist will say something incredibly stupid that makes the news. But aside from that everyone else goes about their lives as before without having to listen to irrational arguments from those who insist on sticking their noses in other people's bedrooms.
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ThrUU the Looking Glass


Premium Member

I have two questions for you. I am asking you to answer from your own personal perspective, and do not wish to put you in the position of trying to "prove" your answer. I just would like you to please answer from your personal beliefs.

1. Where does Love come from?

2. What is marriage based upon?


Active Member

I have two questions for you. I am asking you to answer from your own personal perspective, and do not wish to put you in the position of trying to "prove" your answer. I just would like you to please answer from your personal beliefs.

1. Where does Love come from?

2. What is marriage based upon?


Well-Known Member
MARRIAGE is legal mostly for the sake of CHILDREN, to ensure the care of them.

Children are the future of society, not a couple of adults.

And that's why a friend of mine wants to have the right to marriage.

he and his partner have children together. They should be able to have the same rights and legal protection as other families.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
The problem with same-sex marriage is that, being unnatural, it's not likely to last. You'll almost certainly end up with a lot of divorce, a lot of ...
er ...
never mind ... :run:​


Active Member
And that's why a friend of mine wants to have the right to marriage.

he and his partner have children together. They should be able to have the same rights and legal protection as other families.
Yes like the right to determine thew treatment of those children in hospital. Anyone who thinks otherwise is sick.


Well-Known Member
The problem comes down to: we are not afforded a certain segment of the citizenry equal protection under the law. That is not only wrong, it is totally unconstitutional.

You cannot do that that to people.


Active Member
The problem comes down to: we are not afforded a certain segment of the citizenry equal protection under the law. That is not only wrong, it is totally unconstitutional.

You cannot do that that to people.
Well the religionists think they can and have succeeded up until now.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
But they take that right when they kill innocent children in "legal" abortion killings, discriminating based on age.
They take that right when they deny a child a mother or father to cater to the sexaul deviations of 2 adults.
Your use of the term "sexual deviations" is discriminatory. You don't have that right.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Marriage between a man and a woman is based on the natural creative process of society.
Not a single person has come from 2 men or 2 women... ALL of us have come from the union of a sperm from a man and an egg from a woman.
It's simple!
And it's obvious that those who argue against this FACT, are in extreme denial.
Marriage has purposes antecedent to creating babies. In The Book of Common Prayer, this is said about marriage: "...union in heart, body, and mind...intended by God for...mutual joy; for the help and comfort given one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God's will [emphasis mine], for the procreation of children..." (p. 423) Notice how far down the list children is. And children are when it is God's will. I guess that, in the case of same sex marriage, procreation isn't God's will. Any of those statements could be equally applied to same sex couples as mixed sex couples.
Trying to change the definition of marriage to mean any 2 people, is like creating counterfeit money - degrading the real thing, & basing laws catoring to sexual deviations, rather than encouraging healthy behavior.
Like when they were changed to allow for interracial marriage, right?
What could be more healthy than advocating for the full inclusion of men and women -- whatever their normal (remember: Homosexuality is normal) orientation, in human society? You have yet to provide one solid reason why same sex marriage is "degrading" or less than "the real thing."

You don't really care about the marriage. You just want to remain complicit in the dehumanization of homosexuals, because you view them as deviant.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Same sex couples already have rights under laws like Common Law Marriage and Cohabitation Agreements.
They can't be married, though, so they really don't have equal rights.
The ONLY reason to try to redefine marriage is to try to demand society to be legally required to accept sexual deviations.
And as mentioned in my previous post, where gay marriage has been legalized, rights of others have been infringed upon in the name of "gay rights."
You place that in parentheses as if those who identify as homosexual shouldn't have rights.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Of course heteros have anuses and engage in anal sex also - & the same risks apply to them!
But, of course, since they identify as heterosexual, it's not deviant behavior in their case.
It is NOT a "ignorantaium" fallicy to say that male couples engage in anal sex.
Statistics gathered from doctors and health clinics show they do!
Not all do. What if they don't? Are they still "deviant?" What about those who identify as heterosexual who engage in anal sex? deviant, or not?

Is your issue homosexuality or anal sex?


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Careful - your adhominem attack is seeping through.
When people call names to others, it reflects they have nothing better to contribute to the conversation.
Careful, it's not an ad hominem. Unless you identify completely with your bigoted statements, that is.