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In Defense of Marriage


I think that all widows and widowers should be forced to remarry to a person assigned by the government so that any children have the benefit of a mother and father. I think that at least one month from burial/cremation should be sufficient before co-habitation would be enforced.

I got a chuckle out of this, it underlines the absurdity of many of the arguments quite nicely.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
I got a chuckle out of this, it underlines the absurdity of many of the arguments quite nicely.

I think this is actually the way some societies have handled the question of widows and orphans though. They were often forced to marry their former brother in law or another male figure from their dead husband's family.


Active Member
Your OP & subsequent posts reflect logical fallicies...
1) Begging the question: assumes a conclusion in one's question.
You ask if gay marriage would negatively affect heterosexual marriage, not to really question it (no scientific studies sited by you) but to try to push your view of gay marriage. You jump to the conclusion of gay marriage being ok, since it doesn't affect YOUR marriage. That kindof logical fallacy is like conluding, "Gay marriage must be ok, since it has no adverse affect on the price of blue cheese." Illogical.

2) "Ad ignorantiam: states that a specific belief is true because we don't know that it isn't true."
You assume that gay marriage has no impact on heterosexual marriages, when you have no idea if that's true or not.
IE: Consider the affects of the marriages of those who were harrased by the gay agenda - either through denying their rights, or their childrens' rights... You cannot say for 100% sure that gay marriage has absolutely no effect EVER on heterosexual marriage. Your one single perspective of you & your wife's marriage doesn't count as 100% sure.

Were you aware that same sex couples are more likely to adopt special needs children than heterosexual couples?
Please site statistics regarding this, accounting for the extreme difference of population that same sex couples comprise, compared to heterosexual couples.

Are you aware that, despite your biased sources to the contrary, the overwhelming majority of child psychologists consistently demonstrate that children raised by gay or lesbian parents "exhibit the same level of emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as children raised by heterosexual parents"?
And are you aware that the source you sited cators not to scientific investigation, but to gay lobbyists?
The APA changed the definition of homosexuality not because of scientific studies, but because of political harrassment from gay lobbyists.
The Born "Gay" Hoax |

Who should you believe.... hm... the APA who changes definitions at the drop of harassment, or the reality of how you & billions of other human beings were created: through a sperm from a man & an egg from a woman??

I would think, given theses facts, that you would endorse the official state sanctioning of same sex marriage in order to provide for a more stable household.

That is unless you care more about legislated dogma than children.
And I would think, given the facts of how you came to exist, you would honor the role of mothers and fathers, supporting laws that didn't deny children one or the other... unless you care more about legislated dogma than children.


Active Member
If that's really your position, then why do you want to disadvantage the children of same-sex-parented families by denying them the rights and protections of marriage?

The only effect that banning same-sex marriage has on children is harm.

Another logical fallacy: begging the question.

It is already clear that children benefit most by being raised by the 2 opposite sexes that created them. Children learn through their interactions with their mothers and fathers, how to get along with both sexes. When they are denied either a mother or a father, they miss out on a lot! (I refer to the many studies listed in my previous post regarding the need of both parents.)


Resident Liberal Hippie
Your OP & subsequent posts reflect logical fallicies...
1) Begging the question: assumes a conclusion in one's question.
You ask if gay marriage would negatively affect heterosexual marriage, not to really question it (no scientific studies sited by you) but to try to push your view of gay marriage. You jump to the conclusion of gay marriage being ok, since it doesn't affect YOUR marriage. That kindof logical fallacy is like conluding, "Gay marriage must be ok, since it has no adverse affect on the price of blue cheese." Illogical.

2) "Ad ignorantiam: states that a specific belief is true because we don't know that it isn't true."
You assume that gay marriage has no impact on heterosexual marriages, when you have no idea if that's true or not.
IE: Consider the affects of the marriages of those who were harrased by the gay agenda - either through denying their rights, or their childrens' rights... You cannot say for 100% sure that gay marriage has absolutely no effect EVER on heterosexual marriage. Your one single perspective of you & your wife's marriage doesn't count as 100% sure.

Please site statistics regarding this, accounting for the extreme difference of population that same sex couples comprise, compared to heterosexual couples.

And are you aware that the source you sited cators not to scientific investigation, but to gay lobbyists?
The APA changed the definition of homosexuality not because of scientific studies, but because of political harrassment from gay lobbyists.
The Born "Gay" Hoax |

Who should you believe.... hm... the APA who changes definitions at the drop of harassment, or the reality of how you & billions of other human beings were created: through a sperm from a man & an egg from a woman??

And I would think, given the facts of how you came to exist, you would honor the role of mothers and fathers, supporting laws that didn't deny children one or the other... unless you care more about legislated dogma than children.

That's cute HeatherAnn.

As has been pointed out to you by other posters, the sources of your "studies" all have ties to Christian Fundamentalist, anti-gay, organizations.
While the APA consists of actual child and family psychologists, rather than religious and philosophy scholars, it seems a bit more trustworthy.

Perhaps some other citations by actual child and family psychologists would help you.

Golombok, Spencer, & Rutter, Children in Lesbian and Single-Parent Households: Psychosexual and Psychiatric Appraisal, 24, J. Child Psychology and Psychiatry 551, 568 (1983)
Green, The Best Interests of a Child with a Lesbian Mother, 10 Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry and Law, 7, 13, (1982)
Green, Mandel, Hotveldt, Gray, & Smith, Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparison with Solo Parent Heterosexual Mothers and Their Children, 15 Archives Sexual Behav., 167, 181 (1986)
Kirkpatrick, Smith, and Roy, Lesbian Mothers and their Children: A Comparative Survey, 51 Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 545, 551 (1981)
Bozett, Children of Gay Fathers, in Gay and Lesbian Parents, F. Bozett ed. (1987)
"The Lesbian Mother," by Bernice Goodman [American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 43 (1983), pp. 283-284]
Kirkpatrick, Martha et al; "Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparative Study," 51 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 545 (1983) "Homosexual Parents," by Brenda Maddox [Psychology Today, February, 1982, pp.66-69]
Riddle, Dorothy I.; "Relating to Children: Gays as Role Models," 34 Journal of Social Issues, 38-58 (1978)
"The Avowed Lesbian Mother and Her Right to Child Custody," by Marilyn Riley, San Diego Law Review, Vol. 12 (1975), p. 799]
Susoeff, Steve; "Assessing Children's Best Interests When a Parent is Gay or Lesbian: Toward a Rational Custody Standard," 32 UCLA Law Review 852, 896 (1985)
Gibbs, Elizabeth D.; "Psychosocial Development of Children Raised by Lesbian Mothers: A Review of Research," 8 Women & Therapy 65 (1988)
Green, Richard; "The Best Interests of the Child With a Lesbian Mother," 10 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & Law 7 (1982)
Turner, Pauline et al; "Parenting in Gay and Lesbian Families," 1 Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 55, 57 (1990)
Golombok, Susan; "Children in Lesbian and Single-Parent Households: Psychosexual and Psychiatric Appraisal," 24 Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 551 (1983)
Hoeffer, Beverly; "Children's Acquisition of Sex-Role Behavior in Lesbian-Mother Families," 51 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 536 (1981)
Green, Richard; "Sexual Identity of 37 Children Raised by Homosexual or Transsexual Parents," 135 American Journal of Psychiatry 692 (1978)
Green, Richard; "Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparison with Solo Parent Heterosexual Mothers and their Children," 15 Archives of Sexual Behavior 167 (1986)
Gottman, Julie Schwartz; "Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents," 14 Marriage and Family Review 177 (1989)
Rees, Richard; "A Comparison of Children of Lesbian and Single Heterosexual Mothers on Three Measures of Socialization," 40 Dissertation Abstracts International 3418-B, 3419-B (1979)
Sterkel, Alisa; "Psychosocial Develpment of Children of Lesbian Mothers," Gay & Lesbian Parents 75, 81 (Frederick W. Bozett, ed., 1987)
Mucklow, Bonnie M., & Phelan, Gladys K.; "Lesbian and Traditional Mothers' Responses to Adult Response to Child Behavior and Self-Concept," 44 Psychological Report 880 (1979)
Whittlin, William A.; "Homosexuality and Child Custody: A Psychiatric Viewpoint," 21 Concilation Courts Review 77 (1983)
Herek, Gregory M.; "Myths About Sexual Orientation: A Lawyer's Guide to Social Science Research," 1 Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian & Gay Legal Issues 133 (1991)
Cramer, David; "Gay Parents and Their Children: A Review of the Research and Practical Implications," 64 Journal of Counseling & Development 504 (1986)
Wismont, Judith M., & Reame, Nancy E.; "The Lesbian Childbearing Experience: Assessing Developmental Tasks, 21 Journal of Nursing Scholarship 137 (1989)
Meyer, Cheryl L.; "Legal, Psychological, and Medical Considerations in Lesbian Parenting," 2 Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian & Gay Legal Issues 237 (1992)
"In the 'Best Interests of the Child' and the Lesbian Mother: A Proposal for Legislative Change in New York," 48 Albany Law Review 1021 (1984) Harris & Turner, "Gay & Lesbian Parents," 12 Journal of Homosexuality 101 (1985-1986)
Kleber, Howell & Tibbits-Kleber, "The Impact of Parental Homosexuality in Child Custody Cases: A Review of the Literature," 14 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & Law 81 (1986)
"The Avowed Lesbian Mother and Her Right to Child Custody: A Constitutional Challenge That Can No Longer Be Denied," 12 San Diego Law Review 799 (1975)
"Sexual Orientation and the Law" by the Editors of the Harvard Law Review (Harvard University Press, 1989)
Green, G. Dorsey, & Bozett, Frederick W., "Lesbian Mothers and Gay Fathers," in Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy, ed. by Gonsiorek & Weinrich (Sage Publications, 1991)
Lewin, E., "Lesbianism and Motherhood: Implications for Child Custody," 40 Human Organization 6-14 (1981)
Ricketts, Wendell; "Lesbians and Gay Men as Foster Parents" (University of Southern Maine, 1992)


Resident Liberal Hippie
Another logical fallacy: begging the question.

It is already clear that children benefit most by being raised by the 2 opposite sexes that created them. Children learn through their interactions with their mothers and fathers, how to get along with both sexes. When they are denied either a mother or a father, they miss out on a lot! (I refer to the many studies listed in my previous post regarding the need of both parents.)

Not according to actual studies by qualified child psychologists.


Resident Liberal Hippie
And again HeatherAnn,

Your entire argument can be used to legislate the banning of divorce, the forcible marriage of pregnant single women, the forced annulment of childless couples, the forced remarriage of widows/widowers. The denial of marriage to sterile couples. The forcible removal of children from non-traditional households. Etc, etc....

And you have yet to answer the question.

How does same sex marriage effect your marriage?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.

1) Begging the question: assumes a conclusion in one's question.
You ask if gay marriage would negatively affect heterosexual marriage, not to really question it (no scientific studies sited by you) but to try to push your view of gay marriage. You jump to the conclusion of gay marriage being ok, since it doesn't affect YOUR marriage. That kindof logical fallacy is like conluding, "Gay marriage must be ok, since it has no adverse affect on the price of blue cheese." Illogical.

This argument is illogical. The question isn't "Is gay marriage morally acceptable?" (ie "OK") The question is "Is gay marriage harmful to heterosexual marriages?"

2) "Ad ignorantiam: states that a specific belief is true because we don't know that it isn't true."
You assume that gay marriage has no impact on heterosexual marriages, when you have no idea if that's true or not.

It seems that you are assuming that it's harmful to heterosexual marriages. Please clarify. Is it your position that legalizing gay marriages is harmful to heterosexual marriages? Please provide scientific data to support your position. Thanks.

Please site statistics regarding this, accounting for the extreme difference of population that same sex couples comprise, compared to heterosexual couples.

Why Gay Parents May Be the Best Parents | Gays, Lesbians & Same-Sex Marriage | Advantages of Gay Parenting & Gay Adoption | LiveScience

There are about 100,000 kids in foster care in the US today. 14,000 of them are in gay/lesbian homes. Hmmm, that's a higher rate per gay/lesbian households than in heterosexual households.

This article also links to research indicating that gay/lesbian households adopt across racial lines 65 percent of the time. Minority children are harder to place. They also have a higher percentage of adoption of older children - also harder to place.

And are you aware that the source you sited cators not to scientific investigation, but to gay lobbyists?

Who do you think your source caters to? The writer calls gay activist groups "pro-sodomy" activists. Sheeze!

The Born "Gay" Hoax |

Who should you believe.... hm... the APA who changes definitions at the drop of harassment, or the reality of how you & billions of other human beings were created: through a sperm from a man & an egg from a woman??

What's this got to do with the price of milk? Do gay people stop heterosexual people from having sex and making babies?

And I would think, given the facts of how you came to exist, you would honor the role of mothers and fathers, supporting laws that didn't deny children one or the other... unless you care more about legislated dogma than children.

Adoption agencies screen prospective parents with the goal of placing children in loving, stable, safe homes rather than shuffling them through foster care or orphanages. Children thrive in loving environments and they fail to develop healthy emotions and balance in unstable, unloving environments. How familiar are you with foster care and orphanages?

My grandson was only ten months old when my daughter adopted him. He was healthy and well taken care of, but he had already been through FOUR "foster mothers." It took him nearly two years to develop a healthy attachment to my daughter and her husband. It was truly heartbreaking. Thank God he is emotionally healthy now - but it took a lot of effort on everyone's part.

My brother was not adopted till he was three. It took him 40 years to regain some sort of emotional balance in HIS life.

Getting kids out of foster care and orphanages and into loving, safe, stable homes is of PARAMOUNT importance - even if the homes are single parent homes or homes with two same sex parents.
Last edited:


I think this is actually the way some societies have handled the question of widows and orphans though. They were often forced to marry their former brother in law or another male figure from their dead husband's family.

Yeah but I think we can exclude those societies from any discussion about legalizing same sex marriage.


Active Member
HeatherAnn said:
And I would think, given the facts of how you came to exist, you would honor the role of mothers and fathers, supporting laws that didn't deny children one or the other... unless you care more about legislated dogma than children.
See my post #60 and comment on how you would legislate to solve the problem of single parent families in such a situation? Since you claim that legislation must not DENY a child one parent or another, then legislation must ENSURE that the child has a mother and father regardless of the parents preference.


Resident Liberal Hippie
And are you aware that the source you sited cators not to scientific investigation, but to gay lobbyists?
The APA changed the definition of homosexuality not because of scientific studies, but because of political harrassment from gay lobbyists.
The Born "Gay" Hoax |
Ah, Ryan Sorba.

Not only completely unqualified to speak on matters of biology and psychology, but a well known Christian Fundamentalist homophobe.

You are going to have to do better than that.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
I have a very serious question to ask, but first, a little about me.

I am a 44 year old heterosexual male. I have been engaged twice, but married only once.
That marriage has lasted over 20 years, and I do not expect it to end anytime soon.

Now, to my question.

Recently, Fox Nation, Rush Limbaugh, the Christian Post, and others, have announced that President Obamas support of the right for same sex marriage amount to a "War on Marriage". And the Defense of Marriage Act insinuates that same sex marriage is an attack on "traditional" marriage.

How does the state sanctioned marriage of a same sex couple threaten my "traditional" marriage?

And on a related note, if you are married, how does the state sanctioned marriage of a same sex couple threaten your marriage?

That's not a real question, it is wizardry of the devil. I recommend more church for you sinner before it's too late ;)


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I have a very serious question to ask, but first, a little about me.

I am a 44 year old heterosexual male. I have been engaged twice, but married only once.
That marriage has lasted over 20 years, and I do not expect it to end anytime soon.

Now, to my question.

Recently, Fox Nation, Rush Limbaugh, the Christian Post, and others, have announced that President Obamas support of the right for same sex marriage amount to a "War on Marriage". And the Defense of Marriage Act insinuates that same sex marriage is an attack on "traditional" marriage.

How does the state sanctioned marriage of a same sex couple threaten my "traditional" marriage?

And on a related note, if you are married, how does the state sanctioned marriage of a same sex couple threaten your marriage?
I recently read a book by systematic theologian Beverly Mitchell entitled: Plantations and Death Camps: Religion, Ideology, and Human Dignity. In it, she identifies the tools that were used to systematically dehumanize both American black slaves and Holocaust Jews. Some of those tools are shockingly close to those we use "in defense of marriage." They are:

Familial separation, deprivation, and transports. Mitchell says that, in both cases, victims were separated from their families, deprived of necessities and desires, and transported from their homes.

When we disallow same sex couples to wed, we separate them from their families. sometimes, the most socially-conservative shun homosexual family members, and society forces partners to be identified as separate when couples cannot marry.

Further, we deprive them. We deprive them of legal status, inheritance and medical authority issues, and we deprive them of social status, as well. We further deprive religious same sex couples of the spiritual well-being of being married.

Additionally, while not forcibly transported, same sex couples in many states are (if they want to become married) forced to relocate to gay-friendly states.

It's all very, very close to the way in which both black slaves and Jews have been systematically dehumanized. It's an abomination for a socially-aware state to engage in such disenfranchisement, oppression and dehumanization.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
And are you aware that the source you sited cators not to scientific investigation, but to gay lobbyists?
The APA changed the definition of homosexuality not because of scientific studies, but because of political harrassment from gay lobbyists.
The Born "Gay" Hoax |

Who should you believe.... hm... the APA who changes definitions at the drop of harassment, or the reality of how you & billions of other human beings were created: through a sperm from a man & an egg from a woman??
You're conveniently forgetting that the DSM lists homosexual orientation as completely normal.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
It amazes me that people are so upset about some things that affect others, but don't give a rat's whatever about things like health consequences of homosexual sex & about the consequences for children of gay marriage. Do you realize there are health risks involved, not just statisically (STDs & AIDS) but also anal fissures, bacterial infection, anal cancer & colon rupture?
It amazes me that some people are so ignorant about homosexuality. Many homosexuals don't engage in anal sex. And females can't, by virtue of their anatomy. Plus, many heterosexual couples do engage in anal sex.

Additionally, AIDS is far more common among heterosexual couples than homosexual couples.
People think they're being nice to cater to the sexual deviations of others.
Homosexual orientation -- and the resulting acts -- are listed in the DSM as normal. You have no authority to label them as "deviant."
There is no need to redefine marriage to include sexual deviations.
That's right, since homosexuality is NOT "sexual deviation."
Children have the right to not be taught homosexuality in school.
they also have the right to be taught that their homosexual orientation is normal.
Normalizing & even encouraging children to explore homosexuality obviously causes more to experiment with homosexuality.
To do otherwise is to encourage them to think that there's something very wrong with them, driving them into depression, thoughts of suicide, etc. Suppressing sexuality causes long-term psychological issues, from which they may never recover.
Also, others' rights have been infringed upon in favor of supporting gay rights.
*In April 2008, an Albuquerque photographer was fined over $6,000 for refusing to be hired to photograph a lesbian couple's commitment ceremony.
*In May, 2008, a black administrator was fired from the U of Toledo, Ohio, for writing an editorial objecting to the comparison of black discrimination to same-sex marriage.
*An intolerant opponent of Proposition 8 even violently attacked & injured a Proposition supporter in Oct. 2008.
*On November 19, 2008, eHarmony, a Christian-based matching service was forced by New Jersey's Division on Civil Rights to provide website matching services for homosexuals.
No one in this country has the right to discriminate.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Personally, my priority is
1) Caring for my family
2) Sticking up for the many suffering (esp. children) - Almost 1Billion starving & millions of children painfully killed through abortion every year.
3) Standing up for TRUTH, especially when they affect children.
what about sticking up for the many suffering homosexuals who aren't allowed to marry? What about sticking up for the many suffering adolescent homosexuals, who are taught that there's something wrong with them?
What about sticking up for the TRUTH, which states that homosexuality is normal?

According to your posts thus far, you are complicit in the systematic dehumanization of homosexuals. you could just as easily go enslave people and subject them to interment camps. Oh, wait! That stuff's been outlawed!


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
That's cute HeatherAnn.

As has been pointed out to you by other posters, the sources of your "studies" all have ties to Christian Fundamentalist, anti-gay, organizations.
While the APA consists of actual child and family psychologists, rather than religious and philosophy scholars, it seems a bit more trustworthy.

Perhaps some other citations by actual child and family psychologists would help you.

Golombok, Spencer, & Rutter, Children in Lesbian and Single-Parent Households: Psychosexual and Psychiatric Appraisal, 24, J. Child Psychology and Psychiatry 551, 568 (1983)
Green, The Best Interests of a Child with a Lesbian Mother, 10 Bull. Am. Acad. Psychiatry and Law, 7, 13, (1982)
Green, Mandel, Hotveldt, Gray, & Smith, Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparison with Solo Parent Heterosexual Mothers and Their Children, 15 Archives Sexual Behav., 167, 181 (1986)
Kirkpatrick, Smith, and Roy, Lesbian Mothers and their Children: A Comparative Survey, 51 Am. J. Orthopsychiatry 545, 551 (1981)
Bozett, Children of Gay Fathers, in Gay and Lesbian Parents, F. Bozett ed. (1987)
"The Lesbian Mother," by Bernice Goodman [American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Vol. 43 (1983), pp. 283-284]
Kirkpatrick, Martha et al; "Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparative Study," 51 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 545 (1983) "Homosexual Parents," by Brenda Maddox [Psychology Today, February, 1982, pp.66-69]
Riddle, Dorothy I.; "Relating to Children: Gays as Role Models," 34 Journal of Social Issues, 38-58 (1978)
"The Avowed Lesbian Mother and Her Right to Child Custody," by Marilyn Riley, San Diego Law Review, Vol. 12 (1975), p. 799]
Susoeff, Steve; "Assessing Children's Best Interests When a Parent is Gay or Lesbian: Toward a Rational Custody Standard," 32 UCLA Law Review 852, 896 (1985)
Gibbs, Elizabeth D.; "Psychosocial Development of Children Raised by Lesbian Mothers: A Review of Research," 8 Women & Therapy 65 (1988)
Green, Richard; "The Best Interests of the Child With a Lesbian Mother," 10 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & Law 7 (1982)
Turner, Pauline et al; "Parenting in Gay and Lesbian Families," 1 Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy 55, 57 (1990)
Golombok, Susan; "Children in Lesbian and Single-Parent Households: Psychosexual and Psychiatric Appraisal," 24 Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry 551 (1983)
Hoeffer, Beverly; "Children's Acquisition of Sex-Role Behavior in Lesbian-Mother Families," 51 American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 536 (1981)
Green, Richard; "Sexual Identity of 37 Children Raised by Homosexual or Transsexual Parents," 135 American Journal of Psychiatry 692 (1978)
Green, Richard; "Lesbian Mothers and Their Children: A Comparison with Solo Parent Heterosexual Mothers and their Children," 15 Archives of Sexual Behavior 167 (1986)
Gottman, Julie Schwartz; "Children of Gay and Lesbian Parents," 14 Marriage and Family Review 177 (1989)
Rees, Richard; "A Comparison of Children of Lesbian and Single Heterosexual Mothers on Three Measures of Socialization," 40 Dissertation Abstracts International 3418-B, 3419-B (1979)
Sterkel, Alisa; "Psychosocial Develpment of Children of Lesbian Mothers," Gay & Lesbian Parents 75, 81 (Frederick W. Bozett, ed., 1987)
Mucklow, Bonnie M., & Phelan, Gladys K.; "Lesbian and Traditional Mothers' Responses to Adult Response to Child Behavior and Self-Concept," 44 Psychological Report 880 (1979)
Whittlin, William A.; "Homosexuality and Child Custody: A Psychiatric Viewpoint," 21 Concilation Courts Review 77 (1983)
Herek, Gregory M.; "Myths About Sexual Orientation: A Lawyer's Guide to Social Science Research," 1 Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian & Gay Legal Issues 133 (1991)
Cramer, David; "Gay Parents and Their Children: A Review of the Research and Practical Implications," 64 Journal of Counseling & Development 504 (1986)
Wismont, Judith M., & Reame, Nancy E.; "The Lesbian Childbearing Experience: Assessing Developmental Tasks, 21 Journal of Nursing Scholarship 137 (1989)
Meyer, Cheryl L.; "Legal, Psychological, and Medical Considerations in Lesbian Parenting," 2 Law & Sexuality: A Review of Lesbian & Gay Legal Issues 237 (1992)
"In the 'Best Interests of the Child' and the Lesbian Mother: A Proposal for Legislative Change in New York," 48 Albany Law Review 1021 (1984) Harris & Turner, "Gay & Lesbian Parents," 12 Journal of Homosexuality 101 (1985-1986)
Kleber, Howell & Tibbits-Kleber, "The Impact of Parental Homosexuality in Child Custody Cases: A Review of the Literature," 14 Bulletin of the American Academy of Psychiatry & Law 81 (1986)
"The Avowed Lesbian Mother and Her Right to Child Custody: A Constitutional Challenge That Can No Longer Be Denied," 12 San Diego Law Review 799 (1975)
"Sexual Orientation and the Law" by the Editors of the Harvard Law Review (Harvard University Press, 1989)
Green, G. Dorsey, & Bozett, Frederick W., "Lesbian Mothers and Gay Fathers," in Homosexuality: Research Implications for Public Policy, ed. by Gonsiorek & Weinrich (Sage Publications, 1991)
Lewin, E., "Lesbianism and Motherhood: Implications for Child Custody," 40 Human Organization 6-14 (1981)
Ricketts, Wendell; "Lesbians and Gay Men as Foster Parents" (University of Southern Maine, 1992)