Then prove it.
That's not true either. That's not how life works. There are no heroes, no saviors, no fairness, some of us are just dealt a **** hand. And rather than acknowledge how
harsh life really is and how this system leaves many behind our society has had to create many myths and all manmer of bs like poor people just being lazy and irresponsible so people can sleep comfortably believing it's all their own effort for being financially well off qnd those who aren't have only themselves to blame.
It's no different than how disease, illness and death scare people so we tell ourselves all sorts bull**** so we can ignore the fact that yes, it can happen to us and we are just one accident or malfunctioned DNA reproduction away from losing it all.
I dont think refusing to acknowledge
is entirely accurate. Nor that nothing but
" myth" making has even tried.
" war on poverty" and all that rot.
Efficacy is another matter.
Nor accurate that any other than some few
stupid people think poverty is " just" moral
failure that causes poverty.
It's a mix, and such as laziness and
irresponsibility are definitely a part of
the mix of causes for divers people.
Withal, in your posts we see a lot
of finger pointing and gross overgeneralizing.
Which is much akin to the behaviour you decry.