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Infinite universe = everything exists.


Active Member
There were no farcaster-connected multi-world homes by the time of the Enymion books. The world-web no longer existed. ;)

You know what I mean... grrrr! :p It's just the name of the earlier books has been supplanted by this useless speculation on dark matter... Dan Simmons... Shrike... grrr! Don't make me google something!


Mr. Big Moon
Okay, one obvious flaw in your statement, "Infinite universe = everything exists", is that within the definition of everything, there exists the definition of nothing, and therefore, you are also saying that nothing exists. (Dualism is cool, isn't it?) Anyway, you are also saying that every bad thing that could exist also exists. If that were true, every bad thing would cancel every good thing, and again you are nowhere. (The Truth). We only know our experience of ourselves as sentient human beings, and we experience this universe as our senses tell us it is when we look at the material world. The truth is that everything we experience on this physical plane is the result of energy coming from the spiritual plane. Including ourselves. We are not only spiritual beings in a material world, the material world is also made of spirit. It is all God, and we should be thanking God for our experience, both good and bad. The reason for that (Bad things happen to good people) is because our souls progress as the result of everything we encounter. The universe is infinite because God is infinite, but that does not imply that everything exists.

Nothing is what I want. (A true Zen saying)


Question Everything
What makes someone define themselves so they can rip a few mountains apart with a single thought? What do they have to do? Prey, meditate, read the Bible, commit genocide, stop a genocide, start a huge and successful company, save or destroy people?

Just curious.

29:36. God says, “My honor is my power.”


Mr. Big Moon
Bad things exist, they do not cancel out good things.;)

I understand. I will be more clear. Every bad thing that could exist, does not exist. For example, a monster that could "eat" the entire universe does not exist (Unless we are in his stomach now, and have not yet been digested. :D)

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
I understand. I will be more clear. Every bad thing that could exist, does not exist. For example, a monster that could "eat" the entire universe does not exist (Unless we are in his stomach now, and have not yet been digested. :D)

good and bad are merely subjective terms for the same thing

good is good
bad is bad

It depends on context and perception.

A far better assessment is discernement.
WHere one understands for example, that if we want to get a job, and attend the interview in a clown suit, topless covered in purple jello, we need to be applying to the circus, or else we don't have good discernment.... Of course I am sure some pople like waliking around with purple jello on their bare chests


Mr. Big Moon
good and bad are merely subjective terms for the same thing

good is good
bad is bad

It depends on context and perception.

Believe it or not, Mr. Cheese - I understand exactly what you say. But the multitude do not understand, so I attempt to reach them on the level of their perception. (I think you meant to say: good is bad, bad is good. It depends on context and perception. ;))


Its only a Label
Friend idea,

Infinite universe = everything exists.

It is agreed by science that the universe expands rather it is an expanding universe.

It is also a fact that can never be know is that it expands with the human MIND.
i.e. It is only limited by human minds. The further one can reach is the limit which is expanding every day both the seer and the seen.
The journey is endless.
Love & rgds


We can barely comprehend the spirit world. There is no dimension of time. It is eternal. It is forever. There is no death and no end.


Grumpy Old Man
Awhile ago, many who lived on the earth thought that if they rowed their boat out far enough, they would eventually fall off an edge of sorts….

Tell me, if you fly your spaceship out far enough, where will you end up? Does the universe have a boundary? If you think it does, what lies beyond that boundary? Something lies beyond whatever boundaries we might construct, which means there are no ultimate boundaries.

No boundaries = infinite universe = everything exists.

There, I just proved God exists ;). :angel2:

Took the kids to the planetarium awhile back, had a show on deep field... They looked around until they found the darkest part of the sky, and then focused their telescope on it. We have all seen the picts of what they found - we have seen them, but do we realize the full magnitude of what we are looking at?
YouTube - Hubble Deep Field
Those specks of light aren't stars - they're galaxies.

Do you ever feel dizzy when you look up into the night sky?

Not sure I agree.

The universe is large but infinite I doubt it. My opinion with the evidence of angular momentum indicates to me that it is finite and continuous ie no beginning no end. But this begs the question what lies beyond. We all know space is a vacuum ie no matter present, yet that same space may be brimming with electromagnetic radiation so is it in fact empty?

But there is a point beyond the 15 billion light year mark where theoretically no electromagnetic radiation can be observed . Is it there or empty and devoid of content therefore a real vacuum? My point is there are two places the universe and the places beyond the universes but with minimal frames of reference.

Does a lot of nothing equal something?

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Admiral Obvious


New Member
http://www.thekeyboard.org.uk/What is infinity.htm

Philosophy of time

Can we have an infinite universe for example? The answer is no, the universe is finite. Stephen Hawking in 'A Brief History of Time' (1989 page 44) describes the universe as being "finite but unbounded". The simplest answer is that as the universe is known to be expanding, it cannot possibly be infinite.

An infinite universe for example would exist in every direction forever, there could be nothing else, ONLY the universe. It is then very easy to understand why our universe cannot be infinite, it is because it is expanding. It cannot be both infinite and expanding. It could be infinite OR expanding, but CANNOT possibly be both, that is a contradiction in terms, and we do know it is expanding.

Since the universe is finite, it had a cause. God.
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Grumpy Old Man
expanding into what? There is something out there that we are expanding into. No ultimate boundary.

To me there are three types of space.

1 Normal Space - A volume of space that contains matter eg gas liquid solid or plasma, it may also at any particular instance have various electromagnetic radiation passing through it.

2 Classical Vacuum ie a volume of space which contains no matter eg gas liquid solid or plasma, but is it truly empty when at any particular instance it may have various electromagnetic radiation passing through it. especially the 4K background IR.

3. True vacuum, a volume of space which contains nothing, no matter or electromagnetic radiation. This would have to exist out side our universe. This is the space you allude to. so I guess the question becomes when does nothing become something. Unless there is something to measure it against does it actually exist?

The universe is a state that exists consisting of matter and energy which can interchange through E=mc^2



Active Member
//elshamah.heavenforum.com/philosophy-and-god-f14/philosophy-of-time-t178.htm#767]Philosophy of time

Can we have an infinite universe for example? The answer is no, the universe is finite. Stephen Hawking in 'A Brief History of Time' (1989 page 44) describes the universe as being "finite but unbounded". The simplest answer is that as the universe is known to be expanding, it cannot possibly be infinite.

An infinite universe for example would exist in every direction forever, there could be nothing else, ONLY the universe. It is then very easy to understand why our universe cannot be infinite, it is because it is expanding. It cannot be both infinite and expanding. It could be infinite OR expanding, but CANNOT possibly be both, that is a contradiction in terms, and we do know it is expanding.

Since the universe is finite, it had a cause. God.

We dont know whether the universe is finite or infinite or not , to accept either is to give us a a paradox. You correctly identify th paradox that leads when we consider the universe is infinite, but you ingore the one that gives us a finite universe. Even if you accept the universe is finite, why would that let you imply its cause is a personal being? your just assuming that.