Yeah I had a mixed reaction to the film myself. (1) it was beautifully shot, (2) actors were amazing, (3) the story was complex and engaging.....***BUT ***...(4) there were numerous scenes where the dialogue was torturously long and was put in there just to pad the movie out (example, the bar scene which lasts 20 minutes, only to have everyone kill each other in 5 seconds...what a freakin waste of time,) (5) the jew hunter who seems to be everywhere, while played by a great actor with great complexity and many levels to him, is a problem because when he finds out about the plot he doesnt tell his men he just..lets see, STRANGLES the woman with his bare hands and THEN helps the Basterds with their plan. I was thinking the whole time ***??? It makes no sense whatsoever...(6)the woman who escaped after her family was killed sets up a death trap for all the main nazis, and as she prepares to kill them DAVID BOWIE music is playing...***??? (7) and finally [but not the last screwball thing] Eli Roth as the Bear Jew shooting Hitler's face off...that never happened in reality, so the movie is about a fantasy revenge slaughter, not set in real history.
That last part is what ticks me off, even more than the spanish guitar playing in the beginning of the movie (the scene of the frenchman selling out the jews under his house which was otherwise quite stirring and powerful), and beethoven playing along with it....Is that its all a big fantasy. Almost like saying its all a dream. But actually, as screwed up as the movie is (the closeup of the cream which makes no sense and has no bearing at all, except partially relating to the girls family had hidden at a milk-farm,...or the image of Goebbels having sex with the french interpreter, wow i think i may need therapy to remove that image!)...I guess I gotta just shrug it off and say YEP thats what drugs will do to you.
Because thats really what has happened. Q.T. has done so many drugs and he is so arrogant and fried, that he believes anything he does is the work of a GENIOUS! and the slugs in hollywood go along with it. Im slightly amazed the Weinstein brothers are OK with this but them, meh. They just like money, and are quite used to whoring themselves out for a buck. If this the best that hollywood can offer, I would welcome the big asteroid in 2012 or whatever it is thats gonna wipe us out!
w000tz!~ :trampo: