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Iran sentences LGBTQ woman to death for spreading corruption on earth.


Veteran Member
Iran's Khamenei says homosexuality example of West's immorality

I just wonder how Khamenei thinks he gets away for killing people, as Allah (God) is said to be all knowing AND not so big on killing His Creation ("kill one and you kill humanity" comes to mind").

Corruption of God's Love I see in Islam still

All the Muslims who condone this LGBT killing or even "love it". It seems to me that many Muslims are still enthusiastic to kill gay (LGBTX..) people...as if we were still living in the Barbarian Era; says enough to me, that it's called Barbarian Era...nothing to be proud of or repeat/continue.

Nice talking about morality, but their actions...not so nice (Barbarian is more accurate)

Quoted from Pew research:
Most Muslims agree on certain moral principles. For example, in nearly all countries surveyed, a majority says it is necessary to believe in God to be a moral person. There also is widespread agreement that some behaviors – including drinking alcohol, sex outside marriage, homosexuality and committing suicide – are immoral.

Most Muslims in Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe also agree that belief in God is necessary to be moral,

As with suicide, most Muslims believe that euthanasia – defined in the survey as ending the life of an incurably ill person – is morally wrong

I don't get Muslim logic...euthanasia is morally wrong, but those who point fingers at those committing euthanasia gladly kill the same homosexual euthanasia contemplating person (Islam is totally illogical to me on this issue)

Too bad they did not have the question "killing the gay away is okay (yes/no?)"
Great post! :D:thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Not to mention, Jews follow the Old Testament, which is very violent,

There is a huge difference between relating violent actions from centuries ago and advocating for violence today. Just to be clear, Muslims believe all those OT stories too.

but actually, the most Orthodox Jews in Israel, a nation whose flag is a religious Hebrew prayer shawl, and a religious star associated with the warrior King, who was also a religious prophet of a rigid religious theocracy, their coat of arms is a religious candle, and yet even in Israel, none of the laws in Scripture commanding adulterers , homosexuals, or people working on sabbath, or blasphemers to be executed, none of them are allowed by Israeli law to carry out those barbaric policies, neither does the vast majority of rabbis, if any, even want those scriptures to be enforced in the 21st century, not anywhere on earth.

This is where my knowledge of the bible (especially the OT) is lacking. Do those command, theoretically speaking, still apply today, or are they simply descriptive of how things were back then?

Muslims, by the hundreds of millions, actually favor killing people for crimes not even illegal , or something you cannot even legally beat someone for, or hit your children for in America, to this day. They actually kill their children with "honor killings", for the stupidest offenses.

The entire nation of Saudi Arabia, that is the most sacred place Muslims are required to go on holy pilgrimage to, has laws that are so sick, so misogynistic, so oppressive, so brutal, so bigoted, it has stuff even more crazy than in Nazi Germany.

Jews cannot have a synagogue in Saudi Arabia because it is illegal, Jews are not safe living there, and other Islamic countries that don't make it illegal to have a synagogue, like Pakistan, you won't find a synagogue, because it would be so unsafe for such a structure in Pakistan.

Saudi Arabia has put fellow Muslims in jail for up to 10 years for starting an online blog which doesn't even attack the religion, just states the government is too oppressive with it.

Examples of Islamic oppression abound, yet (mostly left-leaning atheist) people in the West still reflexively defend Islam while dumping on Christianity. Go figure.

The Bible has genocide many thousands of years ago, but the old testament doesn't glorify sadistic, cruel, psychopathic tortures, amputations, pouring boiling water on faces of Israel's enemies.

The Quran essentially says it is holy, sacred, beautiful , when enemies of Muhammad have hands and feet cut off, and are crucified , burned, and humiliated.

Enemies of Muhammad were often young drafted men, defending their women and children, from a violent invader, with Dictatorial power, trampling rights, and destroying what non Muslims hold as sacred. Why should they be humiliated, tortured, and their limbs amputated, for defending women , children, their beliefs, and their hometown being attacked?

If I wrote that and handed it to my psychiatrist, saying it was sacred writing from a celestial being or God, my Doctor would say I am the epitome of psychopathic, a threat to society, and would recommend I be heavily medicated, held in a facility , to protect myself and others.

Islam is irrefutably , undeniably, more guilty of violence, bigotry, intolerant regimes, misogyny, hate-speech, and governments robbing hundreds of millions of people of liberty, in my lifetime, than all other religions combined.

The sick thing is, President Barak Obama, and many American politicians say on TV, "we cannot call ISIS radical Islamic extremists because they are not Islamic, they hijacked a peaceful religion".

Americans actually swallow that obvious falsehood, hook, line, and sinker.

All you have to do is open the Koran and find more calls to bigotry, violence, psychopathic torture, and hate, than anything I have even read coming from any Dictator of the 20th century.

The Arabic word "jihadi" literally means "My struggle" or "Mein Kampf" in German.

Just got called to supper. More later.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
This is certainly a crappy situation. And think it's ok to liken it to religious "freedom" in states like TX banning life saving medical drugs and procedures to people on "religious" grounds. (We're headed towards a Christian Sharia).

Did they really???


Veteran Member
That's what @stevecanuck said, "fasad means corruption", he did not say "corruption on earth"

Hence the whole thesis in the OP is not false

It's nice to have cavalry of scholars around.

I would like to see where in there OP it is said that Fasad means corruption (only), and how that marries with the heading, and whats actually said in the OP.

Please just take a snapshot or cut and paste exactly that part so that it's clear.



Veteran Member
Now you're just being disingenuous. You know very well that the entire phrase is "f'il ardi fasidan". You do know what "fi'll ardi" means, don't you?

Nice. Al Fasadhan Fil Ardha (is the phrase. Not just the word "fasad"). So look for the phrase in the Qur'an and make your case from the book. Not misrepresent the whole book.

By the way, its not "Fil Ardi Fasidan". Since you don't know the language try not to pretend as if you do. There is no shame in not knowing a language, but the shame is in the pretence of knowledge.


Veteran Member
I haven't read the Koran or hadiths. But I see what
happens every time Islam melds with government.
It's a hideous result for liberty. So there's something
fundamentally troubling there, no matter what flavor
one believes.

You mean like Stalin and Mao? ;) :)

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Iran's Khamenei says homosexuality example of West's immorality

I just wonder how Khamenei thinks he gets away for killing people, as Allah (God) is said to be all knowing AND not so big on killing His Creation ("kill one and you kill humanity" comes to mind").

Corruption of God's Love I see in Islam still

All the Muslims who condone this LGBT killing or even "love it". It seems to me that many Muslims are still enthusiastic to kill gay (LGBTX..) people...as if we were still living in the Barbarian Era; says enough to me, that it's called Barbarian Era...nothing to be proud of or repeat/continue.

Nice talking about morality, but their actions...not so nice (Barbarian is more accurate)

Quoted from Pew research:
Most Muslims agree on certain moral principles. For example, in nearly all countries surveyed, a majority says it is necessary to believe in God to be a moral person. There also is widespread agreement that some behaviors – including drinking alcohol, sex outside marriage, homosexuality and committing suicide – are immoral.

Most Muslims in Central Asia as well as Southern and Eastern Europe also agree that belief in God is necessary to be moral,

As with suicide, most Muslims believe that euthanasia – defined in the survey as ending the life of an incurably ill person – is morally wrong

I don't get Muslim logic...euthanasia is morally wrong, but those who point fingers at those committing euthanasia gladly kill the same homosexual euthanasia contemplating person (Islam is totally illogical to me on this issue)

Too bad they did not have the question "killing the gay away is okay (yes/no?)"
It's so hypocritical, too, since they've loved male homosexuality in the Middle East since ancient times! They love it just as much as the ancient Greeks and Romans! Just in Afghanistan, pederasty is still a very common practice and the soldiers are banging each other all the time, too. This scandalized Western military when they saw it (as well as being openly hit on by the Afghan men), but they didn't dare stop the boy banging lest their warlord allies turn against them. :rolleyes:

The Saudis are known to get up to this sort of stuff, too. It's widespread in that part of the world.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The human truth.

Human science as told only by the human storyteller is the human man.

Human theists were men as a scientific prophet of predictions by maths numbers. And earths substance body mass was forced changed.

Sees it himself and knew as a man informed why.

First only is all living creatures in the garden nature alive by breath oxygen water.

Not anything to do with science of man number use as maths of men.

AH meant breathing life all is natural law. Spiritual medical tribal man knowledge is first. Natural life first given to all things. Mutual breath equal life. Law of nature is first.

Science of men chosen only after Satan's star fall brain burnt prickled life. Mind of men changed men's family mutual equal behaviour into group bully behaviours as the story fall of man.

The beginning of humans men betrayal of their own human family.

Theists of star mass rock. Said the fallen star had returned to earth. As a science in man only themed mother space womb.

Knowledge of predictions of heavens was how to convert earths ground mass himself. Given the awareness.

Said his man's science history had corrupted human biology and conscious self as his own mans false woman term historic. As it is maths science. Space womb.

Meaning he had to be living with natural human women. Knew sex. Knew women as humans owned wombs in natural life only. Correct woman's place not a space womb maths prediction.

As in space void as light burning it is in a symbolic womb. It is at Gods earth mass side. O planet.

Which is not any human woman's natural God earth inside heavens living position. Living breathing biology. All things of nature.

So the theme goes back to questioning why are humans suffering immoral life mind body change now. Inherited only.

What looking back as man the theist meant. To predict prophecise then teach why.

By the way I'm hearing my brother's man's teachings. He's telling me this advice.

The human only teaching said if the first two humans as brother sister hadn't had human sex no human baby today...meaning man himself baby life sacrificed..... would ever have been born to suffer life's conditions now.

So the themed human baby man's reasoning of his owned human suffering he involved his own personal reasons. As he was upset about his parents chosen sex act.

Instantly you become aware he's angry about human sex. Yet he was involved in human sex.

If no sex was chosen no human life would be on earth now. Only animal beast life would...with no control about the choice sex.

So he was angry at his parents...as he was body hurt and suffering.

Inherited life attack of humans was from space womb cosmic attacks. Womb of space fault. Exact predictive man taught prophetic reasons.

Satanic from hell.

As earths heavens already alight made the star fall attack worse. When it entered our heavens. Cold above could not stop it.

The woman's maths space womb teaching was symbolic only.

Basic themes to teach humanity why life mind body changed. It had nothing whatsoever to do with the humans mutual holy equal a human woman life.

Holy human mother sister daughter mutual. To holy human father brother son.

The legal review about man's chosen science maths womb thesis was his own corruption. He chose it as theist man scientist. Is the teaching why it had been predicted. By men thinking about it.

As you theoried it as human brothers who all agreed upon the advice and practice. As human men.

So why are the human victims guilty?

One of was the origin earth mass history position as star fall first. Attack of the holy gods body all things. Life changed but it was stopped.

We were grateful it stopped.

You then held technology yourselves as men.... concerning earth mass changes in civilisation to become rich. Held fixed constant mass change by man's science had stopped holy saving above from star fall.

So it was proven man's own fault. He had prophet predicted it.

So it began entering attacking our human holy body mind of the human parents.

Body changed as they are still our human parents who have sex. That position natural human parent sex is considered reality.

Always two human parents cause the innocent baby to inherit sin ....it's changed nature as human Baby is born innocent in gods law first only natural term.

We are no longer living in those first terms as men chose nuclear science against holy gods body. Said human law.

However as their consciousness was knowingly forced changed. Brain pathways no longer respond to owned genitalia or mutual sex. So medically it's a medical inherited condition only.

So it was a proven tribal healer medical review of causes. Nature of gods first human given holy assessor...the healer. Not the prophet predictor of maths science.

As fact of advised humanity. Gods legal first holy life position men chose to alter as predictive prophets of earth mass.

False mountain ∆ pyramid technology.

Caused by man of science himself. Who confessed in public to own the human only review why he had caused it.

And humans innocent of that science group of causes were proclaimed are legally innocent.

Are living now and are conscious changed biologically sexually owning no control over why they changed.

Men however can choose and owned the choice as men what type of technology is mutually supportive to humans in nature. Yet you don't as you're still greedy today in society conditions as you were before.

Men told this story. They built cities out of gods stone. Then they burnt gods stone themselves in pyramid technologies. Knew they changed life consciousness in their cities of God.

Is not about I compare east life behaviours to west. As my religious science teachings is my owned countries DNA nation.

As it is.

The medical science advice was given to every nations DNA religious science review. Your own national genesis.

So of course your owned nations leadership religious science reviewed is your own. As so is your DNA genesis just yours.

In the west our DNA genesis is our own also. As it was a man's fault of comparing suns stone to earth mass himself.

As in his culture those homosexual human behaviours do exist naturally also.

If he's angry about life's changes on earth then blame himself as he caused it.

Humans in the west came to accept that if they changed spaces own laws then God conditions caused the homosexual Inheritance.

And you didn't know about it until it was seen observed. That exact teaching says why it's inherited...as it's caused in your own presence.

Humans in the west were grateful that natural human mutual parent relationships still existed. And were saddened that humans caused the changes.

But we know it's too late to lay personal blame as humans did it to their selves.

Hence in the west we came from colder climatic biology changes. So of course our bio conscious can never be like your DNA cultures.

Comparing biological differences isn't any humans answer to being a better DNA life now. When all countries higher past populous chose civilisation science and technology mutually.


Veteran Member
It's nice to have cavalry of scholars around.

I would like to see where in there OP it is said that Fasad means corruption (only), and how that marries with the heading, and whats actually said in the OP.

Please just take a snapshot or cut and paste exactly that part so that it's clear.

You don't have to be a scholar to show obviously which religion has by far the greatest, far greater violence, tortures, outlawing all religious prayer houses that aren't Muslim, and teaching their children they are heroes for killing innocent people of another religions. You will find that more in Islam during my lifetime, than all other religions combined, and it is blatantly obvious when you read the incessant calls to bigotry, demonizing other faiths, and what psychopathic tortures await those who oppose the prophet, in the Quran, you don't have to be a scholar to know obvious facts in front of you.

I want Muslims to be happy , but a Quran that has irrefutable bigotry, hate, and calls to violence, needs to be addressed by Muslims, that it isn't serving them well to be saying a book with much hate speech, bigotry, and psychopathic tortures, should be seen as being without error, because it makes the victims miserable, it stirs up the most intolerant religious regimes and Theocracies today, and makes a lot of Muslims very angry religious people, it makes Muslims miserable people, because they feel non Muslims are leading most of the world to be tortured in hell forever, for sins that often are not even sins.

They teach ridiculous philosophies, like "it's a sin to be a Hindu or a Christian joining associates with God, or a Jew, or an adulterer," but many Muslims in my lifetime have been taught, even by their parents, it is holy, praiseworthy, honorable, and not a sin to kill such people, and many children have been praised by parents, in the west bank and elsewhere , to blow themselves up, not in attacks against military targets, but places crowded with Jewish civilians. That is a greater sin than Idolatry.

The religion is not just making enemies of Islam miserable , when practiced like that, but is making Muslims very miserable, because hatred that glorifies it as holy to kill innocent civilians you don't know, is only coming from unhappy miserable people.

So, Islam is not just victimizing and oppressing more people than all other religions combined, which is so ridiculous, considering how many religions there are, (and Islam is not the largest in numbers), but it shows Islam is severely damaging countless of the people that practice it, by making them display hateful, violent, sociopathic, cruel behaviors, more than all other religions combined.

Also, the Muslims who commit the crimes, hurt Islam more than the people who draw Muhammad cartoons or worship idols, because it caused people in Israel and many countries to kill a far larger amount of Muslims , when they respond and retaliate. So, Muslims are encouraging behavior that hurts Muslims the most, and far more Muslims die, than the infidels they kill.

I don't have to be a scholar , because it is extremely clear and obvious. Muslims need to recognize their religion and book needs to be reformed, because it is harming Muslims more than anyone, how people are reacting to their duties the Koran gives them to be violent, merciless, and bigoted! It hurts Muslims the worst. :(

rational experiences

Veteran Member
The human shaman wise man gods earth healer owned our medical life wisdom.

My holy sacrificed brother says..was before man's prophetic predictive man's space womb zero maths thesis. Was practiced in our holy life.

Life living holy breath as AH.

Ah..ha became our exclamation.

To know...to realise.

So my brother said man never owned law first. It was owned as natural life.

Maths laws was for fission Sion practice.

Said Allah or gods position in science as one status law. Was the law first...natural. Every greatest highest position. So rock or a dust was highest greatest.

Above us greatest highest was heavens images in clouds as angels. No man's image or baby image or animal image.

The clouds were gods protection above of ground life. Below is no cloud.

So did God protect ground life from Satan's burning star?


So it was gods fault man's biology and consciousness changed. Said our teacher.

Not a punishment.

It was Satan's fault. Not gods Satan... hell's cosmic star Satan.

Humans life lived equally innocently.

Hence men wise taught any cruel body punishment of family was to be like Satan.

As God never punished us. Gods protection of our life failed us...as a God Satan cloud angel cannot overcome a stone Satan mass star.

As a cloud cannot overcome a burning stone. The spirit.

It is however the spirit that is over God earths matter. That spirit is not over cosmic matter. The place of hell.

The Jesus legal founding were hence by legality a new world of brothers taught. About why humans are legally all innocent in the sight ..light of God.

As it was Satan in hell burning that had always attacked God earth...the suns star.

God therefore had not punished humanity. God had changed Satan's form star into a new Rock. That was celebrated by Muslims as gods victory.

Men had said it all. Just by law interpretation.

In literal terms who is man to judge God when God caused the conscious biological life change on earth...in nature?

If God caused it as it was proven legally we are innocent of life changed. Or one type of punishment God given was a life changed is enough suffering to bear.

When humans know and state they want to be the same. Mutual and accepted family.

The separation law hence was once understood. We the not changed are hence subjugated and tried.

Many of us found to be proven we failed by non acceptance of gods changes to family ourselves. Just because it angered and embarrassed our lives.

In mind conscious self life as is the inherited mind.... the teachings of the subject had been lost.

The reason as Satan's star revisited as the Baha'i teacher Proved. The Jesus legal teacher lost in consciousness...shroud proof. He tried to remember the legality agreement of governing humanity as family.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Law nature stated as gods.

Two human beings.

One owning penis the man. One owning the vagina the woman.

Two holy equal mutual life bodies in God's law.

A man a woman.

In gods holy life law nature garden breathing life. Every human owns the first law. Either has a penis or a vagina. Gods law of two in one. Human species.

Sex isn't the law of god. Life body is.

Non arguable.

Then a theists scientific temple pyramid confession is involved. Man's words.

A humans testimony. About predictive science calculus Phi.

That state by gods terms men of science changed gods law again himself. Introduced man's sin.

As a criminal act released the wrong Phi body out of ground earths mass that had caused sin holes.

Gods mass was stood upon. Men in science took it away to nothing.

Man's sin against his family had been their scientific caused life conscious execution.

Genesis in nature's garden life support was lost as was natural sex parent consciousness. Sin of the baby life introduced.

It was a scientists human confession only stated temple involved...a story owning all facts read to books end as the complete testimony why..

As human men spoke on behalf of God as prophets in predictive maths sciences Sion.

Sedim Haba

Outa here... bye-bye!
I have no reason to kill or harm anyone. Not every religious person will harm others.

You personally might not, but don't think your new faith don't have some that would.
I took my family to see the Baha'i temple in Chicago. We were identifiable Jewish.
We were followed, shadowed by a group of five or six... youths. They looked angry.
Followed us everywhere. Couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. No joke.

ALL abrahamics.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
You personally might not, but don't think your new faith don't have some that would.
I took my family to see the Baha'i temple in Chicago. We were identifiable Jewish.
We were followed, shadowed by a group of five or six... youths. They looked angry.
Followed us everywhere. Couldn't wait to get the hell out of there. No joke.

ALL abrahamics.
Sorry to hear you have bad experience with religious groups.
That in it self does not make a religion wrong or evil. It migh be that humans are the one doing wrong no matter if they are religious or not.

Personally I have friends in many different religions and non of us critique the others for believing differently.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
I'm not Baha'i nor follow their faith.

I do understand why they established a new group about purpose family as a governing teaching advice. Which itself wasn't about relenquishing any others faith... as it discussed where the preceding advices had come from.

Which is to honour.

He knew man's mind had been attacked sacrificed for many years by star fall. So legal practices had also changed. As it depended on the clerics book interpretation.

It's natural human behaviour to be concerned about others religious ideals.

Therefore I agree with legal governing advices to be dependably spiritual for family by intent. To be mutual.

So a group somewhere somehow has to deliver the ideas. Advocacy.

When you meet you should meet as human family first. And lay aside religious prejudice. As we are human family first. Not religious belief first.

The advocacy by anyone should be by mutual human rights when separation already naturally exists.

If humans use religion as the moral ground. Then each humans claim is I speak to you by what I believe is human morality. It's own title.