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Iran sentences LGBTQ woman to death for spreading corruption on earth.


Veteran Member
Oppression and injustice is wrong, wherever it happens. We should always be ready to condemn it. Why wouldn't you?
Because it serves no useful purpose to condemn people we have no control or influence over. All it does is give us an excuse to ignore our own sins, crimes, and moral failures. Which is what these "let's all hate on those other guys" threads are all about.


Veteran Member
Ha, nice try, but your usual attempt at deflection fails, as usual.
The addition of "on earth" makes no difference. Or are you claiming that the Quran is only referring to "corruption in space"? :tearsofjoy:

Haha, very good one, I was about to reply something similar, I need not do that anymore:D


Scratching head, scratching knee
I will never be convinced Islam is a religion of peace.
Anyone reading the Quran (and sunnah) with an open mind can see that Islam is clearly a religion of peace and violence, of tolerance and intolerance, of equality and discrimination, depending on the circumstances.


Scratching head, scratching knee
Allah (God) is said to be all knowing AND not so big on killing His Creation ("kill one and you kill humanity" comes to mind").
Probably the most misquoted, lack of context passage used by apologists.
The verse (5:32) actually says that to kill one person is like killing all mankind "unless it is in response to murder or as a punishment for spreading mischief".
Kinda an important bit to miss out!


Scratching head, scratching knee
You mean like Stalin and Mao? ;) :)
Indeed. Ideological regimes very much like Islam. Infallible figurehead, adherence to dogma, wild promises, animosity towards outsiders, punishment for dissent, criticism forbidden, ideological expansionism by any means, etc.
Hitler was an admirer of Islamic militarism and believed that had the Muslims won at the Battle of Tours, “the world would be Mohammedan today”, but a German version.
“theirs was a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to their faith. The Germanic people would have become heirs to that religion. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament.”

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
I will never be convinced Islam is a religion of peace.

I'm not quite convinced any religion, given political leverage, is capable of being just and fair.

Which is why I don't vote Republican.

Many people find messages of hope and peace in the various holy books, while others find messages of violence. I don't want to deny the former when the latter can be denied political power and we can avoid things like killing people for being gay.


Veteran Member
Probably the most misquoted, lack of context passage used by apologists.
The verse (5:32) actually says that to kill one person is like killing all mankind "unless it is in response to murder or as a punishment for spreading mischief".
Kinda an important bit to miss out!
Both points don't apply to homosexuality


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You mean like Stalin and Mao? ;) :)
Aye, socialism also has fundamental trouble.
Although it does differ in that Islam has scriptural
sources dictating such violent oppression, while
socialism lacks that, but has oppression as an
emergent property created by the fundamentals.

BTW, I suspect the victims don't care about
this theoretical difference.
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Scratching head, scratching knee
Because it serves no useful purpose to condemn people we have no control or influence over. All it does is give us an excuse to ignore our own sins, crimes, and moral failures. Which is what these "let's all hate on those other guys" threads are all about.
You appear to have missed my point.


Scratching head, scratching knee
Both points don't apply to homosexuality
Ibn Kathir, one of the foremost scholars in Islamic history, and the most widely referred to now (so it can't be dismissed as a minority or extremist opinion), stated that "spreading corruption" includes "disobeying Allah's law". Therefore it covers homosexuality.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
But you're only supposed to be looking at THEIR lust for violence. Not ours. It's all about keeping the focus away from ourselves.
I'm not a Christian or Muslim so there is no "ours" that includes those like me.


Well-Known Member
Nice. Al Fasadhan Fil Ardha (is the phrase. Not just the word "fasad"). So look for the phrase in the Qur'an and make your case from the book. Not misrepresent the whole book.

By the way, its not "Fil Ardi Fasidan". Since you don't know the language try not to pretend as if you do. There is no shame in not knowing a language, but the shame is in the pretence of knowledge.

Why do you keep saying things that can so easily be shown to be untrue.

YES IT IS "Fil Ardi Fasidan". It's right here: The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Word by Word Grammar, Syntax and Morphology of the Holy Quran

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
@stevecanuck what do you personally gain from making critique of Islam, The Quran, Baha'i or other religions?

Have you gotten any closer to finding peace within your heart when it comes to what other people believe?


Veteran Member
Why do you keep saying things that can so easily be shown to be untrue.

YES IT IS "Fil Ardi Fasidan". It's right here: The Quranic Arabic Corpus - Word by Word Grammar, Syntax and Morphology of the Holy Quran

Read again. Then three times more. Don't pretend you know the language.

First, it's not "Fasidan". ;) Second, it's not "corruption in the land". Corruption in the land is a repeated definition of a particular type of people, and only you have humility and not a person who pretends to be an expert someone could teach you.

What you have falsely attributed to with out any knowledge about it is working in the land for corruption. Thats different to Al fasadhin fil ardha.

A little truthfulness will change you about turn.

News flash: Whataboutism does NOT make an original statement untrue.

Newsflash. First attend to your ignorant pretence. Then jump to defend others who you think help you spread your hatred. ;)