Dogs and cats seem to. I've seen other mammals go through what looks like experiencing thought. You didn't really think this through.We experience "thought" unlike all other life forms.
Consciousness it is then. You're incredible. The word games count as thought though."Thought" isn't consciousness but rather it is the comparison of sensory input to beliefs.
We exist in four dimensions. I suppose we are going to have to guess what your secret definition for dimensions is. And four."Thought" is impossible to consciousness that exists in four dimensions.
I'd say you went off the track somewhere.Our thinking is in one dimension (train of thought) because we use abstractions and taxonomies to build models of our beliefs and axioms. We use language as the fasteners in our models.
Most certainly, imaginary species have that disadvantage. Or the advantage. Being imaginary we can wish them all sorts of properties.Homo omnisciencis, aka homo circularis rationatio is always the odd man out.
Can Homo omnisciencis wish himself into existence while homo circularis ratinatio argues that he can't make something out of nothing, because no one said so?