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Is Abortion Sin??


Depends Upon My Mood..
Actually, you are correct.

The question posed was "Is abortion a sin?".

Frankly, all our opinions on the nature of abortion have not come close to answering a question referenced in certain religious cultures but surprisingly lacking in others.

However, what are the chances this discussion will actually turn theological rather than rhetorical?:shrug:

I didn't want to get suckered in as well but hey......er....very good opportunity for a slam here......nevermind. I'll bow out until the OP is actually brought back into question.

Im bowing out too before I throw up listening to people say what they would do "if they were raped"...



Treasure Hunter
Im bowing out too before I throw up listening to people say what they would do "if they were raped"...


And I'll "bow out" as well, before I throw up listening to people claim that I'd kill my own baby if I were raped. I think I am pretty good with repressing traumatic events to a certain extent. I would be able to handle it.


Depends Upon My Mood..
And I'll "bow out" as well, before I throw up listening to people claim that I'd kill my own baby if I were raped. I think I am pretty good with repressing traumatic events to a certain extent. I would be able to handle it.

This is my last comment..go back and read my post..You are completely misrepresenting what I said if in fact you are referring to me..Find where I "claimed" that you "would" kill your own baby if you were raped...Find where I made that statement about you Hannah...I said how do you KNOW what you would do untill it has actually happened to you..(or anyone for that matter)...




Treasure Hunter
This is my last comment..go back and read my post..You are completely misrepresenting what I said if in fact you are referring to me..Find where I "claimed" that you "would" kill your own baby if you were raped...Find where I made that statement about you Hannah...I said how do you KNOW what you would do untill it has actually happened to you..(or anyone for that matter)...



I thought we were bowing out.....


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
(Haven't read pages 5-11 yet.)

I personally think it depends on your religion and beliefs. If your personal morals or religous laws forbid it, don't have one. But I think it's wrong to try to institute such a law into modern politics, as many young women(teens) get pregnant these days, and their bodies aren't yet ready to handle childbirth just yet. I'm personally pro-choice, but it's still situational-dependent. Having a baby will change the mother completely, whether or not she gives it up for adoption. For nine months, she should suffer through pregnancy, and if the pregnancy was because of rape, then I see no reason why she should suffer so. Now, if she's older(mid-twenties or older), that's different. I still think it's up to her, not me, but I'd still frown on it if she consented to the sex. If it was rape, again, it's her choice. But again, I don't think this kind of thing should even be brought up in modern politics. It's as silly to me as "indecency." (If it's 120 degrees fahrenheit, why shouldn't we be alowed to walk around naked!?)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
OK, just wanted to clear that up. I don't agree with eating a fetus, but the link was very interesting.

OK, I'm really bowing out this time. ;)

OK, just one more thing, I wanted to make sure: I don't agree with eating any human beings, regardless of age.

OK, I'm really, really bowing out this time. :D


Premium Member
I am pro-life and have been since my 20s. I don't really like debating abortion because I get emotionally charged when I discuss it. I believe there are other forms of contraception to use and abortion shouldn't be used.
I know that people say "what about rape?" and such but rape doesn't constitute a large number of abortions.

I know all arguments-- For example--that it is believed that embryos and Fetuses are not alive or they are not human. That people would just do it in a back alley if it were made illegal and so on.

I can't tell women what to do since it is legal but I am personally against it.


I'm your huckleberry.
Alright, I'm bowing out as well. Christine, I love ya sweetie but if you support others right to choose, that makes you Pro-Choice. Ok, I' gone.


Please no sarcasm
I am pro-life and have been since my 20s. I don't really like debating abortion because I get emotionally charged when I discuss it. I believe there are other forms of contraception to use and abortion shouldn't be used.
I know that people say "what about rape?" and such but rape doesn't constitute a large number of abortions.
Exactly. The argument too easily slips into the rare rape or incest scenarios, but it seems more of an evasion of the reasons for the vast majority of abortions.
I know all arguments-- For example--that it is believed that embryos and Fetuses are not alive or they are not human. That people would just do it in a back alley if it were made illegal and so on.

I can't tell women what to do since it is legal but I am personally against it.

Yes. We've all heard the arguments for years.
Pro-choice to me, means you have the CHOICE to have sex. You have the CHOICE to use birth control. Giving the unborn person a CHOICE over his/her own life.
Once you made the choices that caused pregnancy, you have now involved someone besides yourself.


Intentionally Blank
The question for the thread is not whether abortion is moral or immoral, it is whether it is a sin, which is an entirely different question. Something is a sin if your religion prohibits it, regardless of its morality. So the question is: Does Christianity, LDS, Catholicism, Hinduism, Judaism, etc. prohibit abortion.

So the question becomes: does your holy book prohibit abortion?

The Bible is very unclear on this question. It prohibits murder, but unfortunately fails to define murder, so is completely unhelpful. (Other than specifying whom we must kill, such as people who work on the sabbath, non-virgin brides, and the like.) So then we have to look and see whether the Bible regards a fetus as a human life. Nowhere does the Bible mention abortion, or state whether a fetus is a human life. Probably the closest passage on point is Exodus 21:
"If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely [e] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.
This seems to say that a fetus is not considered a person, and that injuring one is not a "serious injury." This seems consistent with what we know about pre-medical understanding of gestation, which did not recognize the fetus as live until "quickening" (perceived movement) at around 5 months.

So the Bible does not seem to prohibit abortion. Therefore, whatever you may think about its morality, it is not a sin.


Premium Member
"If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely [e] but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows. 23 But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

I have heard this verse before and I always took to mean serious injury to the baby. I could be wrong but these verses can mean either the mother or the baby.


Let's go racing boys !
Have you ever seen an embryo with it's facial features well defined? It's tiny arms , legs, feet all so very distinguishable. The Baby is viable from the moment of conception. You can call it what you want to but abortion is murder.........Leave religious issues out even though we know what God thinks about it........Even with our sometimes messed up judicial system, when you take a human life it is murder......


Have you ever seen an embryo with it's facial features well defined? It's tiny arms , legs, feet all so very distinguishable. The Baby is viable from the moment of conception. You can call it what you want to but abortion is murder.........Leave religious issues out even though we know what God thinks about it........Even with our sometimes messed up judicial system, when you take a human life it is murder......

Yes, and in the West, abortion has never been "the taking of human life" with the possible exception of some obscure city court.