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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


You are wrong, I don't need to prove it to you or anyone else. You believe all the translations by all the linguists and scholars are wrong, I believe you are nuts

I have proven it by showing the actual words - and their meanings.

You just keep throwing up incorrect prejudiced translations.



Veteran Member


Well-Known Member
How often do we have to point out to you folks that homosexuals and sodomites are not in I Cor 6:9-11?

The verse actually says -

1 CO 6:9 Know you not that the “heathen” shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither prostitutes (pornos,) nor idolaters (eidōlolatrēs,) nor adulterers (moichos,) nor the morally weak (malakos,) nor arsenokoites (rapists,

There are no ancient Greek texts using arsenokoites or its stem as homosexuality. There are uses for both male and female as RAPE.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek, from the 8th century BC to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. They have 73 references to the arsenokoit stem. There are NO early Greek uses of the word as “homosexual.” LATER - the church decides to translate it as such – then these later texts copy the church original.

Malakos means soft, pampered, lazy, idle rich, gamblers, etc. In other words Fops and Dandies like Jack in the pirate movies. Think of castles in England or France - and rich lazy men dressed in brocade and lace, with powdered wigs, overeating, and drinking, and gambling, and brothels!

Proven by other places it is used in the Bible -

..Luke 7:25 ..But what went ye out to see? a man clothed in soft (MALAKOS) garments? Behold, those who are in splendid clothing and live luxuriously are in the courts of kings. ..

NOW! I'll say it AGAIN! - PROVE your translations are correct!

PS - Where does it say there were homosexuals in Paul's day that became heterosexual?




Ingledsva said:
How often do we have to point out to you folks that homosexuals and sodomites are not in I Cor 6:9-11?

The verse actually says -

1 CO 6:9 Know you not that the “heathen” shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither prostitutes (pornos,) nor idolaters (eidōlolatrēs,) nor adulterers (moichos,) nor the morally weak (malakos,) nor arsenokoites (rapists,

There are no ancient Greek texts using arsenokoites or its stem as homosexuality. There are uses for both male and female as RAPE.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek, from the 8th century BC to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. They have 73 references to the arsenokoit stem. There are NO early Greek uses of the word as “homosexual.” LATER - the church decides to translate it as such – then these later texts copy the church original.

Malakos means soft, pampered, lazy, idle rich, gamblers, etc. In other words Fops and Dandies like Jack in the pirate movies. Think of castles in England or France - and rich lazy men dressed in brocade and lace, with powdered wigs, overeating, and drinking, and gambling, and brothels!

Proven by other places it is used in the Bible -

..Luke 7:25 ..But what went ye out to see? a man clothed in soft (MALAKOS) garments? Behold, those who are in splendid clothing and live luxuriously are in the courts of kings. ..

NOW! I'll say it AGAIN! - PROVE your translations are correct!

PS - Where does it say there were homosexuals in Paul's day that became heterosexual?


Exactly as I thought. You cannot offer actual rebuttal - so you put in this crap.

You can't even prove statements you've made - such as - that there were homosexuals in Paul's day that became heterosexual.




Ingledsva said:

Forgot to add - How could Saul-Paul know Jesus, when he didn't join the Christian group until after Jesus' death?

ever heard of the road to Damascus ?

Jesus was DEAD - and Saul-Paul CLAIMED he heard the voice of Jesus. That is not KNOWING Jesus.

Acts 9:4. 4 Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”


Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I loathe abortionists who commit murder by killing unborn children after the first trimester of pregnancy, if that hurts their feelings so be it.
And yet you say you are biblically inclined?

I do not dislike in any way shape or form homosexuals in general.
From Matthew 19:
12For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.
I guess you're not able?

So, the truth is, the Bible has clear directions for my interactions with homosexuals., it has nothing to do with my feelings I won't compromise my beliefs, or response to these instructions, if those words have a negative effect on someone, so be it.
But nothing in your post is biblical....

Like listening and being there for a person who needs your help. Going to AA meetings and/or treatment with them and just plain old being supportive.
Had to go to AA for a psych paper. There was so much chain smoking (I think they each went through a pack before the meeting was over) that I threw up in the parking lot afterwards.

Of course my sexuality was never challenged, why would anyone do that ? I was a normal male interacting with other normal males and females. I simply don't know what she is trying to say
I'm straight. I've been harrassed and nearly assaulted because, since I'm a virgin, I must be a lesbian. (Not sure how that logic works, but whatever.) I became an ally because I realized homophobes were so hateful they would even attack straight people. Surely God cannot be the one encouraging such hate. Plus, it's not even a secret anymore that the most hardcore homophobes are really just gay and should stop the self-hate. If you have never had your sexuality questioned, you WERE privileged, as I have had mine, so I'm not.

The Bible does not instruct you to not have any association with sinners, and it does not give you any instructions as to whom can or cannot be your friends.
He rejects the very same kinds of people Jesus would gladly hang out with. Sad, isn't it?

Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God and such were some of you. But you were washed. You were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Spirit of our God. 1 Cor 6; 9-11
So you don't follow Jesus, but Paul?

The translation is one of convenience, because there is no Greek word specifically meaning "homosexual" as we understand homosexuality.
I guess they wouldn't, since for the Greeks, it would just be "sexuality". I mean, homosexual love was all over the place in Greece and Rome. :)

It is indeed legal to do so. But you do not associate with the GLBT community, so of course you've not known or heard of anyone who has indeed been fired from their job or evicted from their home for being homosexual or transgender.
I've had insinuations tossed my way that "you know gays got fired from here". Even though at the time the hospital where I worked cherished diversity, the fact I was told this story was, I felt, an indirect threat to me because I have no boyfriend or husband, thus I must be gay.

Interestingly, I am left handed, we make up only 12-15% of the population, and the ible says nothing about our abnormality and we are daily discriminated against, Scissors are right handed, in college there was only one left handed desk and usually two of us in a class,
My mom was told if she used her left hand she was a child of the devil. I was also told I had to use my right hand, though they never went on about the devil part.

3) You believe the bible is inerrant.
And I would consider this evidence of idolatry, equating some book with God Himself.

Perhaps you missed the fact where I said the religions of Abraham held slaves from the writing of Tanakh - up to the Civil War?

All you have to do is Google it.
Modern slavery in the US

Malakos means soft, pampered, lazy, idle rich, gamblers, etc. In other words Fops and Dandies like Jack in the pirate movies.
And even Jack escaped hell in a boat (I guess it helps when you've slept with a goddess who needs a favor, LOL).



Yep, plus that site left out that if a man thought his wife was pregnant by another man, she was brought before the Priests and made to drink a concoction, which caused an abortion.

Num 5:12 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him,

Num 5:13 And a man lie with her carnally, and it be hid from the eyes of her husband, and be kept close, and she be defiled, and there be no witness against her, neither she be taken with the manner;

Num 5:14 And the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be defiled: or if the spirit of jealousy come upon him, and he be jealous of his wife, and she be not defiled:

Num 5:15 Then shall the man bring his wife unto the priest, and he shall bring her offering for her, the tenth part of an ephah of barley meal; he shall pour no oil upon it, nor put frankincense thereon; for it is an offering of jealousy, an offering of memorial, bringing iniquity to remembrance.

Num 5:16 And the priest shall bring her near, and set her before the LORD:

Num 5:17 And the priest shall take holy water in an earthen vessel; and of the dust that is in the floor of the tabernacle the priest shall take, and put it into the water:

Num 5:18 And the priest shall set the woman before the LORD, and uncover the woman's head, and put the offering of memorial in her hands, which is the jealousy offering: and the priest shall have in his hand the bitter water that causeth the curse:

Num 5:19 And the priest shall charge her by an oath, and say unto the woman, If no man have lain with thee, and if thou hast not gone aside to uncleanness with another instead of thy husband, be thou free from this bitter water that causeth the curse:

Num 5:20 But if thou hast gone aside to another instead of thy husband, and if thou be defiled, and some man have lain with thee beside thine husband:

Num 5:21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;

Num 5:22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.

Num 5:23 And the priest shall write these curses in a book, and he shall blot them out with the bitter water:

Num 5:24 And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.

Num 5:25 Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman's hand, and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon the altar:

Num 5:26 And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.

Num 5:27 And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.



Veteran Member
Our definitions of spiritual transcendence could be different.....
That's another lesson ... don't assume that everyone defines these terms in the same way. I would say that the initial burden would be on you to define God in a limited, "difinitive" way. Short of that, there is no reason to even discuss God's existence.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
That's another lesson ... don't assume that everyone defines these terms in the same way. I would say that the initial burden would be on you to define God in a limited, "difinitive" way. Short of that, there is no reason to even discuss God's existence.
God can't be defined...if that is a definition....unknowable.. But nothing happens that is not of God.. Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.