Well, of course it is perfectly clear in the Bible. How far does this " I identify as " thing go, is someone an alien from Mars because he identifies as such, or a vampire, or a grapefruit ? How far, what are the boundaries ? Lets take that famous transgender guy, Bruce Jenner. What it boils down to is this, after all the surgery, all the slicing and dicing, he is still a male. Genetically he is, his skeleton identifies him as such, his voice identifies him as such, features, all of it. So, here is where people depart from reality, he lives a fantasy that he is a woman, and others agree to participate in his fantasy by pretending he is a woman too. Ludicrous. He can be whatever he thinks he is, even a vampire, as long as he doesn't hurt anyone, However, I don't believe in vampires, so I won't participate in his fantasy. He is just plain old Bruce, getting up there, long in the tooth, but is addicted to attention, ergo, to me, he is just an old man pretending to be a vampire so people will notice him, or, he is just plain insane