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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There is evidence of a global flood, books by geologists have been written on the matter,
There is none. It never happened. As I said, there is evidence of massive flooding in the Middle East in ancient times, but none of a global flood. And there are still problems with Noah not being the first "global flood" story, and the size of his ark not being big enough.
According to a research paper, published in a peer reviewed journal, The cities have likely been found,
And dismissed. One claim declared it was them before they even began excavations, and another claim found a city that was abandoned, not destroyed. They haven't been found.
To Adam and Eve, I simply said geneticists have come to the conclusion that humans can be traced back to them, which is true. I said nothing else, period
No, you're more carefully reading it because it's the only one of your positions that has any real substance to it. There is zero evidence of a global flood, no Sodom or Gomorrah, but here are scientists using the names Adam and Eve, and you can't say "no" because it is there. But because it is there, it is the one thing all of us are saying is there, you're more carefully wording your argument, rather than just the initial "one-man and one-woman is true."
Lucy is a partial skull said to represent an entire species............................... Don't respond on this issue
It's relevant to showing that how she got the name Lucy (the guy who is credited with finding her was thinking of the Beattle's song) is just as relevant as how "y-chromosome Adam" and "mitochondrial Eve" got there names is just as relative and just as equally unimportant.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Did they have "Welcome to Sodom and Gomorrah" signs? You need the names before you can conclusively prove it.
Not necessarily. Such as with Troy. We didn't find a name, we didn't find a "welcome to" sign, but we did find everything else as described (initially it was actually blasted through and unknown cities beneath it were unearthed), including jewelry that was tested and determined to from the appropriate age and of the appropriate style for what we would expect to find.


Veteran Member
Gads, They chose the Biblical names, when undoubtedly the have no belief in the Bible. They could have called them sonny and cher, or bonnie and clyde, the names they chose were ironic
They chose them because the characters and story are well known. There is an obvious connection with the story, just not any kind of connection that would support that they were the first modern human beings.

Also, why do you assume that they don't believe in the Bible at all?


Well-Known Member
To Adam and Eve, I simply said geneticists have come to the conclusion that humans can be traced back to them, which is true
It has been pointed out to you several times that geneticists have come to no such conclusion. "Mitochondrial Eve" and "Y-chromosomal Adam" are the nicknames given to the most recent matrilineal and patrilineal ancestors of the world population as it currently stands: they have no fixed identity, and their location in our ancestry changes as present-day lineages die out.

If you are going to tell us ("Very simple, I find it ironic") that you knew this all along, and that you too were using "Adam and Eve" in the same joky manner as the geneticists, so be it; but it does leave a large question mark over why you thought the issue supported your case in the first place.

I think you have a comprehension disability.
Now that is ironic.


Veteran Member
I think you have a comprehension disability. There is evidence of a global flood, books by geologists have been written on the matter, According to a research paper, published in a peer reviewed journal, The cities have likely been found, To Adam and Eve, I simply said geneticists have come to the conclusion that humans can be traced back to them, which is true. I said nothing else, period. Since you are incapable of understanding irony, the irony is the names they selected. Years, and years, and years, guesses, nothing more. Lucy is a partial skull said to represent an entire species............................... Don't respond on this issue, I am done with your constant sniveling whining misrepresentations, you cant grasp the simple words that combine to make a simple combination without adding your own meaning above and beyond the words.

Very simple, I find it ironic

“Lucy is the common name of AL 288-1, several hundred pieces of bone fossils representing 40 percent of the skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. In Ethiopia, the assembly is also known as Dinkinesh, which means "you are marvelous" in the Amharic language. Lucy was discovered in 1974 near the village Hadar in the Awash Valley of the Afar Triangle in Ethiopia by paleoanthropologistDonald Johanson.[1][2]


Australopithecus afarensis is one of the longest-lived and best-known early human species—paleoanthropologists have uncovered remains from more than 300 individuals! Found between 3.85 and 2.95 million years ago in Eastern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania), this species survived for more than 900,000 years, which is over four times as long as our own species has been around. It is best known from the sites of Hadar, Ethiopia (‘Lucy’, AL 288-1 and the 'First Family', AL 333); Dikika, Ethiopia (Dikika ‘child’ skeleton); and Laetoli (fossils of this species plus the oldest documented bipedal footprint trails).”



Veteran Member
I think you have a comprehension disability. There is evidence of a global flood, books by geologists have been written on the matter, According to a research paper, published in a peer reviewed journal, The cities have likely been found, To Adam and Eve, I simply said geneticists have come to the conclusion that humans can be traced back to them, which is true. I said nothing else, period. Since you are incapable of understanding irony, the irony is the names they selected. Years, and years, and years, guesses, nothing more. Lucy is a partial skull said to represent an entire species............................... Don't respond on this issue, I am done with your constant sniveling whining misrepresentations, you cant grasp the simple words that combine to make a simple combination without adding your own meaning above and beyond the words.

Very simple, I find it ironic
Can you provide any scientific sources confirming the evidence you speak of?


Veteran Member
re the ark,

No, not quite. They were born unable to reproduce. God is no more responsible for that than someone born with MS, asthma, or a shriveled leg. We are back to the issue that will never be resolved, or has been resolved in some peoples minds, wrongly. At the risk of hearing the shrieking, name calling, and indignation, here we go. Homosexuality is an act, that is contrary to the design and function of males and females. Regardless of what is in someones mind, can they refrain from an act ? yes. There is your answer, yours to accept or reject as you choose, the choice is completely yours. As the young people of today say, it is what it is. As we said when I was young, different strokes for different folks. Everyone is perfectly free. If the woods are dark and scary, or just smell bad to you, go around
Where did you get the mistaken idea that a sexual orientation such as homosexuality could be an act? Who one is attracted to is not a choice, and there are plenty of homosexual virgins.


You can neither find Grace or salvation in the OT, You cannot find the way you are to relate to God or live your life in the OT. The foundation of a bridge is out of sight in the water. The foundation doesn't carry people across, the roadway laid across the foundation does.

This is baloney! Religious Jews have no problem understanding how to relate to their God - from their scriptures.

I might add that it is Christians that are claiming another religion, - which they obviously don't understand, - is somehow their foundation. The Jews don't accept your changes, or Jesus.



Actually, according to the Biblical Archaeology Review, the sites for Sodom and Gomorrah have been found. There is evidence of a global flood, many Christian and Jewish geologists make very detailed, rational and reasonable hypotheses on the matter. It has been clearly established by secular science that every human on the face of the earth descended from one man and one woman, clear genetic proof, that until it is declared in error, if ever, is true., Consider that re languages. Of course the Jews disagree as is their right

Speculation is not proof of sites actually being Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is absolutely NO evidence - what so ever - for a world-wide flood - which covered mountains, as claimed in the Bible. It is pure bull.

The "first humans" had progenitors (multiple). A female would have to birth the first of a new kind. And such in evolution, does not support the Adam and Chav'vah story in any way.

Some female bird produced the first chicken too. The first modern chickens' wild progenitor is the red jungle fowl.

Doesn't mean there was a Chicken Adam and Chav'vah. It is just the way evolution works.

This is normal evolution.



Homosexuals can't multiply when God commanded man to multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it.

Therefore it is immoral.

Wow! LOL!

So you are saying those heterosexual people, that can reproduce, but choose to purposely DISOBEY this supposed "command," - like some of Jesus' Apostles. Paul for instance, - must have been really-really evil and immoral.

1Co 7:6 But I say this to weak persons, for it is not part of the Torah.

1Co 7:7 for I desire all men to be as myself in purity. But each has his own gift from Elohim, one this way, and one that way.

1Co 7:8 But I say to the unmarried men, and to the widows, it is good for them if they also remain as I am.

1Co 7:9 But if they do not have self control, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.



Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Speculation is not proof of sites actually being Sodom and Gomorrah.

There is absolutely NO evidence - what so ever - for a world-wide flood - which covered mountains, as claimed in the Bible. It is pure bull.

The "first humans" had progenitors (multiple). A female would have to birth the first of a new kind. And such in evolution, does not support the Adam and Chav'vah story in any way.

Some female bird produced the first chicken too. The first modern chickens' wild progenitor is the red jungle fowl.

Doesn't mean there was a Chicken Adam and Chav'vah. It is just the way evolution works.

This is normal evolution.

Plus the fact, we know that humanity was not a single species. Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens existed side by side for a long time.


Well-Known Member
It has been pointed out to you several times that geneticists have come to no such conclusion. "Mitochondrial Eve" and "Y-chromosomal Adam" are the nicknames given to the most recent matrilineal and patrilineal ancestors of the world population as it currently stands: they have no fixed identity, and their location in our ancestry changes as present-day lineages die out.

If you are going to tell us ("Very simple, I find it ironic") that you knew this all along, and that you too were using "Adam and Eve" in the same joky manner as the geneticists, so be it; but it does leave a large question mark over why you thought the issue supported your case in the first place.

Now that is ironic.
I never said it supported my case, I made no case. The "case" is assumed then extrapolated from the assumption. Of course I knew the theory, I read at least two articles on the matter, one in Scientific American, I believe. Even without the knowledge no supporter of intelligent design would believe that evolutionists would use the names because they believed these ancestors were the literal Adam and Eve, You people are the best I have ever seen at creating something from nothing because you want so badly for it to be the case. I have named the cabal, "the Singularities"


Well-Known Member
I never said it supported my case, I made no case. The "case" is assumed then extrapolated from the assumption. Of course I knew the theory, I read at least two articles on the matter, one in Scientific American, I believe. Even without the knowledge no supporter of intelligent design would believe that evolutionists would use the names because they believed these ancestors were the literal Adam and Eve, You people are the best I have ever seen at creating something from nothing because you want so badly for it to be the case. I have named the cabal, "the Singularities"
It has been some years since I read the articles, I didn't recall the details, just the fact that ancient humans were genetically identified, and ironically the names were used. That's it, nothing more


Well-Known Member
Can you provide any scientific sources confirming the evidence you speak of?
Happily. Two of the most recent books, written by well qualified geologists are; " The Global Flood: Unlocking Earths Geologic History" John D. Morris. "The Rocks Don't Lie" David Montgomery


Well-Known Member
This is baloney! Religious Jews have no problem understanding how to relate to their God - from their scriptures.

I might add that it is Christians that are claiming another religion, - which they obviously don't understand, - is somehow their foundation. The Jews don't accept your changes, or Jesus.

You have no idea as to what Grace is