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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?


Well-Known Member
The Bible seems to depict homosexuality as a sin, but Jesus doesn't discuss it, which is interesting. I believe Jesus spoke mainly about lust and having sex outside of marriage, etc falling under the umbrella of 'lust.' Returning to Christianity, I'm aware of what Christianity teaches on the subject but it's definitely hard to imagine that a loving god would be angrily consumed and obsessed with his creation acting on very natural biological 'urges,' that He equipped us with? Idk.


yawn <ignore> yawn
The Bible seems to depict homosexuality as a sin, but Jesus doesn't discuss it, which is interesting.
I don't see this as difficult to understand. Jesus was, by modern standards, homophobic. So was His culture. There was nothing to say. They all understood each other.


Well-Known Member
I don't see this as difficult to understand. Jesus was, by modern standards, homophobic. So was His culture. There was nothing to say. They all understood each other.

Hi Tom, do you really think that? There's nothing in Scripture, or in any reflections I've read regarding Scripture, that would indicate Jesus was homophobic. :blush:


yawn <ignore> yawn
Hi Tom, do you really think that? There's nothing in Scripture, or in any reflections I've read regarding Scripture, that would indicate Jesus was homophobic. :blush:
Sure. Why why wouldn't I?
Like many primitive cultures, first century Jews were homophobic. It's quite clear in the OT. Jesus contradicted that many times, including about sex and marriage. But He never said anything about gay people, as far as we know. So I assume He was opposed to what we modern people refer to as "gay rights". Why would I think differently? That was the norm of the day.

I don't have a problem with people cherry picking the Bible. In fact, I am glad when people do so and incorporate more sophisticated morality than Scripture offers. But that is what modern people do if they don't want to be Fred Phelps or some icky thing like that.


Or, perhaps those friends are part of the MANY of Matthew 7:21-23.
Anyone single is to behave in moral way. Not practice sin - 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - refrain from the practice of sin.
Since only scriptural marriage - Genesis 2:24 - is recognized, then all single people need to abide by that.
We are nearing the soon coming ' time of separation ' on earth - Matthew 25:31-33 - before the start of Jesus' coming 1,000 year governmental rulership over earth begins.
During Jesus' millennium-long day of governing over earth all of our imperfections will be No more - Revelation 22:2

You have to be able to PROVE your Bible actually says homosexuality is a sin.

All but one of the texts that Christians claim condemn homosexuality (and that one has odd wording,) - have been shown to be about Sacred Sex, - which is Idolatry - and punishable by death.



Sure. Why why wouldn't I?
Like many primitive cultures, first century Jews were homophobic. It's quite clear in the OT. Jesus contradicted that many times, including about sex and marriage. But He never said anything about gay people, as far as we know. So I assume He was opposed to what we modern people refer to as "gay rights". Why would I think differently? That was the norm of the day.

I don't have a problem with people cherry picking the Bible. In fact, I am glad when people do so and incorporate more sophisticated morality than Scripture offers. But that is what modern people do if they don't want to be Fred Phelps or some icky thing like that.

First century Jews didn't write Tanakh.

We have shown over and over that the verses Christians claim are about homosexuality, - are actually about Idolatry - Sacred Sex.


Eliab ben Benjamin

Active Member
Premium Member
adjective: gay; comparative adjective: gayer; superlative adjective: gayest

  1. 2.
    light-hearted and carefree.
    "Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face"
    synonyms: cheerful, cheery, merry, jolly, light-hearted, mirthful, jovial, glad, happy, bright, in good spirits, in high spirits, joyful, elated, exuberant, animated, lively, sprightly, vivacious, buoyant, bouncy, bubbly, perky, effervescent, playful, frolicsome;
    informalchirpy, on top of the world, as happy as a sandboy;
    informalas happy as a clam
    "her children all looked chubby and gay"
    antonyms: gloomy
  2. 3.
    brightly coloured; showy.
    "a gay profusion of purple and pink sweet peas"
    synonyms: bright, brightly coloured, vivid, brilliant, rich, vibrant;More
    richly coloured, many-coloured, multicoloured;
    flamboyant, gaudy
    "the windows sported gay checked curtains"
    antonyms: drab

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
I think Jesus' talk about accepting the various kinds of eunuchs are about as close as we are ever going to get in terms of what Jesus thought about gays. Well, that and John is usually considered the Beloved Disciple, the one who snuggles with Jesus at the Last Supper, so there's that. He is accepting of "eunuchs" and denounces families left and right. His own family thought he was crazy. So, ironically, Jesus is against the very thing homophobic people claim is super sacred. :p


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I don't have a religion and being gay is fine by me. What about you guys??
A true Christian having wrong desires, whether homosexual or heterosexual, is sinful according to the Bible and often leads to acts of sexual immorality. Such acts merit God's disapproval, I believe. (Matthew 6:27,28 and 1 Corinthians 6:9,10)


A true Christian having wrong desires, whether homosexual or heterosexual, is sinful according to the Bible and often leads to acts of sexual immorality. Such acts merit God's disapproval, I believe. (Matthew 6:27,28 and 1 Corinthians 6:9 -10)

Again - why keep saying homosexuality is a sin - according to the Bible, - when we have shown over and over - that those verses are about Sacred Prostitutes - Sacred Sex - which is IDOLATRY.

And one of those verses having nothing to do with homosexuality, is - 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10.

The verse actually says something like -

1 CO 6:9 Know you not that the “heathen” shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither prostitutes (pornos,) nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the morally weak, nor arsenokoites (rapists?)

There are no ancient Greek texts using arsenokoites or its stem as homosexuality. There are uses for both male and female as RAPE.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek, from the 8th century BC to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. They have 73 references to the arsenokoit stem. There are NO early Greek uses of the word as “homosexual.” LATER - the church decides to translate it as such – then these later texts copy the church original.

Strong's tells us Sodomite should replace arsenokoites.

A Sodomite at that time was a Sacred Prostitute - a Qadesh. Look the word up in Unger's Bible Encyclopedia.

And malakos - morally weak - as in a Dandy. Think Jack Sparrow from the Pirate movies. Over-love of fine clothes and possessions, strong liquor, rich food, and loose ladies.

EDIT - Another verse to show this point, -

Deu 23:17 is usually translated as -

Deu 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

Sodomite is actually Qadesh (H6945) - a male Sacred Prostitute = Sacred Sex = Idolatry.

Whore is actually Qedêshâh (H6948) - a female Sacred Prostitute = Sacred Sex = Idolatry.

Last edited:


Transitioning from male to female
A sin is what you do against others. Pls enlighten me how I harm others for what I do in my bedroom?

You cannot sin to God unless you are sort of some supernatural thing.

Thank you and sure cheers!


Jesus in me
Actually his laws were only meant to be for the jews. The bits about it being for everyone were added later. A bit suspicious if you ask me.

I believe God loves everyone and not just the Jews but there are laws that are specific to Jewish worship and laws that are more general to everyone's benefit.


Jesus in me
Well, that's a real conversation starter. Thanks, I think. :p

You are welcome. I believe the sooner you face the truth the sooner you will come into God's will for you. I left a church because the denomination wished to sweep the issue under the rug and the church was willing to go along with that.


Jesus in me
I have also been told by a few people that when the bible talks about a man lying with a man, they are talking about rape.

I believe they will bend over backwards to try to make it say what they want it to say. God sees through that type of subterfuge. They might fool the naive but not a person led by God.


Wonder Woman
A sin is what you do against others. Pls enlighten me how I harm others for what I do in my bedroom?

You cannot sin to God unless you are sort of some supernatural thing.

Thank you and sure cheers!
Somehow they consider it self-harm. Just like some consider tattoos and piercings taboo. A whole desecration of your body thing. Though I don't see how one is defiling their body as, actually, homosexuals don't really do anything heterosexuals don't do, in fact, they do less. ;) But somehow that appears to be the way they are looking at it. A self-harm thing that is sinful. Doesn't make much sense, but then, a lot of what is believed doesn't. Even more ironic would be those who find homosexuality sinful yet have piercings or tattoos. Or wear mixed fabrics or eat shellfish and so on and so forth. Hypocrites are fun aren't they?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Again - why keep saying homosexuality is a sin - according to the Bible, - when we have shown over and over - that those verses are about Sacred Prostitutes - Sacred Sex - which is IDOLATRY.

And one of those verses having nothing to do with homosexuality, is - 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 10.

The verse actually says something like -

1 CO 6:9 Know you not that the “heathen” shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: Neither prostitutes (pornos,) nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor the morally weak, nor arsenokoites (rapists?)

There are no ancient Greek texts using arsenokoites or its stem as homosexuality. There are uses for both male and female as RAPE.

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae. TLG has collected and digitized most literary texts written in Greek, from the 8th century BC to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453. They have 73 references to the arsenokoit stem. There are NO early Greek uses of the word as “homosexual.” LATER - the church decides to translate it as such – then these later texts copy the church original.

Strong's tells us Sodomite should replace arsenokoites.

A Sodomite at that time was a Sacred Prostitute - a Qadesh. Look the word up in Unger's Bible Encyclopedia.

And malakos - morally weak - as in a Dandy. Think Jack Sparrow from the Pirate movies. Over-love of fine clothes and possessions, strong liquor, rich food, and loose ladies.

EDIT - Another verse to show this point, -

Deu 23:17 is usually translated as -

Deu 23:17 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel.

Sodomite is actually Qadesh (H6945) - a male Sacred Prostitute = Sacred Sex = Idolatry.

Whore is actually Qedêshâh (H6948) - a female Sacred Prostitute = Sacred Sex = Idolatry.


I honestly think it's the tranlaters bias when translating the Bible. Like you'd think the Dictionary is objective. It's Christian.


Well-Known Member
My question generated by this post is; - why do Christians whom claim they are not under Tanakh Law, - and prove such by eating bacon, and not observing menstruation laws, etc., - become hypocrites condemning homosexuals under that same law, - when Jesus said nothing about homosexuals, and there is nothing in the New Testament condemning them?*


Romans 1:24-27 (ESVST) 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.


Veteran Member

Romans 1:24-27 (ESVST) 24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
That was written by Paul, who never met Jesus, but, instead, claimed to have a vision of Jesus which granted him authority. Questionable to say the least.


Well-Known Member
That was written by Paul, who never met Jesus, but, instead, claimed to have a vision of Jesus which granted him authority. Questionable to say the least.

So you're saying that most of the NT is questionable? All of the Apostles accepted him as being sent by Jesus, but we shouldn't? Paul wrote 12 or more of the letters in the NT, if he is questionable, why would God allow them in the Bible?