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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
He associated with those whom heard his message and repented, meaning they didn't continue in their sins.
And some like Peter, who Jesus was obviously concerned about given his foreseen thrice denial of Christ and his luke-warm feelings towards Christ.
He didn't hang out with sinners.
Of course he did! If all men are sinners, then he obviously hung out with sinners or he would have lived totally in isolation.


Deuteronomy 30:16
Your "worldview" is apparently not in conjunction with reality and is something that you need to ponder on as to why that is and how to go about bringing yourself to terms with it. No one else is responsible for maintaining your "worldview" or your belief system. That is on you. If you have problems maintaining it then perhaps you should rethink it.

According to YOUR reality. Social norms do not define reality. Just so you know, being a Bible-believer is not about "going with the flow", it's about upholding what is right and criticizing/rejecting what is wrong. It is about living set-apart to God, which means separating oneself from those who live lifestyles contrary to what God had in mind. And, no, love and tolerance are not the same thing. Love consists of admonishing people to repent (Ezekiel 3:18-21, James 5:19-21).


Veteran Member
According to YOUR reality. Social norms do not define reality. Just so you know, being a Bible-believer is not about "going with the flow", it's about upholding what is right and criticizing/rejecting what is wrong. It is about living set-apart to God, which means separating oneself from those who live lifestyles contrary to what God had in mind. And, no, love and tolerance are not the same thing. Love consists of admonishing people to repent (Ezekiel 3:18-21, James 5:19-21).
Jesus didn't seem to have done so.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Jesus didn't seem to have done so.
Exactly. His best friends were hookers, adulterers, violent people, political extremists, lepers, the poor, non-Jews, women, tax collectors, etc. He broke many social taboos and was not concerned with legalism. He taught people to be merciful, forgiving and compassionate, not to judge others and to be humble. It really bewilders me how people use Him as a justification for their hatreds.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
According to YOUR reality. Social norms do not define reality. Just so you know, being a Bible-believer is not about "going with the flow", it's about upholding what is right and criticizing/rejecting what is wrong.
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2
But not all men are sinners. I've covered that in this forum here
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23


Wonder Woman
According to YOUR reality. Social norms do not define reality. Just so you know, being a Bible-believer is not about "going with the flow", it's about upholding what is right and criticizing/rejecting what is wrong. It is about living set-apart to God, which means separating oneself from those who live lifestyles contrary to what God had in mind. And, no, love and tolerance are not the same thing. Love consists of admonishing people to repent (Ezekiel 3:18-21, James 5:19-21).
Reality is just reality. Not wishing something were a certain way because your belief structure says it should be.

And if you believe that bit about separating oneself from those who live lifestyles contrary to what your god had in mind then it would make sense for you to leave said place and go to another which holds the same views. Not try to make those around you conform to your way of life. If you don't like the culture around you then go somewhere you approve of the culture. I hear many places in the Middle East may work for your beliefs.

Also, if you believe that is what love is...no wonder you've remained single this long.


Deuteronomy 30:16
According to your bible everyone has sinned. Whether you believe in inherent sin or not, it is fundamentally humanly impossible to not sin given the requirements put forth in your holy book. You have sinned as well. Sin is a given in the bible.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

“Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Everyone staying in Him does not sin. Everyone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one lead you astray. The one doing righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil. Everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim. In this the children of Elohim and the children of the devil are manifest: Everyone not doing righteousness is not of Elohim, neither the one not loving his brother.” 1 John 3:4-10

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Homosexuality is not good, acceptable, and perfect according to God's will. Anyone who is tolerant for any sin is conformed to the world.


Wonder Woman
There are many good things about homosexuality. Especially in this day and age. There are benefits to having a portion of our population be homosexual due to the good they bring.


Deuteronomy 30:16
There are many good things about homosexuality. Especially in this day and age. There are benefits to having a portion of our population be homosexual due to the good they bring.

Oh, you mean like STD's and the destruction of family values? Yes, very good! You should know that 78% of gay men are infected, and 1 in 20 gay men are pedophiles.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
How so? I'm still a virgin and by choice, and I'm 28. It's not harsh at all. You say that as if sex is all what life is about.
The key contention here is that you are abstinent by your own choice. Assuming you are heterosexual, by your own belief, it would be fine for you to pursue a sexual relationship with a woman. However, your beliefs do not allow gays, lesbians, trans people, intersex people, etc. that same choice. Your worldview effectively forces them into into a state of not having a choice and having to forego romantic intimacy on pain of damnation. That is exceedingly harsh. So they're basically to hate themselves and deny themselves, for life.

Also, we know that sexual repression can cause various neuroses. Psychiatric problems and hysteria are a common thing among strict ascetics and monastics, and were especially prevalent during the stifling atmosphere of the Middle Ages ("convent hysteria").


Wonder Woman
Oh, you mean like STD's and the destruction of family values? Yes, very good! You should know that 78% of gay men are infected, and 1 in 20 gay men are pedophiles.
Heteros get STDs too you know. Half of ALL sexually active people get an STD by the age of 25. Not just gays. And destruction of family values? I think not. I don't see how people being gay can possibly affect "family values", especially other people's families. That's on them. Actually, more along the lines of straight men walking out of their families, but so be it.

No, there is actual benefit to homosexuality in society. For one, the most obvious, population control. In fact, we could probably do with a lot more homosexuals in the world as we are increasing the population far too much too quickly. Also, along those lines you find another one...homosexual couples are more likely to adopt children in need of good homes. We have many children stuck in the "system", many who are older, somehow considered "undesirable" by many heterosexual people that homosexuals step up and adopt. Just glad to be a parent, to help raise a child, many of them step up and take care of the children who need it the most. those are two HUGE benefits to homosexuality right there.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
However, your beliefs do not allow gays, lesbians, trans people, intersex people, etc. that same choice. Your worldview effectively forces them into into a state of not having a choice and having to forego romantic intimacy on pain of damnation. That is exceedingly harsh. So they're basically to hate themselves and deny themselves, for life.

Yes, so people are "allowed" to be gay providing they remain celibate. It seems like a nonsensical position to me.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes, so people are "allowed" to be gay providing they remain celibate. It seems like a nonsensical position to me.
Right. Celibacy is something you have to choose because it's a natural vocation for you. It is something that the heart wants or that God leads you towards. It's not something that can be forced on someone, without negative repercussions. Jesus did say that His burden is light. He didn't want cause additional suffering.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I just ignored that tripe myself. That's sheer pull out of rectum type stuff. Go ahead, mention that the vast majority of pedophiles and sexual molesters and even rapists are...straight. Sure he'll love that. ;)
Yeah, and before he even mentions HIV/AIDS, the majority of people afflicted with that are heterosexual Africans.

Plus, straight people have ruined generations of children with broken homes, abuse, abandonment, etc. But LGBT people who want to get married and be parents are the sinners? o_O

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
“Everyone doing sin also does lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness. And you know that He was manifested to take away our sins, and in Him there is no sin. Everyone staying in Him does not sin. Everyone sinning has neither seen Him nor known Him. Little children, let no one lead you astray. The one doing righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. The one doing sin is of the devil, because the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of Elohim was manifested: to destroy the works of the devil. Everyone having been born of Elohim does not sin, because His seed stays in him, and he is powerless to sin, because he has been born of Elohim. In this the children of Elohim and the children of the devil are manifest: Everyone not doing righteousness is not of Elohim, neither the one not loving his brother.” 1 John 3:4-10
Yet over 99% of Christians and denominations do and always have believed that everyone sins, and will continue to sin because we are imperfect.Yet Jesus doesn't expect us to be perfect, but rather he wants us to try to avoid sin, to love everyone because love is the greatest commandment, and most of all have faith.
Homosexuality is not good, acceptable, and perfect according to God's will. Anyone who is tolerant for any sin is conformed to the world.
Yes, but be not of this world. If we are all hellbound sinners, rejoice that your Heavenly Father is merciful and allows those that follow - those who are concerned with their own salvation - a path for redemption while the rest of us heathens have made our own choice. And how far do you think Jesus would have gotten if he "sin checked" before allowing someone into his circle, attend his sermons, offered his blessings, and healed the sick?