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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Or rather we're more interested in knowing what the Bible actually says within its proper context.

This does not generally forbid homosexual behavior between two men. It only limits where the act can be done."
How about Romans 1:26-27....no mention of a woman's bed..... For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men working unseemliness, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was due.


Big Queer Chesticles!
I guess so, lol.

"National Gay Pentecostal Alliance (NGPA) interpretation: They state that a word-for-word translation of this verse from the original Hebrew is:

"And a man who will lie down with a male in beds of a woman, both of them have made an abomination; dying they will die. Their blood is on them." 3

In modern English this could be translated as:

"If two men engage in homosexual sex while on a woman's bed, both have committed an abomination. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

This does not generally forbid homosexual behavior between two men. It only limits where the act can be done."

Sounds right to me!


Big Queer Chesticles!
As I noted earlier....you will never accept the bible's judgement on it..... nothing new....

I do not accept your religion and I do not accept the bible as being true. Therefore, I am not held to the laws of your holy text. Only those who follow the religion.

Also, judge lest ye be judged. Get that plank out of your eye, brother.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I do not accept your religion and I do not accept the bible as being true. Therefore, I am not held to the laws of your holy text. Only those who follow the religion.

Also, judge lest ye be judged. Get that plank out of your eye, brother.
I accept you on that basis my friend....my best wishes and regards to you...

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
More likely referring to cultic sex rites. Romans 1 in general is condemning the practices of pagan cults.


It says that God made them homosexual as a punishment....

Romans 1 ....

Verse 26: Because of these forbidden practices, God intervened in these fertility sex-rituals and changed the people's behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women.

Verse 27: describes how God had the men also engage in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their error.

Verse 28: Again, because they did not acknowledge God, then He "gave them up" to many different unethical activities and attitudes: evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, etc.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
It say that God made them homosexual as a punishment....

Romans 1...

Verse 26: Because of these forbidden practices, God intervened in these fertility sex-rituals and changed the people's behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women.

Verse 27: describes how God had the men also engage in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their error.

Verse 28: Again, because they did not acknowledge God, then He "gave them up" to many different unethical activities and attitudes: evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, etc.
Yeah, I know. Paul was an imperfect human being and it's not like he was a sexologist. The point is that it doesn't condemn homosexuality itself. Much like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the sexual aspect of it is rather beside the point.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yeah, I know. Paul was an imperfect human being and it's not like he was a sexologist. The point is that it doesn't condemn homosexuality itself. Much like the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the sexual aspect of it is rather beside the point.
I don't see that...our positions on what the passages mean are different...God is the ultimate light and truth....amen.. I sincerely wish you well and God bless...

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I don't see that...our positions on what the passages mean are different...God is the ultimate light and truth....amen.. I sincerely wish you well and God bless...
I just judge all things by Christ. Paul was just a human being, not God Himself. He had wisdom in some areas, but not in others.

God bless you, as well.


Big Queer Chesticles!
It says that God made them homosexual as a punishment....

Romans 1 ....

Verse 26: Because of these forbidden practices, God intervened in these fertility sex-rituals and changed the people's behavior so that women started to engage in sexual activities with other women.

Verse 27: describes how God had the men also engage in same-sex ritual activities. They (presumably both the men and women) were then punished in some way for their error.

Verse 28: Again, because they did not acknowledge God, then He "gave them up" to many different unethical activities and attitudes: evil, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, etc.

Awwww, how nice of him.


Well-Known Member
Jo...I know that according to the present day dictionary's definition, everyone can claim to be spiritual.....such that it loses its original meaning. But for those of us who want to find out what spirit really is....we must establish contact with spirit itself... The reality of spirit is not the concept, it is not in words....it must be to some extent realized to be considered spiritual....but it seemed you were implying that this realization is not a prerequisite to be spiritual...
For you, the word and its meaning loses meaning but that is simply for you Ben. Spirituality is a concept that can and does mean many things to many people. For example, nursing now incorporates spirituality into our theoretic paradigm but keep in mind that it is against the law to try to force anyone faith on another so use we ubiquitous terms in this case. For an atheist, spiritual can mean nature, pets, or any other thing they wish it to. What you perceive of as being spiritual is personal to you.


Well-Known Member
We've been through this....how would you word the thread title?
Ben, the title of the thread is "is being gay a sin according to your religion". What does that have to do with being civil to people regarding derogatory terms used to describe who and what they are?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
Ben, the title of the thread is "is being gay a sin according to your religion". What does that have to do with being civil to people regarding derogatory terms used to describe who and what they are?

If it's clear that "homo" is offensive to some people, then I don't see why using "gay" would be a problem here. This is not just about political correctness, it's about recognising that discrimination and bigotry hurt people. The language we use is important.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
For you, the word and its meaning loses meaning but that is simply for you Ben. Spirituality is a concept that can and does mean many things to many people. For example, nursing now incorporates spirituality into our theoretic paradigm but keep in mind that it is against the law to try to force anyone faith on another so use we ubiquitous terms in this case. For an atheist, spiritual can mean nature, pets, or any other thing they wish it to. What you perceive of as being spiritual is personal to you.

I don't see why anyone would have a problem with a wider and more inclusive use of the word "spiritual".

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Mostly Irrelevant to what posted and an attempt at misdirection....
It's not irrelevant or a misdirection. It is other things the Bible claims, even though those claims are false. It's also an indication
yes of course, if I am guilty of wrong doing...that is my karma....
Karma is not a Christian Principle.
Karma means you reap what you sow....did not Jesus teach that?
That is not what Karma is or means.
Karma means what I said....that which you do to others will be done unto you....
Karma is a Dharmic principle that "calculates" the total of your actions to determine the conditions of your next reincarnation, or if you are reincarnated at all and achieve Nirvana. It has no parallels or similar concepts in Christianity.
The Torah says that homosexuality is a sin, so Christians are obligated recognize it as such and not support it.
I doubt you follow the laws wrote out in the Torah that well. People are not aware of many of them, and many of them seem silly and foolish in our culture. The recent bacon fad and yearly shrimp fest prove that we aren't really actually that concerned about following Judaic law, except when it supports our own prejudices. (most people don't even realize the conditions that apply to make such laws applicable in the first place)


Veteran Member
Exactly. His best friends were hookers, adulterers, violent people, political extremists, lepers, the poor, non-Jews, women, tax collectors, etc. He broke many social taboos and was not concerned with legalism. He taught people to be merciful, forgiving and compassionate, not to judge others and to be humble. It really bewilders me how people use Him as a justification for their hatreds.
Yeah, I mean, those are the qualities I have always admired and tried to live up to - both when I was a believer and even now that I'm not one.


Veteran Member
Oh, you mean like STD's and the destruction of family values? Yes, very good! You should know that 78% of gay men are infected, and 1 in 20 gay men are pedophiles.
What a load of garbage.

How many heterosexual people have STD's? How many are pedophiles? Do you know? Or don't you care because they're not gay?

How are gay people destroying family values? Do gay people not have families or something? No, that can't be it. ... Is it because they want to be able to marry like everybody else? No that can't be it either because that would strengthen family values. Hmmmm .. maybe you could explain what you mean.

Where did you come up with this nonsense?


Veteran Member
Ok...forget the language for now....the bottom line is.....in answer to the thread title.....yes...according to Genesis 19 .... Leviticus 18:22 ... Leviticus 20:13 ... Romans 1:26-27 .. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ... 1 Timothy 1:10

Now I can understand that those who do the things referred to in those passages do not like what they read....and will try and defend themselves to the very end....but facts are facts...like it or not...that's all there is to it.....
Well it doesn't appear to be a fact since there are a number of people who disagree with your interpretation. ... that's all there is to it ...