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Is being gay a sin according to your religion?

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Yes...blaming the messenger Paul....and look at the references...."How to be true to the Bible and say 'Yes' to same-sex unions," , "Free to be gay: A brief look at the Bible and homosexuality,"
They include both sides of the argument, and you make up your own mind as to which you agree with. You're just writing off any source that disagree with you as "LGBT activism". That could go both ways, you know.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
They include both sides of the argument, and you make up your own mind as to which you agree with. You're just writing off any source that disagree with you as "LGBT activism". That could go both ways, you know.
I could only see the one side....but I do not want to argue any further about it...


Well-Known Member
Apparently this is the way it is....so be it...makes it difficult to convey though the deeper meaning of the concept...
How does being respectful of that one word which is considered derogatory and insulting to the LGBT community lend itself to becoming difficult to convey a concept? Is it difficult to write out the word homosexual? Or are you implying that being able to use that word in a manner which is insulting and not being able to do so then becomes an issue for you? What exactly is this deeper meaning that you infer here?


Well-Known Member
And all this time I thought they were annoyed because I was pointing out the bible does indeed judge it as a serious sin.... Ok, I will be polite.....though I expect reciprocity in this respect...
I have been consistently polite to you and to everyone, with rare exceptions, such as when someone disrespects me repeatedly or with hot topic issues for me, such as elder abuse etc. I am not, OTOH, responsible for the actions or posts of other members of this forum. I do expect that you understand this, non?


Well-Known Member
Karma is now a part of the English language and it is the Sanatan Dharma equivalent of the Christian 'you reap what you sow'....and even the secular expression 'what goes around, comes around'....so please do not try and misdirect the focus of this discussion. God's punishment for sinners is the equivalent of bad karma for sinners...
Christian Buddhists have usurped the idea of karma and incorporated it into their own dogma but that does not imply that it is the intended usage per the Buddhist path. What you are more likely thinking of, and this is just my thoughts, is the pagan idea of the Three Fold law. This notion predates Christianity, and as of so many other concepts incorporated into the Christian faith, that is where this concept had its inception. Other concepts that the founders of the Christian faith usurped include the 'fish' symbol as it relates to Christ and the Trinity itself.


Well-Known Member
And then there is the relevant bible passages I linked to that everyone except LGBT activists read and accept as the true meaning......
What is true meaning? For some, the true meaning of this or that is vastly different, no? What is your interpretation of the story of Jonah, for example? Or how about David and Goliath? Each person views this allegorical and moral tales differently, depending on the denomination of Christianity they accept as correct, or the language used or the culture of the person and so on.

Taylor Seraphim

Angel of Reason
Christian Buddhists have usurped the idea of karma and incorporated it into their own dogma but that does not imply that it is the intended usage per the Buddhist path. What you are more likely thinking of, and this is just my thoughts, is the pagan idea of the Three Fold law. This notion predates Christianity, and as of so many other concepts incorporated into the Christian faith, that is where this concept had its inception. Other concepts that the founders of the Christian faith usurped include the 'fish' symbol as it relates to Christ and the Trinity itself.

Um the threefold law did not actually exist in original paganism. It is used in neo-paganism who took it from Crowley.


Well-Known Member
No the bible does not say that....that was a commentary from the LGBT activist web site... But if I recall properly, you do not have it correct, it said the God made them gay as a punishment for indulging in heterosexual orgies...
Can you provide the Biblical passage that states this? I am unaware of any such statement in the Bible. If you are referring to Sodom, that had more to do with impoliteness with regard to guests. In Ezekiel, we read:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.
In this verse, how do we interpret that word abomination? You may infer that it has to do with sexuality but that is NOT what this says. There is inference about rape of angels, as it relates to Lot, whom as you know, committed incest and pedophilia, although that is debatable as the girls allegedly got Lot drunk. It is not until Paul put in his two cents that this became a story of homosexuality. And as you know, Christ never said a word about this.


Well-Known Member
Um the threefold law did not actually exist in original paganism. It is used in neo-paganism who took it from Crowley.
Incorrect. As a law, stated as the Rule of Three, this came from Gerald Gardner. However, the historical import predates most religions. I have not the time at this moment to find my sources in my library but this is something I used as part of my dissertation in theology.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
How does being respectful of that one word which is considered derogatory and insulting to the LGBT community lend itself to becoming difficult to convey a concept? Is it difficult to write out the word homosexual? Or are you implying that being able to use that word in a manner which is insulting and not being able to do so then becomes an issue for you? What exactly is this deeper meaning that you infer here?
Ahem....Jo....reread my post 1501 and your words I quoted...I understood the word we are discussing 'spiritual'....yes?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I have been consistently polite to you and to everyone, with rare exceptions, such as when someone disrespects me repeatedly or with hot topic issues for me, such as elder abuse etc. I am not, OTOH, responsible for the actions or posts of other members of this forum. I do expect that you understand this, non?
Jo....I said 'them'....and was not referring to you...

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Christian Buddhists have usurped the idea of karma and incorporated it into their own dogma but that does not imply that it is the intended usage per the Buddhist path. What you are more likely thinking of, and this is just my thoughts, is the pagan idea of the Three Fold law. This notion predates Christianity, and as of so many other concepts incorporated into the Christian faith, that is where this concept had its inception. Other concepts that the founders of the Christian faith usurped include the 'fish' symbol as it relates to Christ and the Trinity itself.
No...the idea of karma in the restricted sense of 'reaping what you sow' is in the New Testament...though no doubt the idea preexisted Christianity...it is universal wisdom...

So please don't bore me with any attempt to propose the concept of karma in the sense of retribution for our acts is somehow different from the Christian teaching to that effect.... And btw....karma is a Sanatan Dharma term....predates Buddhism...

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
What is true meaning? For some, the true meaning of this or that is vastly different, no? What is your interpretation of the story of Jonah, for example? Or how about David and Goliath? Each person views this allegorical and moral tales differently, depending on the denomination of Christianity they accept as correct, or the language used or the culture of the person and so on.
A man who lies down with another man, as with a woman....what else could this mean in the context of a sexual act?

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
They include both sides of the argument, and you make up your own mind as to which you agree with. You're just writing off any source that disagree with you as "LGBT activism". That could go both ways, you know.

I am certainly not an "LGBT activist" or even LGBT, but I do challenge discrimination, homophobia and bigotry because I think these attitudes are harmful, ignorant and immature.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Can you provide the Biblical passage that states this? I am unaware of any such statement in the Bible. If you are referring to Sodom, that had more to do with impoliteness with regard to guests. In Ezekiel, we read:

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.
In this verse, how do we interpret that word abomination? You may infer that it has to do with sexuality but that is NOT what this says. There is inference about rape of angels, as it relates to Lot, whom as you know, committed incest and pedophilia, although that is debatable as the girls allegedly got Lot drunk. It is not until Paul put in his two cents that this became a story of homosexuality. And as you know, Christ never said a word about this.
It isn't in the bible Jo....it is, imo, a lame commentary on Romans 1:26-27...here...http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibc3.htm

Near the bottom of the page after this.....Verses 21 to 28 include the following topics:

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
I still don't understand why anyone would want or need to base their attitudes towards sexual orientation on an ancient religious text written by a bunch of primitive tribesmen.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I still don't understand why anyone would want or need to base their attitudes towards sexual orientation on an ancient religious text written by a bunch of primitive tribesmen.
Do you think their understanding of gender plumbing was wacky in those days....and the LGBT now have it right?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I think the authors of the Bible had primitive attitudes on quite a number of subjects, particularly looking at the Old Testament.
Ancient religious texts have to be considered in their cultural context, do you not understand that?
You think too much...yoni and linga...are a natural creative matched complementary opposite pair... the authors of the bible understood this.... Settle down and learn to appreciate Divine art....