I believe this has gone into the "whatever" and "pot meet kettle" category, so moving on...
So, then, the love that heterosexuals feel for each other must then be physical and emotional desire and, therefore, a perversion as well. As the love that is felt is THE SAME DAMN THING then straight love and sex is a perversion as well as it is also based upon the exact same feelings.
No, I have called a sexual perversion a sexual perversion. It is perverted to be concerned about the sex other people are having. It verges on pornographic and voyeurism. It is disgusting and sick to judge other people upon the sex they are having. Not even really the sex, as both heterosexuals and homosexuals have the same kinds of sex except homosexuals actually do one less thing, but WHO is involved in the sex. I do not see goodness in you, I see bigotry and hatred dressed up in a religious bow.
Believe what you like. I can believe the sky is purple with pink polka dots, doesn't mean I'm right. Nor you believing that you don't have sexual issues mean that you are right. That you have your head and concern in the sex of others in order to judge them upon it, that shows an issue right there.