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Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?


Agnostic Theist
I really wish someone would answer my questions, instead of running in circles around them
Did I not answer your question? I'm pretty sure a number of members have answered your question now. Yes, the belief in ghosts is compatible with Christian faith. I think all that needs to even be shown is that fact that some Christians believe in ghosts. That says it all.


Well-Known Member
Did I not answer your question? I'm pretty sure a number of members have answered your question now. Yes, the belief in ghosts is compatible with Christian faith. I think all that needs to even be shown is that fact that some Christians believe in ghosts. That says it all.

No, you haven't answered my questions in that you havemn't given any LOGICAL reasons why belief in ghosts is compatible with Christian belief, again you are:faint: just running around in illogical circles.


Agnostic Theist
No, you haven't answered my questions in that you havemn't given any LOGICAL reasons why belief in ghosts is compatible with Christian belief, again you are:faint: just running around in illogical circles.
So religion has to be logical now?

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Although heaven (and hell) are not particularly well biblically supported in the Christian bible, I don't believe it talks anywhere about ghosts haunting houses.

My question is, is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith?

What about other religions?

Christians I have found believe 1 of 2 things.

1. All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment.

This pretty much does not go with any ghost or spirit belief.

2. You go to heaven (or hell) when you die.

This allows for spirits, however, there is nothing in the bible or anywhere else in the religion that indicates a spirit will "hang around" a house, for example, to haunt it, or otherwise. The spirit will go straight to heaven, or if you are Catholic, you may believe it goes to purgatory.

So who actually believes in ghosts, and if so, how do they jive that with their religion, if they have any?

ghosts are very well explained within westrern spiritual paths
generally most ghosts are energy residues...

although there are plenty of silly people that contact the dead


Well-Known Member
I just don't see any support biblically for belief in souls, spirits, ghosts etc. that "roam the earth".
Well, the people of the OT believed that the shades of the dead went to Sheol, so you're not going to find examples of human spirits appearing on Earth other than cases, like we've mentioned, where they are specifically summoned.

By the NT time people believed in spirits walking the land, the writers mention Jesus appearing as a ghost to two men after his resurrection, they also mention people being possessed by spirits, such as Legion and of those spirits ability to move from host to host.
So the idea of spirits per se is not alien to Christian belief.

If you're talking haunted houses, the belief in spirits loitering in places is found in all cultures. It's why in pretty much every ancient culture graveyards and ruins were shunned.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Seems to that it is illogical to ask for logical explanations for things that do not fall under logic.

Realistically this whole thread was started not with finding actual answers
but merely to show "believers" they are "wrong"


sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
Although heaven (and hell) are not particularly well biblically supported in the Christian bible, I don't believe it talks anywhere about ghosts haunting houses.

My question is, is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith?

What about other religions?

Christians I have found believe 1 of 2 things.

1. All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment.

This pretty much does not go with any ghost or spirit belief.

2. You go to heaven (or hell) when you die.

This allows for spirits, however, there is nothing in the bible or anywhere else in the religion that indicates a spirit will "hang around" a house, for example, to haunt it, or otherwise. The spirit will go straight to heaven, or if you are Catholic, you may believe it goes to purgatory.

So who actually believes in ghosts, and if so, how do they jive that with their religion, if they have any?
Jesus is said to have given up the ghost when he died. Also Saul used a sorceress to conjure up Samuel from the dead.


Admiral Obvious
Really, where?:facepalm:
Try reading posts:
Post #34 is where you started whining about how you either do not understand the answers given to you in the above listed posts, or perhaps you do not like them?

I suspect that you were looking for the conversation to take a specific route and your questions did not take you that way.
Thus the reason I suggested different questions.


Done here.
My question is, is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith?
Most contemporary Christians don't believe the spirits of the dead ramble around on the earth, haunting houses and such, but if you believe spirits exist, and that at least some of them are the spirits of the dead, it's not such a stretch.

The witch of Endor "called up Samuel", so there's some scriptural warrant for believing that the living may encounter the spirits of the dead and communicate with them.


Done here.
By the way, one of the reasons you aren't supposed to speak ill of the dead is that they may be listening. :)

It's a traditional Orthodox Christian folk belief (though not an official doctrine) that the spirits of the dead wander through earth, heaven and hell for forty days after death before "settling down" in heaven or hell.