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Is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith, or other religions?


Done here.
No, you haven't answered my questions in that you havemn't given any LOGICAL reasons why belief in ghosts is compatible with Christian belief, again you are:faint: just running around in illogical circles.
Welcome to religion.

However, if you accept the premises that (1) humans have a spirit that is distinct from the body, and (2) the spirit survives the death of the body, a belief in ghosts is practically a given. What's illogical about it?


Well-Known Member
But how does this relate to religious belief, or how can the 2 co-exist comfortably:shrug:?

But how does this relate to religious belief, or how can the 2 co-exist comfortably:shrug:?

How does this relate to religious belief?

First you would have to disassociate yourself from religious belief, accept what you already know, that religions could be wrong. Religious beliefs, supernatural deities, could just be distorting the picture for you.

I have searched for decades for the original word of mouth story which would have influenced the Garden of Eden story. Unfortunately, it seems to have been lost in the hands of time, and all we are left with is the brief written versions. The original, word of mouth story, would have opened many doors of knowledge and understanding.

Every other ancient, base root cultures on Earth have spirits in their begining, The African Bushman, the Australian aboriginal just two examples. We have no knowledge of what God per se was, a spirit is just one possible answer of many.

Our first introduction with spirits comes with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. This aligns with other hunter and gatherer testimony.This extends right throughout the bible. The practice of exorcism, is based on spirits, Moses parting the waters is based on spirits (alchemy) as is his tapping a rock and getting water from it in the middle of a desert. The alledged story of Jesus. The end resultant of ascension for all who go to heaven, or the ones like me, destined to hell, are all based on spirits.

The relationship is there, it just isn't normally related to or associated to in this way by modern day religions. They have turned the serpent in the garden of eden into the devil as one example, Moses parting the waters into a miracle of supernatural proportions as another.
Although heaven (and hell) are not particularly well biblically supported in the Christian bible, I don't believe it talks anywhere about ghosts haunting houses.

My question is, is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith?

What about other religions?

Christians I have found believe 1 of 2 things.

1. All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment.

This pretty much does not go with any ghost or spirit belief.

2. You go to heaven (or hell) when you die.

This allows for spirits, however, there is nothing in the bible or anywhere else in the religion that indicates a spirit will "hang around" a house, for example, to haunt it, or otherwise. The spirit will go straight to heaven, or if you are Catholic, you may believe it goes to purgatory.

So who actually believes in ghosts, and if so, how do they jive that with their religion, if they have any?

When you or I die. Our soul regenerates to a new tabernacle of flesh if we die in corruption or wickedness. The rightous who die enter into rest and are awaiting the last day. To be rightous one must be born again according to the spirit. This has not happend in the christian world since it's beginnings in antioch where the prophet agabus prophecied famine through out all the world when he met the great apostacy calling themselves christians.. The born again process ceased with the last of the 144,000, and the world slipped into the prophecied spiritual Famine.

The Christian world has not yet begun to understand to what extent they are in Darkness.

Spirits that posses people or Houses is mearely Satanic deceptions that keep people distracted from Simply keeping the Laws of God and receiving spiritual rebirth.

Every soul on this earth is Eternal. The flesh was designed to be temporary and fragile so that the soul does not leave this world and destroy the universe. We are simply destroying out planet and prision untill we learn the futility of our actions which trangress the Eternal Law that God delivered to mankind from the moutain.

If we keep the Law we will enter rest, There will be no rest for the wicked; and there will be a last day. Get oil for your lamp before the door is shut.

The oil for you lamp can only come from God. No writings of men can give you the oil you need for the letter kills. It's the spirit of truth from God that Gives life.

God Bless
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Well-Known Member
I really wish someone would answer my questions, instead of running in circles around them
If it hasn't been pointed out yet, there is the story in the Book of Acts, where the writer states demons took over a human body.

Very little else in the bible concerning such a thing. So from a bible perspective, your are going to be left wanting, and if others teach something different, it isn't from the bible.
Acts 19
[13] Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.
[14] And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew, and chief of the priests, which did so.
[15] And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are ye?
[16] And the man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them, and overcame them, and prevailed against them, so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded.


Admiral Obvious
If it hasn't been pointed out yet, there is the story in the Book of Acts, where the writer states demons took over a human body.

Very little else in the bible concerning such a thing. So from a bible perspective, your are going to be left wanting, and if others teach something different, it isn't from the bible.
Acts 19
Seems to me that Jesus banished some demons into a herd of pigs.....


Well-Known Member
Welcome to religion.

However, if you accept the premises that (1) humans have a spirit that is distinct from the body, and (2) the spirit survives the death of the body, a belief in ghosts is practically a given. What's illogical about it?

This thread is not about belief in ghosts, but how one can be religious and believe spirits are roaming around on earth as opposed to being in heaven (or hell). The 2 beliefs seem to be contradictory. Some are getting uppity about it, but it's a simple question. And supposed demons are NOT supposed human spirits, that's a different subject.


Agnostic Theist
This thread is not about belief in ghosts, but how one can be religious and believe spirits are roaming around on earth as opposed to being in heaven (or hell). The 2 beliefs seem to be contradictory. Some are getting uppity about it, but it's a simple question. And supposed demons are NOT supposed human spirits, that's a different subject.
Your question has been answered. You simply dismiss them as illogical, which is actually illogical in itself since religion is not based on logic.

The fact that some Christians believe in ghosts says a lot. It is clear that many Christians do not believe that the two beliefs are contradictory. Who are you to determine what is then against their religious beliefs? You have shown no evidence that the two beliefs are contradictory except to state what two different groups of Christians believe, neither one being opposed to the idea of ghosts.

Also what is to say that demons are not what people consider ghosts or spirits? What makes them have to be human spirits? Or who even says that demons can't be human spirits?


Jesus spoke often of Angels and Demons. They aren't in heaven or hell if they are on earth still. So, why would the belief in ghosts or spirits be incompatible with traditional Christian teachings?


Well-Known Member
Jesus spoke often of Angels and Demons. They aren't in heaven or hell if they are on earth still. So, why would the belief in ghosts or spirits be incompatible with traditional Christian teachings?

The gospels actually speak little of angels and demons, and even less about where they are located, and this is totally irrelevant since supposed angels and demons are NOT humans spirits.:sorry1:


Well-Known Member
Your question has been answered. You simply dismiss them as illogical, which is actually illogical in itself since religion is not based on logic.

The fact that some Christians believe in ghosts says a lot. It is clear that many Christians do not believe that the two beliefs are contradictory. Who are you to determine what is then against their religious beliefs? You have shown no evidence that the two beliefs are contradictory except to state what two different groups of Christians believe, neither one being opposed to the idea of ghosts.

Also what is to say that demons are not what people consider ghosts or spirits? What makes them have to be human spirits? Or who even says that demons can't be human spirits?

I have clearly given statements pointing out the contradiction between Christian belief and "human spirits roaming the earth". For what reason would supposed spirits remain on earth? There is nothing in Christianity to indicate that the belief isn't that the soul or spirit goes to heaven (or hell) when you die, not the nearest haunted house.


Agnostic Theist
I have clearly given statements pointing out the contradiction between Christian belief and "human spirits roaming the earth". For what reason would supposed spirits remain on earth? There is nothing in Christianity to indicate that the belief isn't that the soul or spirit goes to heaven (or hell) when you die, not the nearest haunted house.
So now you are purporting that all spirits/souls go to heaven or hell when they die? Did you not already say there is little evidence in the Bible for that? Wouldn't that be considered running around in illogical circles, as you've accused others of?

Also, why must it be human spirits? Is that because you know that your original question, which stated just a question about spirits was already answered by the fact that a demon or angel could be considered a spirit?

Also, is it not true that you stated that one of the major Christian beliefs is that "All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment?" So that this must mean there is evidence in Christianity that all do not just go to heaven or hell once they die. Also, it makes the belief in human spirits that roam the Earth completely compatible as I've already explained.


Done here.
This thread is not about belief in ghosts, but how one can be religious and believe spirits are roaming around on earth as opposed to being in heaven (or hell). The 2 beliefs seem to be contradictory.
Why can't somebody believe the spirits of the dead exist without believing they're confined to heaven or hell?


Well-Known Member
1. So now you are purporting that all spirits/souls go to heaven or hell when they die? Did you not already say there is little evidence in the Bible for that? Wouldn't that be considered running around in illogical circles, as you've accused others of?

2.Also, why must it be human spirits? Is that because you know that your original question, which stated just a question about spirits was already answered by the fact that a demon or angel could be considered a spirit?

3.Also, is it not true that you stated that one of the major Christian beliefs is that "All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment?" So that this must mean there is evidence in Christianity that all do not just go to heaven or hell once they die. Also, it makes the belief in human spirits that roam the Earth completely compatible as I've already explained.

AS usual, your post makes no sense:

1. I don't say all spirits go to heaven or hell, Christianity does. I don't believe in ghosts or spirits. This is one version of Christianity.

2. Again, this thread is not about demons or angels, which I also don't believe in, and are not HUMAN spirits.

3. If the final judgement "option" of Christianity is true, there is no spirit to run around until it is "raised from the dead" in the final judgement. The physical bodies are not raised, they are long since either cremated or decayed away. In any case, the spirit is not available to "haunt" a house until the final judgement.:sorry1:


The gospels actually speak little of angels and demons, and even less about where they are located, and this is totally irrelevant since supposed angels and demons are NOT humans spirits.:sorry1:

Don't be sorry. Just reread some of the bible. Jesus was tempted in the desert, he drove out demons, and his mother was visited by an angel. All of these encounters or so called encounters happened here on earth. If spirits like these exist, why not human spirits. I think it is a legitimate question. Can you answer it?


Agnostic Theist
1. I don't say all spirits go to heaven or hell, Christianity does. I don't believe in ghosts or spirits. This is one version of Christianity.
Christianity says no such thing for certain. You've even stated that the Bible is lacking in that aspect. So to claim this simply is not accurate.
2. Again, this thread is not about demons or angels, which I also don't believe in, and are not HUMAN spirits.
You first stated that this thread was about spirits. Now, it is logical that if demons or angels exist, then it would be easy to mistake them as a spirit. So your point is moot.

3. If the final judgement "option" of Christianity is true, there is no spirit to run around until it is "raised from the dead" in the final judgement. The physical bodies are not raised, they are long since either cremated or decayed away. In any case, the spirit is not available to "haunt" a house until the final judgement.:sorry1:
Says who? The Bible does not say that the spirit or soul will be raised from the dead. It states that the physical body will be resurrected in the same way that it is assumed that Jesus was physically resurrected. So if this option is true, then it would be completely possible that the spirit/soul, while waiting for the physical body to be resurrected, to roam the Earth.

You have yet to provide any evidence that Christianity is not compatible with the belief in ghosts. You've been shown why, quite a few times now, that it is perfectly compatible. The fact that Christians can and do believe in ghosts shows that very clearly.


Done here.
They certainly can, but it is not compatible with Christianity.
Considering that a belief in ghosts has been common among many sorts of Christians and throughout Christendom for its entire history, it's apparent that it is.


Well-Known Member
Although heaven (and hell) are not particularly well biblically supported in the Christian bible, I don't believe it talks anywhere about ghosts haunting houses.

My question is, is belief in ghosts compatible with the Christian faith?

What about other religions?

Christians I have found believe 1 of 2 things.

1. All the faithful will be raised from the dead in the final judgment.

This pretty much does not go with any ghost or spirit belief.

2. You go to heaven (or hell) when you die.

This allows for spirits, however, there is nothing in the bible or anywhere else in the religion that indicates a spirit will "hang around" a house, for example, to haunt it, or otherwise. The spirit will go straight to heaven, or if you are Catholic, you may believe it goes to purgatory.

So who actually believes in ghosts, and if so, how do they jive that with their religion, if they have any?

It all has to do with; Exactly what is a ghost?? Would you call an apparitian a ghost?
If to you a ghost is the spirit or soul of a person who had lived on earth, the answer is a positive NO, NOT POSSIBLE. The very meaning of death proves this, Ecc 3:18-20, 9:5,6,10, Ps 146:3,4.
Notice what God told Adam and Eve, after they had sinned against Him, Gen 3:19. They returned to the ground from where they came. When God takes away His spirit every living thing dies, Ps 104:29,30.
There was actually no way they could get to heaven. If they continued to obey God they would continue ti live. Only by disobedience could they die. They were not rewarded heaven for disobedience.