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Is Christianity based upon Pagan ideas?

In my experiences, Christians believe in horrible devils and demons, yes. Christianity has always been a movement marinated in fear. Its principle hold on people is a fear of what happens after death. Its major message of conversion is fear for one's soul. And yes, I still stand by and say it has evolved. Because it has not evolved to your standards does not mean it has not. Humans are far removed from what distant ancestors spawned them, yet there is still fear within these evolved beings.
Again: what does it matter? If you see it as wrong or impractical, follow your own path. I answered the original post with my own opinions. If they want to push for blood sacrifices, good luck, they have a lot of work ahead of them. Even if I feel it's wrong or backwards, it isn't up to me to make them see my way.


Thou art That
In my experiences, Christians believe in horrible devils and demons, yes. Christianity has always been a movement marinated in fear. Its principle hold on people is a fear of what happens after death. Its major message of conversion is fear for one's soul. And yes, I still stand by and say it has evolved. Because it has not evolved to your standards does not mean it has not. Humans are far removed from what distant ancestors spawned them, yet there is still fear within these evolved beings.
Again: what does it matter? If you see it as wrong or impractical, follow your own path. I answered the original post with my own opinions. If they want to push for blood sacrifices, good luck, they have a lot of work ahead of them. Even if I feel it's wrong or backwards, it isn't up to me to make them see my way.

On the contrary, I am not so much attempting to get them to 'see it my way' as to make them aware of what their way actually looks like.

I am not interested in converting anyone to 'my view', but only that they see reality as it is, and not as they believe it to be.

You have agreed that Christians believe in fear-based concepts. What happens when action is taken based upon fear-driven ideas? Do you see any evidence today of harmful effects of those actions?

If the Christian had truly evolved, as you suggest, the first thing he would have done would be to shelve the very core of the teaching, which is based upon superstitious blood sacrifice as a means of sin remission.

Then he will be free to evolve.

Dogma and evolution are mutually exclusive ideas.
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What evidence exists that points to Pagan roots as the basis for many of the ideas found in the Christian religion?

Christianity begain in the 4th Century in the Roman Empire. It grew from followers of Jesus as Messiah to Jesus the secondary god (Arianism), Gentile followers of Jesus felt little connection to Judaism. They were followers of one of many Indo-European Pagan religions.

The Pagan religion of the Indo-Europeans (Iranians, Hindus, Thracians, Cimmerians, Greeks, Slavs, Romans, Teutons, Illyrians, and Celts) had an origin in the origional Indo-European population about 8000 BCE.

I am most familiar with the Celtic Paganism and to some extent the Zoroastrian of the Persians.

All have a High God always a male.
Most have God impregnate a human virgin.
The Virgin born "Son of God" is a saviour.
The saviour is slain to pay for man's sins.
The saviour resurrects to give man salvation.

In the Indo-European Family of Religions here are common themes.

High God:

Ahura Mazda (Zoroastrian)
Brahma (Hindu)
Zeus (Greek)
Odin or Wodin (Teutonic)
Dagda (Celts)

Divine son of God:

Mithra (Persian Sun god)
Krishna (HIndu)
Apollo or Prometheus (Greek)
Baldur (Teutonic Sun God)
Lugh or Lieu (Celtic Sun God)

Indo-European Religions have Trinities. Christianity is structurally a Pagan Indo-European Religion.

See following post:

Christianity is a pagan religion. The Talmud records a Jesus (Yeshua) Ben Pandira who was son of Mary (Miriam) Magdalene. He was tried for sorcery, and stoned to death. Then hung on a tree for dishonour. That was during the reign of King Yani (Alexander) Jannaeus more than a century before the alleged Jesus of Nazareth.

Paul or Saul was a very irrational fellow who had some Jewish training and education. He was raised in the Pagan city of Tarsus in Cilicia (Asia Minor and modern day Turkey.) In the very cosmopolitan city of Tarsus he was surrounded by the dominant Roman religion at the time, Mithraism. There were other Eastern Mystery Cults in Tarsus because it was an important sea port. It connected the maritime routes of the Mediterranean Sea with the land routes to China and India.

Paul went to Jerusalem where a Jesus cult still existed, and tried to put his "spin" on the legend. Incidentally there are no Roman records of a Jesus being crucified for anything, or even being tried. The Ebionite Messianic Jews who followed the teachings of Jesus (Possibly Peter and James) argued against Paul. Soon the group of them drove Paul out of Jerusalem. Paul fled first to Petra, but there he made a nuisance of himself. The King of Petra or Nabataea ordered his arrest. So Paul had to flee by boat back to Tarsus where he remained "silent" for 14 years.

During that time, Paul using Mithraism as the model re-invented the Jesus cult. He put Jesus in place of Mithra. He gave Jesus most of Mithra's characteristics. Virgin birth (alternately he was born of a rock), in a cave attended by shepherds, and visited by Magi. He was the son of Ahura Mazda, the high God but also human. He later was killed but resurrected to save mankind. Mithraism being an offshoot of Zoroastrianism believed in Heaven and Hell, a final battle of Good versus Evil. A final judgement day was supposed to follow in which Ahura Mazda would assign the good to Heaven and the bad to Hell. Mithra brought saving grace, and water baptism as well as blood baptism in which one was "Born Again." Paul began the process of syncretism that led to the merger of Mithraism and evolving Christianity.

A limited amount is known about Mithraic rites. There are 5 cave frescoes that indicate Roman Mithraism had 7 sacraments. They also had 7 in a number of other myths perhaps being the origin of the 7 horned beast in Revelations.

By the time Paul had syncreted Mithraism with Jesus he was ready to spread the new faith along with his early disciples. They still needed to iron out a few details. Was Jesus equal to God? Was he a created God (Arians)? Was he a full God equal to God the Father? Was he one of a Trinity (Athanasian)? Persian, Egyptian, Celtic, and Greco-Roman Pagans had trinities. It seems to be that only the Jews lacked a trinity. Emperor Constantine intervened. He was favourable to Sol Invictus the Sun God. But his mother had converted to Athanasian Trinitarian Christianity.

The Empire had been through multiple German invasions, Persian Wars, and several civil wars with rival emperors. He needed a unifying factor. He decided that Athanasian Christianity was nearly identical with Mithraism the largest religion. It could be compatible with the Cult of Sol Invictus. It was even compatible with much of the mythology of the second fastest growing cult in the Empire, Celtic Druidism. Celts made up most of the populations of Britain, Gaul, and Hispania (Spain). So with his troops at Nicaea, he called the Bishops together compelling them to ban all competing Christian cults. That eliminated the Ebionites, Gnostics, Arians, Donatists, Manichaeans, and smaller non-Trinitarian Christian cults in the Empire. Arians survived in the German Barbarian Kingdoms until the 7th century. He then coerced the Mithraists, most continental Druids, and Sun Cultists to admit that Jesus was actually Mithra, as well as the Sun God Sol/Aten, and the Druidic Sun god Lugh (Light).

His merger worked rather well. The empire so unified lasted another 150 years in the West and another thousand years in the East where it was later called Byzantine. His successors, especially Theodosius I, persecuted the remaining "pagans" out of existence or exiled them to remote rural areas. The Trinitarian Christians found other trivia to kill each other over. They were fond of arguing over the nature of Jesus. There were Monophysites, Monotheletes, Nestorians, and the gents who won, the Orthodox Catholics. They were “orthodox” because the Emperor backed them and they won. Officially they call themselves Athanasian Christians.

Paul had utilised various Jewish scriptural texts to show prophesy of Jesus/Mithra's coming. He had to put one heck of a spin on them. It would impress American politicians. He reinterpreted them in his epistles to better fit his new religion, which wasn't a new religion at all, but a syncretized mosaic of four pagan cults with a superficial Judaic "history". Yet no prophesy mentions a Jesus or a divine-human mix.

On the contrary, I am not so much attempting to get them to 'see it my way' as to make them aware of what their way actually looks like.

I am not interested in converting anyone to 'my view', but only that they see reality as it is, and not as they believe it to be.

YOUR reality is not theirs, neither is it anyone's besides your own. You may feel they are wrong, and that is right, to you. But you are not the authority on what is reality. How do you know that everything you view isn't just created inside your head? All the devils and the gods, spirits, weather, history, etc., are you, and that the current "reality" you see isn't just a reflection of yourself? That is all anybody can see: what they are, or rather what they have experienced. If we have not experienced something even to the slightest degree, how can we relate or begin to fathom it, how would we know where to begin to see what is "right" or "wrong". How could one dare to assume that their own reality is superior to anyone's?


Thou art That
Christianity is a pagan religion.....
Paul had utilised various Jewish scriptural texts to show prophesy of Jesus/Mithra's coming. He had to put one heck of a spin on them.... He reinterpreted them in his epistles to better fit his new religion, which wasn't a new religion at all, but a syncretized mosaic of four pagan cults with a superficial Judaic "history". Yet no prophesy mentions a Jesus or a divine-human mix.


Thank you, Ardi, for providing many of the details and chronology involved in how pagan beliefs became core teachings of Christianity. Most of what you describe coincides with what I have also uncovered.

"The missionaries promoting Yeshua as the messiah for humankind simply wrote them into the narrations about Yeshua. A list of characteristics of Mithras follows. Remember that these were centuries old before Yeshua was even born. You'll see what was borrowed to make Yeshua more appealing to the pagan Mithraites:"

  1. Mithras was born of a virgin who was given the title of "Mother of God"
  2. Mithras was born on December 25. Before Constantine (a follower of Mithras) changed the date, the birth date Yeshua's followers observed was January 6. However, Yeshua's birth, based on the descriptions, would actually have been in the spring.
  3. Mithras was born in a cave (stable), and his birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts.
  4. Mithras was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
  5. Mithras had 12 companions or disciples.
  6. Mithras performed miracles.
  7. Mithras' followers were baptized.
  8. Mithras suffered to bring salvation to a sin-cursed humankind.
  9. Mithras was buried in a tomb and rose after three days. (Yeshua rose after a day and a half, but the gospel accounts used the three days to fit with Mithras' story, in spite of the obvious disparity in the timeline.)
  10. Mithras' resurrection was celebrated every year.
  11. Mithras ascended into heaven after finishing his deeds.
  12. Mithras' followers were promised immortality.
  13. Mithras was called “the good shepherd” and identified with both the lamb and the lion.
  14. Mithras was called the “way, the truth and the light,” " logos,” "word," “redeemer,” “savior” and “messiah.”
  15. On the Judgment Day, Mithras would use the keys of heaven to unlock the gates of Paradise to receive the faithful. All the unbaptized living and dead would perish.
  16. Mithra's sacred day was Sunday, called the “Lord’s day” because Mithraism was a sun religion. Yeshua's sacred day was changed from the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday, to match Mithras' day.
  17. Mithras had his principal festival on the day that was later to become Easter for Christians.
  18. Mithras' religion had a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper,” at which Mithras said, “He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.”
  19. On a final day of judgment, the dead would resurrect and in a final conflict, the existing order would be destroyed and light would triumph over darkness.
"Since all of these characteristics of Mithras predated Yeshua by fourteen hundred years, Mithraism could not have copied the Yeshua story; it had to be the reverse. These details about Yeshua were not in the earliest sources. They appeared later."

Paul and the Mystery Religions

It is interesting to note that the Church fathers, when confronted with the fact that Mithra pre-dated Christianity by some 1400 years, went so far as to state that Mithraism was an invention of the Devil designed to mis-lead Christians! :eek:


Thou art That
YOUR reality is not theirs, neither is it anyone's besides your own. You may feel they are wrong, and that is right, to you. But you are not the authority on what is reality. How do you know that everything you view isn't just created inside your head? All the devils and the gods, spirits, weather, history, etc., are you, and that the current "reality" you see isn't just a reflection of yourself? That is all anybody can see: what they are, or rather what they have experienced. If we have not experienced something even to the slightest degree, how can we relate or begin to fathom it, how would we know where to begin to see what is "right" or "wrong". How could one dare to assume that their own reality is superior to anyone's?

No one is daring any such thing. You are speaking here of relative reality. I am speaking about Absolute Reality. The relative view is "your view" vs. "my view". But there is a view beyond any personal view. It is a Universal View, that is not subject to the distortion you refer to.

In other words, Heathen: all personal views about the nature of reality are conceptual; the true nature of reality itself is not, because it is not the product of thought. Accessing the true nature of reality is via of direct seeing, rather than via belief, idea, concept, thinking, etc, which are merely models of reality, but are not reality itself. Where there is pure seeing, there is no chance of distortion simply because there is no thought involved.

What you are failing to see is that their reality is indeed mine, since they choose to aggressively act upon their belief system, and that action is to foist their dogma directly over me. The basis of their actions are directed by the doctrine they choose to believe in.

It is not merely a question of my feeling that they are wrong: it is that their sense of righteousness becomes a wrong inflicted upon others when it is forced upon them. So, rather than attack them on the basis of their attacking others, I simply go to the root of the issue, and that is the very premise of their belief system, in this case, fear-based ideas derived from paganism. All I am doing is holding their own erroneous doctrine up to their eyes so they can see it for what it actually is.

If anyone is "daring to assume that their own reality is superior to anyone's", it is the Christian's, since they themselves state their 'superiority' over all others unequivocally. All I am doing is pointing out that particular fact. Is that OK with you?:D
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Thou art That
..... you are not the authority on what is reality.

No, but reality itself is!:D I am not separate from reality. If I spontaneously burn my finger on a hot stove, I can state with some authority that a finger has been burned. "Ouch!" verifies that fact even before I formulate the thought.

What, in your estimation, IS the authority on the true nature of reality?

How do you know that everything you view isn't just created inside your head? All the devils and the gods, spirits, weather, history, etc., are you, and that the current "reality" you see isn't just a reflection of yourself?
Because there is no "I" that sees reality; there is only the seeing of reality itself.

That is all anybody can see: what they are, or rather what they have experienced. If we have not experienced something even to the slightest degree, how can we relate or begin to fathom it,
...you need'nt eat poop to know that it is poop.

how would we know where to begin to see what is "right" or "wrong".
...by seeing that 'right' is defined by 'wrong', and vice-versa.
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Thank you, Ardi, for providing many of the details and chronology involved in how pagan beliefs became core teachings of Christianity. Most of what you describe coincides with what I have also uncovered.

"The missionaries promoting Yeshua as the messiah for humankind simply wrote them into the narrations about Yeshua. A list of characteristics of Mithras follows. Remember that these were centuries old before Yeshua was even born. You'll see what was borrowed to make Yeshua more appealing to the pagan Mithraites:"

  1. Mithras was born of a virgin who was given the title of "Mother of God"
  2. Mithras was born on December 25. Before Constantine (a follower of Mithras) changed the date, the birth date Yeshua's followers observed was January 6. However, Yeshua's birth, based on the descriptions, would actually have been in the spring.
  3. Mithras was born in a cave (stable), and his birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts.
  4. Mithras was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
  5. Mithras had 12 companions or disciples.
  6. Mithras performed miracles.
  7. Mithras' followers were baptized.
  8. Mithras suffered to bring salvation to a sin-cursed humankind.
  9. Mithras was buried in a tomb and rose after three days. (Yeshua rose after a day and a half, but the gospel accounts used the three days to fit with Mithras' story, in spite of the obvious disparity in the timeline.)
  10. Mithras' resurrection was celebrated every year.
  11. Mithras ascended into heaven after finishing his deeds.
  12. Mithras' followers were promised immortality.
  13. Mithras was called “the good shepherd” and identified with both the lamb and the lion.
  14. Mithras was called the “way, the truth and the light,” " logos,” "word," “redeemer,” “savior” and “messiah.”
  15. On the Judgment Day, Mithras would use the keys of heaven to unlock the gates of Paradise to receive the faithful. All the unbaptized living and dead would perish.
  16. Mithra's sacred day was Sunday, called the “Lord’s day” because Mithraism was a sun religion. Yeshua's sacred day was changed from the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday, to match Mithras' day.
  17. Mithras had his principal festival on the day that was later to become Easter for Christians.
  18. Mithras' religion had a Eucharist or “Lord’s Supper,” at which Mithras said, “He who shall not eat of my body nor drink of my blood so that he may be one with me and I with him, shall not be saved.”
  19. On a final day of judgment, the dead would resurrect and in a final conflict, the existing order would be destroyed and light would triumph over darkness.
"Since all of these characteristics of Mithras predated Yeshua by fourteen hundred years, Mithraism could not have copied the Yeshua story; it had to be the reverse. These details about Yeshua were not in the earliest sources. They appeared later."

Paul and the Mystery Religions

It is interesting to note that the Church fathers, when confronted with the fact that Mithra pre-dated Christianity by some 1400 years, went so far as to state that Mithraism was an invention of the Devil designed to mis-lead Christians! :eek:

I hear the sounds of the resistence coming. Apologist tend to pounce on comparisons.

Christianity was born from paganism and continued to incorporate pagan traditions (Christmas tree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)....
No one is daring any such thing. You are speaking here of relative reality. I am speaking about Absolute Reality. The relative view is "your view" vs. "my view". But there is a view beyond any personal view. It is a Universal View, that is not subject to the distortion you refer to.

In other words, Heathen: all personal views about the nature of reality are conceptual; the true nature of reality itself is not, because it is not the product of thought. Accessing the true nature of reality is via of direct seeing, rather than via belief, idea, concept, thinking, etc, which are merely models of reality, but are not reality itself. Where there is pure seeing, there is no chance of distortion simply because there is no thought involved.

What you are failing to see is that their reality is indeed mine, since they choose to aggressively act upon their belief system, and that action is to foist their dogma directly over me. The basis of their actions are directed by the doctrine they choose to believe in.

It is not merely a question of my feeling that they are wrong: it is that their sense of righteousness becomes a wrong inflicted upon others when it is forced upon them. So, rather than attack them on the basis of their attacking others, I simply go to the root of the issue, and that is the very premise of their belief system, in this case, fear-based ideas derived from paganism. All I am doing is holding their own erroneous doctrine up to their eyes so they can see it for what it actually is.

If anyone is "daring to assume that their own reality is superior to anyone's", it is the Christian's, since they themselves state their 'superiority' over all others unequivocally. All I am doing is pointing out that particular fact. Is that OK with you?:D

It seems here that you are allowing their beliefs to reign over you, to hold power. You say there are two different realities. By the definition of reality, isn't there only one? Reality is based on perception, it is based on, as you have demonstrated, input interpreted by individuals. If that is reality, then it is completely relative. If I put my hand on a burning stove and get burned, I can logically trace back the burn to its source. So you take a belief system which you believe has done wrong, or is in the wrong, and trace it back to its source. I follow your logic, but by your logic the reality you seek to awaken them to is still your own relative reality. You speak of a larger, more universal reality, but is there one? If there is, everyone should be able to experience it, but if all input is filtered through our senses, and each individual must experience the input uniquely due to many experiences and prejudices already ingrained, then reality is filtered by the individual and becomes relative. How does a blind man know what beauty a sunset holds? How does a deaf on know Mozart?
You seek to illustrate a reality to people you ostracized because they have done something or somehow offended you, you are already prejudice, and though it may be in reaction to their actions, you see the world differently. But because you see things differently, you feel superior, or at least that they are wrong in some way, and you seek to point that out. Your reality is relative. You seek to use history and knowledge, but unless you were present for all of the evidence, it too has been filtered through some other reality before reaching you. Time is a huge filter as well. Is it not better then to walk upon your own path instead of showing others the mis-steps in theirs?

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
ardi said:
Christianity begain in the 4th Century in the Roman Empire.
Why should we accept anything you have to say on Christian history when you get the most basic information wrong?

I hear the sounds of the resistence coming.
You missed alot of it... Any "Mithras is proof that Christians copied pagans" claims were debunked in the first five pages... but I can go back through it :D

notGod said:
Remember that these were centuries old before Yeshua was even born.
The first error, Persian(the older) Mithraic beliefs have little to nothing to do with Roman(later) Mithras. The "comparisons" come from Roman Mithras, of which all of our information comes is post-Christian.

Mithras was born of a virgin who was given the title of "Mother of God"
Mithras came from a rock, he was not born of a woman.

Mithras was born on December 25. Before Constantine (a follower of Mithras) changed the date, the birth date Yeshua's followers observed was January 6. However, Yeshua's birth, based on the descriptions, would actually have been in the spring.
As you note Dec. 25 is not when we consider Jesus to be born, but only celebrate it then, this is a non-issue...

Mithras was born in a cave (stable), and his birth was attended by shepherds bearing gifts.
As noted above Mithras issued from a rock, it may have left a cave after he dug out?

In some manuscripts he is attended by shephers(not bearing gifts) who help dig him out.

Mithras was considered a great traveling teacher and master.
He was not considered a teacher...

Mithras had 12 companions or disciples.
Roman Mithras had 2 companions... there is a carving wherein twelve faces are looking on as he slays the bull, these faces are generally considered as symbols of the zodiac...

If all the problems with these aren't enough, I'll finish up...


Thou art That
It seems here that you are allowing their beliefs to reign over you, to hold power.

As I tried to explain to you, it is not just a matter of their beliefs, but actions taken based on those beliefs. Consider the written, systematic, and official program, for example, (or should I say 'pogrom') of genocide and near extinction of the American Indian at the hands of the US Cavalry, directed by a Christian nation, hell-bent on 'Manifest Destiny', wherein the populace at large firmly believed theirs was a God-mandated destiny to conquer the West. The Indian was considered both a dog and an obstacle to 'progress', and therefore, totally expendable.

You say there are two different realities. By the definition of reality, isn't there only one?
Yes, but there is the relative view and the universal view of the one reality.

Reality is based on perception, it is based on, as you have demonstrated, input interpreted by individuals. If that is reality, then it is completely relative.
Yes, that is the relative view of reality, accessed via of the senses. The universal view is accessed via of consciousness beyond the senses. True Reality has nothing to do with one's perception of it; it exists regardless of perception.

If I put my hand on a burning stove and get burned, I can logically trace back the burn to its source. So you take a belief system which you believe has done wrong, or is in the wrong, and trace it back to its source. I follow your logic, but by your logic the reality you seek to awaken them to is still your own relative reality.
If that were true, I would be telling them that their way is wrong and my way is right, and they should adopt my way, but I have no particular way that I am asking them to be. It is not a question of 'my way' vs. 'your way'. What I am saying is: "Your way is based upon superstitious, fear-driven beliefs", and here is the evidence. I am leaving it up to them to see the problem and make a decision on their own.

You speak of a larger, more universal reality, but is there one?
Taken together, what is 'the universe' and the emptiness that contains it?

If there is, everyone should be able to experience it,
They can, since everyone is an integral part of the universe; in fact, each one of us is the universe itself. It is simply that some of us realize it, and some of us don't. Those that don't think they are separate egos acting upon the world. They have formulated a relative view of reality, which is erroneous and temporary, based upon the idea of the self, which is, paradoxically, a self-created principle. To experience the universal view of reality, one must see that the self does not actually exist: there is no experiencer of reality; there is only experiencing itself.

...but if all input is filtered through our senses, and each individual must experience the input uniquely due to many experiences and prejudices already ingrained, then reality is filtered by the individual and becomes relative.
What is beyond the self?

How does a blind man know what beauty a sunset holds? How does a deaf on know Mozart?
By the same means that those who see and hear cannot see or hear the beauty that the blind and deaf can experience.

You seek to illustrate a reality to people you ostracized because they have done something or somehow offended you, you are already prejudice, and though it may be in reaction to their actions, you see the world differently.
When I referred to myself as being the recipient of their dogma, I was speaking for all others. There is no ostracization on my part. They are all included in the universe. It is they who ostracize by virtue of their exclusive doctrine. Pointing out that what they base their ostracization upon is not ostracization.

But because you see things differently, you feel superior, or at least that they are wrong in some way, and you seek to point that out. Your reality is relative. You seek to use history and knowledge, but unless you were present for all of the evidence, it too has been filtered through some other reality before reaching you. Time is a huge filter as well. Is it not better then to walk upon your own path instead of showing others the mis-steps in theirs?
Actually, I can do both at the same time, but 'mis-steps' is a gross understatement of the damage they are actually doing in the world.
The wrongs of history to which I am referring continue to be perpetrated upon others at this very moment. Understand that this is not a personal vendetta. I do not hate anyone. Also understand that those I address would do all they can to prevent me from walking the path of my choice. They want me to walk only their path as the One True Path, all others be dammed. You know yourself that the bottom line is that only Christians will go to Heaven; the rest are doomed to Hell.

As I said, if the extent of their beliefs were just to live and let live, I would agree totally with you and turn the page, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

Pointing out erroneous information is neither superior nor relative, unless I am attached personally to some doctrine. Pointing out something is not a doctrine that is either right nor wrong, I am neither right nor wrong in doing so. You continue to attack my pointing finger rather than to look at what I am pointing to.

Why do you think it is OK to simply allow the replication of mistakes; mistakes that are the cause of great harm, without saying anything about them?
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Thou art That
As you note Dec. 25 is not when we consider Jesus to be born, but only celebrate it then, this is a non-issue...

".....many of the world's crucified "god-men" have their traditional birthday on December 25. This is because the ancients recognized that (from an earth-centric perspective) the sun makes an annual descent southward until December 21 or 22, the winter solstice, when it stops moving southerly for three days and then starts to move northward again.

During this time, the ancients declared that "God's sun" had "died" for three days and was "born again" on December 25. The ancients realized quite abundantly that they needed the sun to return every day and that they would be in big trouble if the sun continued to move southward and did not stop and reverse its direction. Thus, these many different cultures celebrated the "sun of God's" birthday on December 25th. The following are the characteristics of the "sun" of God:

a. The sun "dies" for three days on December 22, the winter solstice, when it stops in its movement south, to be born again or resurrected on December 25, it resumes its movement north.
b. In some areas, the calendar originally began in the constellation of Virgo, and the sun would therefore be "born of a Virgin."
c. The sun is the "Light of the World."
d. The sun "cometh on clouds, and every eye shall see him."
e. The sun rising in the morning is the "Savior of mankind."
f. The sun wears a corona ("crown of thorns") or a halo.
g. The sun "walks on water."
h. The sun's "followers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the 12 signs of the Zodiac, through which the sun must pass.
i. The sun is "crucified," which represents it's passing through the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time it is then resurrected.

In addition, all over the world are sites where this "god" or that allegedly was born, walked, suffered, died, etc., a common occurrence that is not monopolized by, and did not originate with, Christianity. An early Christian Syrian writer (quoted in Credner's "De Natalitorium Christi Origine") wrote the following concerning the December 25 hoax:"

"The reason why the Church fathers transferred the celebration from January 6 to December 25, was that it was the custom of the pagans to celebrate on the same December 25 the birthday of the sun, at which time they lit lights in token of festivity, and in these rites and festivals the Christians also took part. Accordingly, when the doctors of the Church perceived that the Christians had a liking for this festival, they resolved that the true nativity should be commemorated on that day."[FONT=&quot][/FONT]MITHRAS = CHRISTIANITY

"Church leaders may have also had theological reasons for choosing the date of Dec. 25th. The Christian historian Sextus Julius Africanus had identified the 25th as Christ's nativity more than a hundred years earlier. Chronographers reckoned that the world was created on the spring equinox and four days later, on March 25th, light was created. Since the existence of Jesus signaled a beginning of a new era, or new creation, the Biblical chronographers assumed Jesus' conception would have also fallen on March 25th placing his birth in December, nine months later."

HowStuffWorks "Was Jesus really born on December 25th?"



Thou art That
The first error, Persian(the older) Mithraic beliefs have little to nothing to do with Roman(later) Mithras. The "comparisons" come from Roman Mithras, of which all of our information comes is post-Christian.

Well, on first look, it appears that the Roman Mithras is actually the Persian Mithras; they are one and the same:

"The National Geographic Society’s book “Great Religions of the World,” page 309 writes;

“By Jesus’ time, East and West had mingled here for three centuries. Down columns of boulevards walked Roman soldiers loyal to the Persian god Mithras.”

Mithras was a Persian deity. He was also the most widely venerated god in the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus."


Characteristics of the Persian Mithras:

1> Persian legends of Mithras says that He was born of the Sun God and a virgin mother, called "the Mother of God", on December 25th. They saw him as a symbol of justice, truth, and loyalty. He was considered the saviour of humankind, and stories abound of His healing the sick, raising the dead, and performing miracles (making the blind see and the lame walk). Throughout His lifetime, He was seen as a protector of human souls, a mediator between "heaven" and "earth" and was even associated with a "holy trinity". He remained celibate, until the ripe old age of 64, throughout his life and preached the virtues of ethics, moral behavior, and good will.

2> Ancient Persians believed in a "celestial heaven" and hell. They believed that they would be judged by their god and granted justice of" eternal salvation. On judgement day, the faithful dead would be resurrected and light would triumph over darkness.

3> They took part in ritual purification or baptism, held Sundays sacred, drank wine and ate bread as a symbol of the body and blood and even took part in ritualistic purging (purification rites such as flagellation).

4> In their legends, Mithras had an "earthly mission' to accomplish. He then was put to death on a cross and buried in a cave (some legends have Him held in a cave to be reborn once a year).

5> He then "rose from the dead" and took part in a last supper with his 12 disciples (often associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac) and then ascended to the heavens to watch over His "flock" from above.
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Thou art That
Any "Mithras is proof that Christians copied pagans" claims were debunked in the first five pages...

Mithra precedes the Christ myth by at least 600 years. Mithra is found in the Indian Vedic religion as "Mitra" which is 3,500 years old. Much to the chagrin of Christians, there is much evidence that shows that Mithraism was around before Christianity. For example: According to Plutarch, a Greek biographer and Neo-Platonist philosopher, the worship of Mithras was first absorbed by the Romans around 70 B.C.E during Pompey's campaign against Cicilian pirates. Mithra can be found to have been worshiped throughout Europe being that there are monuments to Mithra found everywhere from Scotland to India.

There were so many similarities between Christianity and Mithraism that early Church Fathers such as Tertullian and Justin Martyr claimed that Satan had, in anticipation of the coming of Jesus Christ, created a false religion that shared many of the same rituals, traditions and beliefs in Christianity*, concerning not only practices in worship but identical traditions usually accredited to Jesus Christ such as the resurrection...

...so that people would be tricked into believing that all Christianity was was a plagarization of prior pagan beliefs.(!) :liturgy::biglaugh:

As absurd as this explanation is, it serves to show that Mithraism was not an plagarisation of Christianity but was there prior to Christianity.


*"The devil, whose business is to pervert the truth, mimics the exact circumstances of the Divine Sacraments...Thus he celebrates the oblation of bread, and brings in the symbol of the resurrection. Let us therefore acknowledge the craftiness of the devil, who copies certain things of those that be Divine.":biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Tertullian in the late 2nd century C.E., describing the similarities between Christianity and Mithraism.
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Thou art That
"The following is taken out of the Catholic Encyclopedia by Joseph Wheless in his ever valuable book "Forgery in Christianity"(the words of Wheless are inbetween the parenthesis):"

"Mithraism is a pagan religion consisting mainly of the cult of the ancient Indo-Iranian Sun-God Mithra. It entered Europe from Asia Minor after Alexander's conquest, spread rapidly over the whole Roman Empire at the beginning of our era, reached its zenith during the third century, and vanished under the repressive regulations of Theodosius at the end of the fourth, [Of late it has been] brought into prominence mainly because of its supposed [?] similarity to Christianity.
"The origin of the cult of Mithra dates from the time that Hindus and Persians still formed one people, for the god Mithra occurs in the religion and sacred books of both races, i.e. in the Vedas and in the Avesta. ... After the conquest of Babylon (538 B.C.) this Persian cult came into contact with Chaldean astrology and with the national worship of Marduk. For a time the two priesthood of Mithra and Marduk coexisted in the capital and Mithraism borrowed much from this intercourse. ... This religion, in which the Iranian element remained predominant, came, after Alexander's conquest, in touch with the Western world. When finally the Romans took possession of the Kingdom of Pergamum (in 133 B.C.), occupied Asia Minor, and stationed two legions of soldiers on the Euphrates, the success of Mithraism was secured. It spread rapidly from the Bosphorus to the Atlantic, from Illyria to Britain. Its foremost apostles were the legionaries; hence it spread first to the frontier stations of the Roman army."


Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you."
John 6:53-54

"He who will not eat of my body and drink of my blood, so that he will be made on with me and I with him, the same shall not know salvation."
Inscription to Mithras


Grumpy Old Man
I am a bit late to this forum but on the OP I would say Christianity Judaism and Islam are just modern adulterated versions, all had roots in the original tribal theologies especially Egyptian and Mesopotamian. Are they pagan eg celebration of spring predicting the harvest and planting times I would say definitely yes. the trend to a single mythical super guru was just a simplification of the polytheism. Both systems are now recognized as incorrect. IMHO
