Why bother looking for a youtube clip? There's a link to the alleged petition in
@Prometheus85 excelent link:
Petition Project now counts 31,487 signatories. Before we get to who those people are, the key flaw in the News Punch statement is that the petition doesn’t say what the article claims. Here’s what people sign:
For the purposes of this fact-check, the key sentence is, "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate."
The petition says nothing about hoaxes or profit motives.
On its face, someone signing the petition need not believe that climate change is a hoax, nor that it has been perpetrated to make money. While some or even many who signed it might hold those beliefs, the petition itself doesn’t speak to either of those conditions.
In terms of the mindset of the signers, the statement relies on speculation.
Challenges to the petition
There are many reasons to question what it means to have over 31,000 people signing this petition.
First of all, the meaning of "scientist" is vague. The minimum requirement is a bachelor’s of science degree. That’s no guarantee that the person studied a science related to climate change, or that the person pursued a career in science. The petition’s website says that 12,715 signers hold "BS or equivalent academic degrees."
When we look at the number of people with some sort of background in fields that tie directly to climate change, the petition website said, "there are 3,805 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth."
That would be about 12 percent of the total.
There are, according to the site, 9,029 people with PhDs, which comes closer to meeting a higher bar for being thought of as a scientist. Based on the site’s figures, most of them don’t specialize in climate change, but they likely are more familiar with scientific methods.
These important nuances get lost. A
2012 opinion piece in Forbes described the signers as "more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines."
That’s way off the mark, unless you count veterinarians -- one of the degrees that qualifies you as a scientist in the petition project -- and physicians."