Hoax. Next question?
A good measure of whether something is real or a hoax is to ask the question, "Cui Bono?" If something is real, nobody makes money, nobody profits because the problem is a legitimate one. Another way to determine a hoax is if the problem in question seems to have no way of getting solved.
Banning CFCs and lowering carbon MONOXIDE were legitimate problems. Environmentalists pushed hard for these, and honestly, I haven't heard about them lately, so I can reasonably assume proper measures were established to make cars run without CO1, and aerosol cans now proudly say No CFCs.
What about climate change? Well, ummm... some form of this has been around for nearly 100 years. Don't believe me? Here's exhibit A.
Great Gatsby (1925)
Even Tom couldn't be sure whether the sun was warming or cooling (and he had a pretty crude way of explaining why the Earth was getting hotter, nothing about greenhouse gases or ozone, just the sun getting closer).
Nor could so-called "scientists" for climate change.
Here are ten predictions Al Gore made.
And here are Seven Failed Environmental Predictions, including "global cooling."
You know why they call it climate change? Because it's easy to assert this. Global cooling? Climate change. Global warming? Climate change. A deviation from climate change predictions? Climate change!
Climate changes all the time. In fact, do yourself a favor and research what "cloud seeding" is. It's possible to manufacture weather.
Cloud seeding - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core
Before you say "fringe science", it's actually been used since at least the 1940s. And crude methods like dropping dry ice into cloud masses, even earlier than that. When it's possible to improve rainfall via industrial means (
silver iodide for instance), such scares no longer have any worth, as temporary weather can behave as "proof."
Carbon dioxide is a thing we exhale. It is impossible to remove it from the air without substantially killing off the human population. Which is perhaps the goal. Who benefits answer #1, space aliens or demons or something that want all humans dead. Not only that, but plants breathe in CO2. It's perfectly fine. Do the environmental groups say anything about CO1? No, because the problem is probably not relevant. However, something impossible to remove is an endless source of hysteria. This in turn crates insane rioters and people who blame climate change on everything including immigration. Who benefits #2, Big Government. It also creates a lucrative tax source, where people can be told about their "carbon footprint" and taxes can be levied on the use of resources (#3 tax agents and regulators). Beyond regulation, there are big scary multinational groups that declare this settled (#4 the UN and EU, and other such groups) science. Many such motives also include population control as an agenda, even though the average member of the public would have difficulty seeing what this has to do with climate. But they would say something about national resources, even though in fact more plants can be grown, even atop buildings.
I could go on, but I have already shown a number of those with abstract or monetary gain from pushing this agenda.