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Is Coronavirus from the devil?


Veteran Member
Nope, quite incorrect. Nobody can "become" you -- they are copies of you. If you've ever used a photocopier, you might have noticed that while you get several copies, the original remains. Those copies are new things, altogether separate from the original.

This is analagous to viral replication, in which the cell is entered by the viral DNA/RNA, which is transcribed within the cell, using the cell's machinery, viral components are manufactured using the host's existing organelles ((viral protein synthesis, structural proteins, non-structural enzymes used in genome replication, etc.), a new virion is assembled, and then it is released.

Please stop making pseudo-scientific pronouncements about which you know too little.

You seem very confused about what you're talking about. If the cells original organelles remain, and the insides are gutted and replaced by copies of the viruses DNA/RNA, and no THIRD THING is made, then that is different from other kinds of reproduction where a THIRD THING is *created*.

....How do you not understand this..?? o_O


Well, if you read The Bible, creation was all by Jehovah. Therefore, he made the viruses too. :D

Well if you read the Bible all God’s creation was very Good...

...until distrust, disobedience and SIN on the part of humans exercising their free will wrongfully by believing and acting upon a lie which fed their selfish desires brought damaging consequences upon themselves and all creation.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
But Coronavirus is mutated... Mutated like the impure nature of the human soul.

Viruses have to mutate or they go extinct because everyone accumulates antibodies to them. You even get antibodies from your mother.

Anyway, why do you think that the human soul is corruptible? If the soul is in essence a spirit or creation of your God then how do you think your weak sauce machinations in life can do anything to it? Isn't it sort of "out of scope"? :D

But, the virus has no soul it's just a set of strands of protein encased fat. It's not even technically living, but our biology seems susceptible to these little pathogens for God knows what reason.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Well if you read the Bible all God’s creation was very Good...

...until distrust, disobedience and SIN on the part of humans exercising their free will wrongfully by believing and acting upon a lie which fed their selfish desires brought damaging consequences upon themselves and all creation.

I've read The Bible enough... It stills leaves out the answers to interesting questions, so I read other things. :D

I don't believe in sin, so that point is irrelevant to me.

Selfishness is a self-righting problem... If you're too selfish everyone hates your guts and runs from you. I'd say the market forces of social interaction solve the problem nicely -- you either figure it out, or suffer until you do. School of hard knocks, baby.

Pfft, if I can damage creation then God sucks at his job. If what he made isn't perfect he's not omniscient and I don't need to pay any attention to him, lol. For all I know, he's one of a million other brothers and sisters and is just the one good at getting the hype.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Please explain All viruses reproduce.
He means viruses are just snippets of code floating around randomely. They do nothing till they get inside an actual cell. The viral code codes for copies of itself, and the cellular genetic machinery (viruses have no genetic machinery) prints or makes copies of it. It's the cell that's infected with the virus that actually 'reproduces' it.

It's no different from a snippet of computer code containing only a "copy" and a "repeat" segment. The code doesn't copy itself (reproduce), it's reprodued in a copier.

Landon, while technically correct, you might be being a little punctilious. I think biotizing viruses is just a playful linguistic convenience.
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Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
...Because the coronavirus is a thief, like Satan, stealing cells and literally reprogramming them for no good reason.... Like Satan does with souls.

The virus does have a good reason....it is how it duplicates itself. You just don't agree with it's method of reproduction.
Are you saying that the pandemic is out of god's control and he can do nothing to stop it? Interesting.


Veteran Member
The virus does have a good reason....it is how it duplicates itself. You just don't agree with it's method of reproduction.
Are you saying that the pandemic is out of god's control and he can do nothing to stop it? Interesting.

God may play no active role in this world for all I know. Everything seems to be pre-set, and it's running the course. But who am I to know.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
...Because the coronavirus is a thief, like Satan, stealing cells and literally reprogramming them for no good reason.... Like Satan does with souls.
On another thread we heard that God could have sent it to punish the World for baby killing and stuff.

But later the OP explained that the devil works for God, as shown in the bible.

What do I know? nuffin'

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
While that's not good, the human response is. Euginical thinking is not good.

...For instance, it would not be positive if both my wife and myself died, and our young children were left without parents. Regardless of ideology.

Some state parks have had deer cullings in order to ensure that the surviving ones had enough land and food to go around. It had nothing to do with any silly bogeyman "ideology."


I've read The Bible enough... It stills leaves out the answers to interesting questions, so I read other things. :D

I don't believe in sin, so that point is irrelevant to me.

Selfishness is a self-righting problem... If you're too selfish everyone hates your guts and runs from you. I'd say the market forces of social interaction solve the problem nicely -- you either figure it out, or suffer until you do. School of hard knocks, baby.

Pfft, if I can damage creation then God sucks at his job. If what he made isn't perfect he's not omniscient and I don't need to pay any attention to him, lol. For all I know, he's one of a million other brothers and sisters and is just the one good at getting the hype.
What interesting questions do the biblical scriptures leave unanswered!

Anyway, the Bible reveals that God gave humans dominion over the earth. It was a gift for humans to enjoy and show stewardship over wisely. That’s not what has taken place.. God’s gift has been trashed and we reap the consequences.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Then follow OP's lead and just make **** up to fill in the blanks.
You know me, Dad.........that's all I ever do.

But I do like the idea of Satan being God's hit-man, or go-fer. In which case.... why do so many Christians say nasty stuff about him?

Satan could be so useful...... Eat up your greens Johnny, or the devil will get you! Bing! Clean plate.


Veteran Member
On another thread we heard that God could have sent it to punish the World for baby killing and stuff.

But later the OP explained that the devil works for God, as shown in the bible.

What do I know? nuffin'

I don't know who you heard that from. Seems ridiculous to me.
...Because the coronavirus is a thief, like Satan, stealing cells and literally reprogramming them for no good reason.... Like Satan does with souls.

Since the virus is indiscriminate in choosing victims and spans across borders, it's simply an indifferent new life form trying to survive by vanquishing its host. It's a big universe and covid19 could have arrived on a meteorite, which I find more likely than it being any spawn of satan.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What interesting questions do the biblical scriptures leave unanswered!

Anyway, the Bible reveals that God gave humans dominion over the earth. It was a gift for humans to enjoy and show stewardship over wisely. That’s not what has taken place.. God’s gift has been trashed and we reap the consequences.


Here's some?

1) Why do we need viruses?

2) If everything God created was perfect and we're God's creation how does sin makes sense? Even if you blame it on free will, he created that capacity as well.

3) We apparently have dominion over the earth until the next natural disaster, pandemic, nuclear accident, or whatever. It's pretty clear those things dominate us -- we're just lucky that the frequency is low, lol.

4) If we can trash "God's gift", whatever that means, then obviously it wasn't very good and he made some design mistakes. If he made design mistakes he's not a god anymore, but a fake.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
You seem very confused about what you're talking about. If the cells original organelles remain, and the insides are gutted and replaced by copies of the viruses DNA/RNA, and no THIRD THING is made, then that is different from other kinds of reproduction where a THIRD THING is *created*.

....How do you not understand this..?? o_O
If one strand of DNA enters a cell, and 100 are lysed out when the cell finally explodes, are not 99 of them new things?

This video is only 5 minutes long---maybe it will help you. Viral replication: lytic vs lysogenic (video) | Khan Academy
You seem very confused about what you're talking about. If the cells original organelles remain, and the insides are gutted and replaced by copies of the viruses DNA/RNA, and no THIRD THING is made, then that is different from other kinds of reproduction where a THIRD THING is *created*.

....How do you not understand this..?? o_O

Presumably, there is zero need to multiply with immortality. The organism is somehow "satisfied" with its lot.