It made sense because I was assuming that Mary's genes were used in the process. Come to think of it, that would imply that Jesus had to be female, as there would be no XY gene.
What you say does make sense, though quite a lot of divine power would be involved. I find it interesting that you are incorporating modern ideas about genes.
I would not call it a modern idea, since heredity was known before Mendel.
The DNA blue print was known before modern discovery.
While understanding was limited, as these guys were not scientists, they had the knowledge.
How they acquired that knowledge, is no mystery.
I know at one time it was believed that the woman didn't contribute anything to the child, she was just a vessel for the the man's seed.
Not sure about that. What era are you referring to?
It depends on the advice. I certainly should consider my father's advice, though that applies to almost anyone who gives me advice.
The next sentence is a little confusing. I think you are asking if I would go against my father's wishes and follow the advice of someone else that he disagreed with, even if I upset him in the process.
No. That's not what I am asking.
Say your dad gives you a warning against another person, who might give you advice, and other information.
Say, choosing which advice to follow, is critical, and have a serious impact on your life.
The problem is knowing that "Dad" is perfect. All the above relates to a human father.
Can you know? Is there a need to know? Why would knowing matter, more than knowing if there is a basis your dad can be trusted, and has more experience?
To be fair, IF I was convinced that God exists and IF I could be sure that he was acting in a benevolent way, and IF I could be sure of what he was telling me, then it would be different. Lot's of IFs there, I'm afraid.
Sounds good to me.
Actually, it's critical we know these things.
I try. You do throw a lot of stuff at me though. I don't read every Bible verse, for example.
Once you get the point. That's what matters.
The scriptures are there, to let you know, I am not speaking from my own ideas.
From what you said. Didn't you say that people that don't believe do so willfully?
I have never said that in all my life!
There are of course some people who will fit that category, in the same way there are people who are genuinely ignorant... but why would I say that "people that don't believe do so willfully"?
That's equivalent to saying, "what is the use of sharing the good news with unbeliever, when none of them want it."
No. That's terribly wrong!
Many people are misled. Many are genuinely searching for truthful answers. Many are humble, and at heart, honest...
I've never been so shocked in my life!
Can you show me where I wrote that?
I want to see if it's possible for me to sleep write.
If I suddenly found myself in that position I would know more than I do now. Obviously I would change my beliefs. We're talking about what I believe now, aren't we? If the "door closed" and you found that your current beliefs were wrong, would you not accept that?
If the door closed, and I found myself on the outside, I would accept that my heart was not complete. I was not really honest or humble.
No person with an honest heart will be left out.
I won't swamp you with scriptures. Just two.
Haggai 2:7 ;
John 6:44
That's a good question. In some cases, probably yes, but I'm not a mind reader and nor are you. Does a "flat Earth" believer know at some level that what he believes is nonsense?
I don't know who knows or does not know if their beliefs are wrong.
I do know that some people genuinely don't know, and some people know.
OK go ahead. Answer me one thing though. Do you admit the possiblity that I might genuinely believe as I do, and am not willfully supressing the "truth"?
You might.
It's not for me to determine that.
I might discern by a reaction of someone, if they are trying to avoid acknowledging that they know something.
In conversation, that can happen, and it's important to use discernment when talking to people, since you don't want to be going in circles, or using precious time, on someone who may not be genuinely ignorant.
I don't discern that in you. You ask questions, and I have observed that you listen for the answer, and consider where the person is coming from.
I believe though, you are making reference to Romans 1:18-20
For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, because what may be known about God is clearly evident among them, for God made it clear to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable.
So, you are saying that since you are not suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, this evidence for God cannot exist.
First of all, the scripture says that God will act against those who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way. God knows who they are.
Secondly, the scripture says that what may be known about God is clearly evident among them, for God made it clear to them. For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made...
So, it acknowledges that discernment is needed, to recognize what God has made clearly evident, which of course means, it involves one's heart, and mental disposition.
Everyone does not have the same figurative heart condition, and mental disposition, and not everyone develops those at the same rate.
At the same time, we all can. Hence, there is no excuse, when people are given adequate time to.
Time is a factor here.
When God acts, he will be doing so, based on what he knows about the heart... against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way.
A serious question and not intended to be rude. Do you ever have the slightest doubt about what you say here?
I don't doubt what God, no.
Might you, just possibly, be wrong?
I believe anything is possible.
To say I cannot possibly be wrong, is to suggest that I know everything.
I can tell you that everything I believe at the momemt, may not be accurate, and I may have to adjust, which I have done before, and continue willing to do.
However, I know that Jesus' followers
know the truth, and it's not possible for them to be wrong (overall that is. Not in minor or individual details).
I believe I am one of those individuals who have been set free by knowing the truth.
(John 8:31, 32)
. . .Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: “
If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”