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Is feminism still needed in the U.S.



I'm sure many are at least trying. They're homeless. For all we know, there may not be any form of Welfare they could tap into, or it could even be that they simply aren't aware of any such help. Begging on the street - maybe they already do, but obviously if one only needs to live off $5 a day for the rest of their lives.

Anyone that says they're trying but can't seem to get out of their situation is either not trying hard enough, or not trying at all. Here in the US we have plenty of programs the homeless can utilize to work towards changing their situations, and smart people use them. Anyone that isn't aware of such programs (there aren't that many of those people; awareness of these programs is wide-spread), need only to ask. There wouldn't be so many permanently homeless people if there weren't so many people enabling them with pity parties.

I wonder though, do Pimps lend them money at first? Then ensnare them with "debt", which can only be payed back via income from prostitution? :shrug:
This does happen quite often. But again, you play with fire, you get burnt.

Like I said, I (thankfully) have no direct experience with homelessness or prostitution, but I'm still unwilling to believe your assertion that it's all just for "fun" and "choice" because they're lazy. (!)

Stupid women, right? :sarcastic
While becoming homeless or a prostitute may not always be a choice, remaining that way certainly is. Stupid women, indeed.


Well-Known Member
Anyone that says they're trying but can't seem to get out of their situation is either not trying hard enough, or not trying at all. Here in the US we have plenty of programs the homeless can utilize to work towards changing their situations, and smart people use them. Anyone that isn't aware of such programs (there aren't that many of those people; awareness of these programs is wide-spread), need only to ask. There wouldn't be so many permanently homeless people if there weren't so many people enabling them with pity parties.

This does happen quite often. But again, you play with fire, you get burnt.

While becoming homeless or a prostitute may not always be a choice, remaining that way certainly is. Stupid women, indeed.

Aye, if only all these stupid lazy homeless folks intentionally living off of pity knew just how easy it was to get out of poverty.....
I think really, all they need are people to volunteer for "Shaming" duties against the homeless. Forget ****-Shaming, we need Hobo-Shaming!

"You, Hobo! Get off your backside, stop being lazy and stupid - quite complaining and go get a job, car and house!"

"You, prostitute! Got beat up again? Well that's you're fault silly - you play with fire you get burnt. Learn you lesson and stop being a homeless prostitute!"


Me Myself

Back to my username

Aye, if only all these stupid lazy homeless folks intentionally living off of pity knew just how easy it was to get out of poverty.....
I think really, all they need are people to volunteer for "Shaming" duties against the homeless. Forget ****-Shaming, we need Hobo-Shaming!

"You, Hobo! Get off your backside, stop being lazy and stupid - quite complaining and go get a job, car and house!"

"You, prostitute! Got beat up again? Well that's you're fault silly - you play with fire you get burnt. Learn you lesson and stop being a homeless prostitute!"


You are gonna need to arrest the pimp first.



Aye, if only all these stupid lazy homeless folks intentionally living off of pity knew just how easy it was to get out of poverty.....
I think really, all they need are people to volunteer for "Shaming" duties against the homeless. Forget ****-Shaming, we need Hobo-Shaming!

I didn't say it was easy; I said it's not impossible. One only needs the ambition and drive to improve oneself. It's easy to take the first steps, but there's a lot of hard work involved afterwards. A lot of these people don't even take the easy first steps; they seem to be content begging for change.

"You, Hobo! Get off your backside, stop being lazy and stupid - quite complaining and go get a job, car and house!"

"You, prostitute! Got beat up again? Well that's you're fault silly - you play with fire you get burnt. Learn you lesson and stop being a homeless prostitute!"

I think some people could use a little more of that instead of "oh you poor thing, here's a dollar". The pity is the whole reason a lot of these people keep themselves in those conditions. Not only do they realize they can get free money and the occasional food out of it, but they start to believe they can't rise above their current station because we spend so much time telling them they can't help it.


........ our society socialize us into unfitting roles, it also places a higher premium on maleness. All of the male stereotypes aggressive, leader, rational, independent, etc are valued higher than the female stereotypes nurturing, followers, emotional, dependent. So yeah. Feminists do fight against the issues about which you speak. despite, anti feminist attacks, hatred and trolling. They are not hypocrites.

That's good case for men being given the upper hand.

Generally speaking, women ARE dependent on men, that's just the way nature works.

Why try to change that?


But a little piece of me thinks you care little about either perspective. Hence your less than willing attitude to read through the thread and your short answers. Though I could be wrong (about your investment in the issues, not feminism).

Do you really expect me to read through 68 pages, and give long answers to every off-topic question posed?

The answer to that is no.

Me Myself

Back to my username
That's good case for men being given the upper hand.

Generally speaking, women ARE dependent on men, that's just the way nature works.

Why try to change that?

Of course women are dependant on men. Men are dependant on men.

We are all dependant on each other. Rare cases may come where one can go to the woods and live more or less well for years, but generally, you need a community.

To what talks about genders, there is no reason to say a woman is more dependant on a man than the other way around on today`s society.

This is a good thing. Both sexes are more free to explore options of what is best for them.


However, feminism does insist that labor should not be compensated differently because of gender. I've never heard any feminist say, "We only care about the income disparity if it's women. If men get screwed, so what, we don't care."

err , like WTF?

I've never seen a feminist complain that waitresses get more tips, have you?

No chance, they see it as 'womens liberation' , or some other equally ridiculous phrase.

Feminists only want what's best for them.



Like I said, I (thankfully) have no direct experience with homelessness or prostitution, but I'm still unwilling to believe your assertion that it's all just for "fun" and "choice" because they're lazy. (!)

Stupid women, right? :sarcastic

Some are stupid, and some are druggies - so it's their own fault.

And many choose this profession because they like the easy money.

Those who are forced into it are a different story, why are you only focusing on these cases?



I'm sure many are at least trying. They're homeless. For all we know, there may not be any form of Welfare they could tap into, or it could even be that they simply aren't aware of any such help. Begging on the street - maybe they already do, but obviously if one only needs to live off $5 a day for the rest of their lives.

A girl could easily beg up to $20/day if she tried hard enough.

And 5/day is a lot more than many people around the world earn for a 12hr day.

No, that's just no excuse.

Curious George

Veteran Member
That's good case for men being given the upper hand.

Generally speaking, women ARE dependent on men, that's just the way nature works.

Why try to change that?

No. Generally speaking our society has instilled a belief that women are dependent on men, or that they should be more so than men are dependent on women at least.


No. Generally speaking our society has instilled a belief that women are dependent on men, or that they should be more so than men are dependent on women at least.

So you think that thousands of years ago, men were dependent on women.

Like the women went out hunting and beating off rival tribes.

I think not.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Some are stupid, and some are druggies - so it's their own fault.

And many choose this profession because they like the easy money.

Those who are forced into it are a different story, why are you only focusing on these cases?

A coupple of cases

1- they suffer stupidity. Mental retardation. Lack of cognitive wellbeing or however you plan to call it and they decided to become prostitutes.

Do they diserve to be abused tortured and enslaved because of this?

2- They did want to make quick money. They took the job and then found out that with that quick money came regular beatings, abuse, torture and slavery and they want out, but they cant because they are slaves.

Do they diserve to be slaves because of one bad choice?

3- They are drug addicts. Probably took a drug way more potent than what they thought it was and that`s how they started in drugs (their friend told them it was as "bad" as weed, so it was okay). Then whith that mentality made a stupid decision, which can tie to point number two

Does this make them diserve abuse torture and slavery?

who cares if it is their own fault? the punishment is absolutely ridiculously higher than the error. Is like emposing slavery on every student who fails a test.

Yes, maybe they didnt study and that was a stupid mistake, but 14 year olds wont diserve slavery because of such a little idiotic mistake even if they were told beforehand that would happen if they didnt study.

I mean come on.

Curious George

Veteran Member
So you think that thousands of years ago, men were dependent on women.

Like the women went out hunting and beating off rival tribes.

I think not.

I think there were many different social structures, and to portray one form as natural is wrong. But even so, we live in a very different society now.

Me Myself

Back to my username
So you think that thousands of years ago, men were dependent on women.

Like the women went out hunting and beating off rival tribes.

I think not.

I agree with you.

Ancient Astronaut theorists know that men of old times reproduced with cows, not human females.

This is why they could have giant babies (they came from cows) and this giant babies could take care of themselves and were always male which of course its best and helps protect the village for when the evil amazones attack, which are all women.

Lesbians and don`t shave BTW.

Heterosexual passing on of genes is just a extremely recent invention that started with Hitler in his search for the perfect aryan woman.


Depends Upon My Mood..
So you think that thousands of years ago, men were dependent on women.

Like the women went out hunting and beating off rival tribes.

I think not.

Men and women have been INTERDEPENDENT on each other for "thousands" of years for the survival of our species... and sorry YES for quality of life.

Why don't you get all your "independent" men and move to a man Island together and go hunting for the rest of your life?Then you can form "separate" man groups on the I'sland and beat the crap out of each other?