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Is God A Bully?


Well-Known Member

That second to last sentence is a fact.


Nothing against homosexuals, but is a man or a woman is sexually active with an animal or something, or selling themselves for sex... That's just sick.

You're speaking for me, "homosexuality" was never brought up.


And as I said BULL!

We know how it is used in this story as YHVH uses it first, setting the meaning.

Obviously YHVH is using it in the BE AWARE/ASCERTAIN - as the people are calling, - and to undergo judgment - as that is why they are going down, - to DISTROY the cities.

It does not mean gay sex!

Did you miss this section when looking up the word?

"YADA - A primitive root; to know (PROPERLY to ASCERTAIN by SEEING) used in a great variety of senses, figuratively, literally, euphemistically, inferentially (including observation, care, recognition; and CAUSITIVE INSTRUCTION, DESIGNATION, and PUNISHMENT)"

ALSO - obviously it can mean KILL, as that is the PUNISHMENT associated with it from YHVH!

That is how YHVH uses it - and that sets the meaning for the rest of the story.

They do not EVER use the words they had for gay sex. No even in the other verses telling us what Sodom's sins were!

I'm sorry, but what you are saying now doesn't make sense. The word "yada" is used hundreds if not thousands of times in the Bible and in most cases just means "to know" in the literal meaning of the word "to know someone" or "to know something". In this case I think we agree that it is used in a more metaphorical way. In my eyes it is used as an euphemism for "getting intimate with someone". The way you want to use it doesn't make sense in my eyes, because the sentence should be grammaticaly constructed in a different way, namely "the man in the house will get to know the men outside" meaning, "the man in the house will experience the rudeness of (will be punished by) the men outside."

BUT this is not the case. It is used as "they will know him". In my opinion this cannot mean that they will punish him.

And most certainly doesn't God establish the meaning of the word as killing in the beginning of the story. I assume you refer to Genesis 18:21:

21 I will go down now, and see whether
they have done altogether according to
the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and
if not, I will know.'

In this case "yada" just means to know in its literal meaning.


Nothing against homosexuals, but is a man or a woman is sexually active with an animal or something, or selling themselves for sex... That's just sick.

You're speaking for me, "homosexuality" was never brought up.

And that is BULL and you know it.

We have been discussing verses they mistranslate as homosexuality.

And you said - Great work on the "yada". To know, knowledge.
Cities, kingdoms, countries, hills, mountains, gates, etc are all metaphors for the world we create within ourselves. If a human has a sick impure sexual behavior, one could say he is a slave to Sodom within his/her body. That kingdom within needs destroyed."



Well-Known Member

That second to last sentence is a fact.


all of those words you used, pertaining with the woman, female, etc... Are just that... Words mankind used when translating. God didn't translate the bible into English or was working through mankind to do so. Woman, female, wife ... The words have many other meanings. Either way, they pertain to our lower nature.


Well-Known Member
And that is BULL and you know it.

We have been discussing verses they mistranslate as homosexuality.

And you said - Great work on the "yada". To know, knowledge.
Cities, kingdoms, countries, hills, mountains, gates, etc are all metaphors for the world we create within ourselves. If a human has a sick impure sexual behavior, one could say he is a slave to Sodom within his/her body. That kingdom within needs destroyed."


Forgive me for being off topic. One shouldn't assume that "sick impure sexual behavior" meant homosexuality to my knowledge. If I said, "homosexuality" that would be a different case and true "bull" and I'd then know it.
Be still of mind, relax the emotions.
Let's reason and talk peaceably.


Well-Known Member

That second to last sentence is a fact.


Endless translations, numerous different meanings. Mankinds lower nature to oppress others via control, power, money, desires, etc is a result.

A guy has relatively no issue being a bride of Christ, but fails to understand and know that the wife is also the guy in scripture, along with all other feminine concepts, metaphorically.

The masculine concepts are more of God and Lord and Spirit. Husband, etc..

"Man" in scripture mostly refers to "mankind" frequently.

It's ones lower self nature that creates problems. Both guy and girl.


Get me off of this planet
I've been warned like the upteenth time, these mods are lenient.

Is God a bully.. Well you're all wrong there in some aught parable of the holy bible with placing God entitlement with any other reference other than God.

I don't lick the heels of the Lord, I hope you ****ing don't. This world is no place for cowards in any respect and never has been. You have your inexperienced and all, most people are just sheltered frauds in another delusional fantasy built on the sacrifice of others.

I guess that's what we've sacrificed for the corrupt and vile and cowardly and feeble world where the finest die or are mortally broken.

Some age old notion that the feeble and cowardly thrive on the backs and suffering of those who sacrifice their might not to reign supreme in nothing more than monument where others live perverted fantasies or dissolute misery in closure and immediate satisfaction.

That's what we sacrifice for.

I'm not the one to try and put that manic panorama together.

To die in the glory battle is far more dignifying than any humiliating demise were one crumbled at the mere idea of such inconveniencing arrangements on this god damned planet.

My honor isn't satisfied though, war has become a machine, honor is nothing more than a matter of perspective, not your conscience, **** your conscience.

The Lord, go on and question his plan.

Did he make Man out of dirt? Not good enough for me. Did he turn Man into dirt? Sure as **** did, numerous times.

That sates me.


I'm sorry, but what you are saying now doesn't make sense. The word "yada" is used hundreds if not thousands of times in the Bible and in most cases just means "to know" in the literal meaning of the word "to know someone" or "to know something". In this case I think we agree that it is used in a more metaphorical way. In my eyes it is used as an euphemism for "getting intimate with someone". The way you want to use it doesn't make sense in my eyes, because the sentence should be grammaticaly constructed in a different way, namely "the man in the house will get to know the men outside" meaning, "the man in the house will experience the rudeness of (will be punished by) the men outside."

BUT this is not the case. It is used as "they will know him". In my opinion this cannot mean that they will punish him.

And most certainly doesn't God establish the meaning of the word as killing in the beginning of the story. I assume you refer to Genesis 18:21:

21 I will go down now, and see whether
they have done altogether according to
the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and
if not, I will know.'

In this case "yada" just means to know in its literal meaning.

How easily we just skip sentences that give us the meaning -

Gen 18:20 And the LORD said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;

Gen 18:21 I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

Gen 18:21 I will descend now, and ascertain whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come to me; and seeing/ascertaining, verily, I will ascertain/designate/punish!

Gen 18:22 And the men turned their faces from thence, and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stood yet before the LORD.

Gen 18:23 And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?

Very obviously the meaning here is ascertain/punish!




Endless translations, numerous different meanings. Mankinds lower nature to oppress others via control, power, money, desires, etc is a result.

A guy has relatively no issue being a bride of Christ, but fails to understand and know that the wife is also the guy in scripture, along with all other feminine concepts, metaphorically.

The masculine concepts are more of God and Lord and Spirit. Husband, etc..

"Man" in scripture mostly refers to "mankind" frequently.

It's ones lower self nature that creates problems. Both guy and girl.

No, it is patriarchal crap, written by patriarchal men, that causes such problems. :rolleyes:



RF's Swedenborgian
I fear God because he is more powerful than me. I'll do whatever I think He wants me to do. I'd rather possibly be His eternal servant in Heaven than risk being punished by Him in an eternal lake of fire. "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I am the LORD, that doeth all these things." - ( Isaiah 45-7)


Well-Known Member
No the one god isn't ok with that.He just have to conquer everything.Any other god except him is a demon or evil although he has the most victims.No he is always right.He does anything he likes to do and be a good guy.You can't call him evil or you can be taken hostage and get killed.

I am curious why you are so angry with something you claim not to believe in? And this dislike is very specific, IMO. If you do not believe in God why in the world would you think that deity could kidnap you and murder you. A strange dichotomy, this.


Well-Known Member
That is your opinion and it's only an opinion and unfounded at that.

If you agree that the statement by that poster is his or her opinion, which they have a right to and to voice, why not just let them have it. And btw,, saying their opinion is unfounded is unfair. The position of whether or not their is a God has been debated for centuries. No one side can make the claim the other is unfounded. They have equal veracity. Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
You either did not read the article or you have a prejudice in favor of Buddhists.

Yes, Buddhists also have violence I their history, however and that is a big however, comparatively, chrisitianity, judiasm and Islam have exponentially more. And btw,

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Staff member
Premium Member
I am curious why you are so angry with something you claim not to believe in? And this dislike is very specific, IMO. If you do not believe in God why in the world would you think that deity could kidnap you and murder you. A strange dichotomy, this.
Because the way God is portrayed has tremendous effect on the follower's moral system.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
No, it is patriarchal crap, written by patriarchal men, that causes such problems. :rolleyes:

Exactly, and the same is true for the homophobic undercurrents. All ancient religious texts have to be considered in their cultural context, and I'm amazed that some people don't realise this.

Rick O'Shez

Irishman bouncing off walls
God is a human projection and has variously been portrayed as a vengeful tyrant and a benign creator, reflecting human traits.


New Member
(this sounds like propaganda to me) Do we really have "free will"?

According to Romans 9:16, it does NOT depend on our "will".

So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy Romans 9:16

Paul tells us in Phil 2:13 that it is GOD who is inside us doing the work according to HIS will.

for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure Phil 2:13

John 1:13 tell us again that it is NOT our human will that does it, but GOD himself.

who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God John 1:13

Are you seeing these verses? The Church doesn't. They keep spreading lies about this so-called "doctrine" they have dreamed up called "free will". It's destroyed by scripture, but only if we believe scripture.

Jesus himself is the one who both CREATES our faith (within us) and continues until it is completed! Man's will plays NO part except to DIE FASTER.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith Hebrews 12:2 (partial)

Did you notice that the word "our" is NOT in the original and TRUE words of God? That's because there is but ONE faith that we ALL receive from Christ who not only IS all but IN(side) all. Col 3:11.

Do you really believe man has "free will"? The way I see it, scripture totally DESTROYS it. Can this "free will" keep us from dying? If it can't then we don't have it.

If you look at the scripture more closely, you can see that it absolutely does not say that God is inside us doing the work according to His will as though we were robots.

13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

This means that he can work in our hearts and minds, in other words, that we can get impressions from Him of what we can or should do that will both be of service to him and bless not only our lives but other’s lives as well. What is of service to him are those things which we can do that will help others of his children as they have need.

For instance, we may get an impression to call someone out of the blue and it turns out that the call fulfilled a need to that person. This happened to me when a friend called me not long after the birth of my child. I was sleeping when she got an impression to call me, so she did and asked me how I was doing. I told her I was fine, then rose up to sit on the end of the bed in order to talk to her in a more alert fashion. When I did so, I suddenly felt a gushing of blood and realized I was hemorrhaging. Had she not called I would have bled to death in my sleep.

Another time I was at the hospital for my child’s sake and was wrapped up in my concern for her. I got a very distinct impression, however, to talk to another woman in the waiting room that I didn’t even know, but I resisted. I felt that I had too much myself to worry about with my own child. I continued to actively resist that prompting during the whole visit. To this day, I regret not having acted upon that feeling and wonder what it was that I could have done for her that she needed at that time.

But you see, I had exercised my free will. I could have acted upon the working of the Spirit which manifested to me and performed His will that would have been pleasing to him, but I did not.

Immediately after this verse that you cited, is this verse: “14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings: 15 That ye may be blameless and harmless” so you see, Paul exhorts us to obey such promptings without griping and making excuses. He would not have given that counsel if we were not free to choose. We do not have power to know what is happening in the lives of people all around us, but God does, so if he gives us an impression, and we act upon it, doing so can be a blessing to all concerned and be pleasing to God.

13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

This scripture does not refer to mankind in mortality, but to our being born into our spiritual bodies when we became the children of God prior to our birth into mortality. Our spirit bodies do not have flesh and blood, but consist of a more ethereal type matter, and we were born spiritually by the will of God, before we were born into bodies of flesh and blood into mortality.

Having lived as spirit children of God, we therefore lived lives before mortality in this state for a serious length of time and did things using our agency during that period. We formed our own personalities and opinions there, and acted accordingly. A third of God’s children who had the potential to come and inhabit this earth rebelled, because they had a different opinion of how mortality should be played out.

It was Lucifer's idea to enforce obedience upon all mankind. It was his opinion that by so doing, that not one soul would be lost. He said that he would surely do it, and demanded God to therefore give him His power. His idea was to deprive men of their agency and make them do his bidding whether they felt like it or not. This methodology however, would have negated the purpose of mortality, which is for men to prove themselves by acting of their own volition. Lucifer managed to draw away a third of God’s spirit children to his way of thinking, seeking to usurp God along the way. Therefore, they were cast out, having proven already that they were not worthy of greater power or authority, and were doomed to never receive a physical body and eventually to never have any contact or influence upon the rest of mankind.

All you have to do is look about you and you will see that there are people with diverse opinions and they act upon their convictions by exercising their own free will, for good or bad. We actually are here with our agency intact. There are even many who exist on this planet who believe in forcing others to do their bidding, who elevate themselves to power and construct laws and create scenarios so as to control people in the pattern of Lucifer. These you may know to have been successfully influenced by those who were formerly cast out from God’s presence.

Earth life and mortality is a tool meant to teach us and refine our character. The conditions into which we were born are a reflection of who we were spiritually, and the experiences we have here are tools to teach us things that we did not understand before. We consented to come to mortality when we thought that we were ready. We knew that we would come to this earth in a state of forgetting our pre-mortal existence, to go through sufferings and die, as to the mortal flesh. We accepted that of our own free will.

An earthly parent guides his children as they grow to maturity for them to be as successful in life as possible. The parent will see weaknesses the child has and make efforts to help them to overcome them. My child was painfully shy, so I created opportunities to help her gain confidence and overcome her shyness. God likewise knows our weaknesses, so he crafted a lifetime of experiences for us to overcome them, gaining self-confidence as we grow so that we could return to him hopefully with a good report of our lifetime achievements, as to the development of our character. We are being groomed in this lifetime through developing skills and qualities to qualify us for even greater opportunities in the period which follows our resurrection.

Now faith is that which is hoped for which is unseen. Jesus is the author of our faith because after we receive the word that he has compensated for our sins, that we may be resurrected from this mortal death into everlasting life with our families, we begin to hope that it is so, and in so hoping, we confess and forsake our sins that we may be forgiven, living our lives in obedience thereafter to the commandments of God, that through Christ’s mediation we may avoid the just consequences for our transgressions. As we go through our lives living the commandments of God, we are able to receive a peace and a testimony that the commandments are just and true. Eventually, we come to a point where we are able through the expression of that faith to have an opportunity for Christ to minister to us in person, either in spirit or body, and then we no longer have faith, but knowledge. Thus he becomes the finisher of our faith.


Doubting Thomas
Yes, Buddhists also have violence I their history, however and that is a big however, comparatively, chrisitianity, judiasm and Islam have exponentially more. And btw,
Christians are probably the most guilty of engaging in religious violence with Muslims second, I agree. Jews not so much because most of the recorded violence in their holy book appears to be just made up.