Fairy tale land..where we are rich and the poor just die; but then that IS what is at the heart of right wing politics..... :sarcastic they are poor, let them smoke, drink,...their death is unimportant...harsh...but that is what history teaches us is at the heart of right wing politics
and that is what americans vote for
:flirt:quite ironic considering Jesus' message is supposedly in their hearts and minds
This has got to be the MOST ridiculous of all the ridiculous posts I've read on this thread so far.
"They are poor, let them smoke, drink...their death is unimportant..." What is THAT supposed to mean? Do you honestly believe that conservatives in the US HOPE that the poor smoke and drink themselves to death? Maybe conservatives actually secretly funnel alcohol and cigarettes to them...give me a break!
Your post strongly implies many erroneous ideas -I'll just point out a few of the most glaring though:
1. If you're poor, you aren't a right wing conservative. False - just drive through any small southern town in the US and you will find plenty of poor, hard working conservatives.
2. Rich people don't care if the poor die. False - first of all, last time I checked, the death rate for all people stood at 100% - so guess what - the poor are going to die and so are the rich. Secondly - the wealthy in the US contribute the lion's share of our society's contributions to charitable organizations.
3. This is my favorite - "Let them smoke, drink...their death is unimportant..." Personally, I don't care who smokes and drinks, as long as they're not a minor. Heck, I'll sit down next to them and smoke and drink with them - oh, wait, can't do that anymore because of all the anti smoking regs now...but it was fun while it lasted...
Anyway, here's my question - how can you possibly imagine that "the rich" "allow" the poor to smoke and drink themselves to death? What ever happened to personal responsibility?
That's the crux of the issue here. You are implying that right wing conservatives are harsh and uncaring toward "the poor" and are willing to step over their bodies in their own pursuit of wealth.
Buddy, you've got it all wrong. Right wing conservatives support taking responsibility for one's own actions.