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Is Harris Really Worth Voting For?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Without watching the video, I can safely say
that no matter what you find, I can for each find
more extreme examples of Trump's incoherence.
Nope you cannot and I did watch the Trump video and it was absolutely hilarious!

I love Hitler parodies!

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
She is indeed better than Trump.
- Never raped anyone.
- Never attempted a violent coup to overthrow an election.
- Doesn't like to be spanked by hookers.

However she is boring. Even Randy Rainbow
has no good song parodies about her!
But Donald Jessica Trump is great fodder.
Caution: Mild profanity.
Two points. First I would not care if Kamala Harris did enjoy being spanked by hookers. As far as I am concerned that is her own business and we should, as Tim Walz advises, mind our own business. So as long as she is not a) doing it during a public theater performance of Beetlejuice, or b) violating campaign finance law by paying off that hooker to benefit her campaign, I say "you go girl, let your freak out".

And secondly, did you forget this!

And this was done way back when she was only a candidate for VP. And to this date this is the only song the great Randy had done about a Vice President. Even then he knew there was something special about her.

And there is also this one:

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Blatently observed.
Just look at Congress & the President.
No action taken to stop the genocide.
Instead, they continue funding it with
money, materiel, & US military.
You’re moving the goalposts. You said “most voters,” not “Congress and the president.” Do you truly believe “most voters” “support genocide”?


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Revoltingest said:
Alas, a lot of people prefer Trump.
I just talked to such a friend.
His argument is based on low information, eg, unaware
of the fake electors, threats to Secretaries of State to
"find" his needed votes, etc. Trump is merely a victim
of the liberal media's fake news, & hostile Democrats
who plot against him

You're describing my best friends and most all my family, unfortunately. :(

Same here: best friend and family both.

Maybe we should start our own DIR. (?)

We Never Know

No Slack
The nation and principles/values should come before loyalty to a politician or party. Standing by a lowlife scumbag isn't worthy of any commendation.
The left doesn't have loyalty.
You don't care who is running for your party. All you want is a party win.
Hell if Trump was running as a dem you all would be chanting MAGA.


Well-Known Member
The left doesn't have loyalty.
You don't care who is running for your party. All you want is a party win.
Hell if Trump was running as a dem you all would be chanting MAGA.
The left has principles and a desire to see humanity prosper, to that extent, they are not wedded to personalities but to achieving. Yes, they are chanting Make America Great, they are also cognizant that its greatest Greatness is in the future, not the past.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
is-harris-really-worth-voting-forI had the misfortune of turning on my radio this morning. I heard coverage of the DNC convention. No voice for Palestinians allowed. Harris parroted the Biden lament about misery in Gaza. Harris parroted the Biden code phrase for allowing the genocide to continue...."Israel has the right to self defense". Both advocate widespread price controls. Both favor government seizing private assets. It's beginning to appear that she's just a clone of Biden. But a DEI version. (They repeatedly make a big deal about her sex & race....& how presidential her pantsuits are.)
If her position on Gaza or her pants suits bother you, don't vote for her. As you know, your other choices are to vote for Trump, a third-party candidate, write in a name, or don't vote. Does one of those options appeal more? If so, choose it instead.

Assuming that they're both alive January of 2025, your next president will be Harris or Trump regardless of which of those five options you choose. It won't change the outcome of the election, but if you want to have a say in that, vote for whichever one you prefer.
It's beginning to appear that she's just a clone of Biden.
You might be right, albeit a younger, less frail, and more physically animated version.

But most on the left don't feel about him like you do. They consider Biden a man of great integrity, wisdom, experience, and passion for America.

Many say that Biden has been the best president in their lifetime, and that was before he voluntarily ceded political power. I agree with them and would welcome a clone of that, but apparently, you don't value his achievements. The only opinions about him I recall seeing from you include the phrase Genocide Joe regarding a war he isn't waging, but an ally is.
so either they have no ethics or they aren't very bright.
You've seen enough of MAGA here on RF to answer that: yes. Right off the bat, if you support Trump, you're morally bankrupt whatever your IQ. And regarding intelligence, you've seen their words here. Are you seeing a lot of well-informed, articulate, insightful people supporting Trump?
She's only good for word salad.
@Argentbear ^

Is that all you heard there? I listened to the video of what you called word salad. It wasn't, but some foreign MAGA-like types told you it was, and so now that's your position, too.

How about when Trump speaks? Do you hear articulate speech then? I'll bet you do,

Meet Ginger. She probably would agree with you about Kamala:


if Trump was running as a dem you all would be chanting MAGA.
@Argentbear ^

It's pretty unbelievable that you think that. It seems that you think the contempt for Trump is due to his party. It's not. If he ran as a Democrat, he would be equally despised by the left.
The left doesn't have loyalty. You don't care who is running for your party. All you want is a party win.
I don't have a party. I have an ideology: atheistic humanism, and I vote for the more liberal candidate regardless of party. I don't consider myself a Democrat just because I vote for them anymore than I consider myself a St. Louis Cardinal just because I might vote for one for the All-Star team.

But let's stipulate to your gross misunderstanding. What you say is mostly true this year, although against Trump, it needn't be a Democrat. I'd vote for bread mold or RFK Jr.'s brain worm if it were that or Trump.
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Father Heathen

Veteran Member
The left doesn't have loyalty.
You don't care who is running for your party. All you want is a party win.
When the alternative is a theocracy rising from the ashes of liberty and democracy, yep. People are less picky when the stakes are high. Like I said before, if your only choices are a ham and cheese sandwich vs. a rancid **** sandwich, you tend not to complain about the ham and cheese sandwich having too much lettuce or too little tomato.
Hell if Trump was running as a dem you all would be chanting MAGA.
Makes zero sence, since he doesn't come close to representing my views and values. He would still be a treasonous, felonious, adulterous rapist, after all.

Idolizing amd idealizing politicians is wierd, creepy, and dumb.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I had the misfortune of turning on my radio this morning.
I heard coverage of the DNC convention.
No voice for Palestinians allowed.
Harris parroted the Biden lament about misery in Gaza.
Harris parroted the Biden code phrase for allowing the
genocide to continue...."Israel has the right to self defense".
Both advocate widespread price controls.
Both favor government seizing private assets.

It's beginning to appear that she's just a clone of Biden.
But a DEI version. (They repeatedly make a big deal about
her sex & race....& how presidential her pantsuits are.)
You think any of that would be different under Trump?


Trump is the real issue in these elections. A second Trump presidency would be catastrophic for the US and its allies, apart from the moral question of electing a self-obsessed narcissist, rapist and convicted fraudster, incidentally (a) with a decaying brain, and (b) the oldest serious candidate ever.

So the important question for the US will be whether people get out there and VOTE AGAINST him, which means Harris.

We Never Know

No Slack
Idolizing amd idealizing politicians is wierd, creepy, and dumb.

You mean like the left is doing with Kamala?
She even has this magazine out like she is Oprah Winfrey or something..
You can buy them on Ebay for $19.99.
Though I did see some in Walmart and they are likely cheaper.
I don't recall a Hillary magazine.



Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Two points. First I would not care if Kamala Harris did enjoy being spanked by hookers.
I'll wager that you'd want to watch.
As far as I am concerned that is her own business and we should, as Tim Walz advises, mind our own business. So as long as she is not a) doing it during a public theater performance of Beetlejuice, or b) violating campaign finance law by paying off that hooker to benefit her campaign, I say "you go girl, let your freak out".

And secondly, did you forget this!
I did.

And this was done way back when she was only a candidate for VP. And to this date this is the only song the great Randy had done about a Vice President. Even then he knew there was something special about her.

And there is also this one:

You don't get the joke, eh.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
You’re moving the goalposts. You said “most voters,” not “Congress and the president.” Do you truly believe “most voters” “support genocide”?
No goalposts involved.
One group elects the other.
The latter represents the former.