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Is Hell permenant?


Veteran Member
tlcmel said:
I don't think hell exists in my opinion.:)

What if it wasn't permenant, would that change your mind at all? What if it was a place to repent of your sins, and then return the Father; something similar to when a child gets grounded, they go to their room, think about what they've done and come back out.


Reason, and reason again
Is there an exit to hell?

Ooh, could the Puppetmaster hack me out of hell?

What if it wasn't permenant, would that change your mind at all? What if it was a place to repent of your sins, and then return the Father; something similar to when a child gets grounded, they go to their room, think about what they've done and come back out.

From the sounds of it Hell is more like your father taking a bat to your head.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
What if it wasn't permenant, would that change your mind at all? What if it was a place to repent of your sins, and then return the Father; something similar to when a child gets grounded, they go to their room, think about what they've done and come back out.
Oh HECK yeah, I would feel I'd deserve it and that would be a more relevant punishment than eternal damnation but of course, if you don't already know, I believe in reincarnation.:)


Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?

The conditions of Hell are permanent for Satan and his angels (the 1/3 who followed him in the pre-existence)

There will be many who will spend some time in hell but then will be redeemed from hell and receive their reward according to their works, faith and repentance, except those who are not worthy of any reward who will be cast into outer darkness.

Heavy stuff hugh ?!?! But you already knew that I'm sure.

So there is an exit to hell for all except for Satan and his angels.

Outer darkness is not hell in my opinion. Outer darkness is where few (like Hitler) will go after spending time in hell, which is where Satan dwells, which is seperate from outer darkness.


Veteran Member
The "lake of fire" is definitely in our LDS canonized scriputres, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon.


Veteran Member
FFH said:
The "lake of fire" is definitely in our LDS canonized scriputres, the Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon.

Something written by James E. Talmage caught my eye, and that is why this thread came up. Elder Talmage wrote:

"Even to hell there is an exit as well as an entrance; and when sentence has been served, commuted perhaps by reprentance and its attendant works, the prison doors shall open and the penitent captive be afforeded oppourtunity to comply with the law, which he aforetime violated..." (The Vitality of Mormonism, pp. 255-56)

There is a longer quote by Elder Talmage, but it's getting late and I think I'll post it in the morning.


Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
"Even to hell there is an exit as well as an entrance; and when sentence has been served, commuted perhaps by reprentance and its attendant works, the prison doors shall open and the penitent captive be afforeded oppourtunity to comply with the law, which he aforetime violated..." (The Vitality of Mormonism, pp. 255-56)
Wow, that's a great quote, very encouraging. Our Father in Heaven is so merciful. Not many believe this great truth.

There are scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants that confirm that those who spend time in hell will be redeemed from it eventually.. Hell truly is a refiners fire, which i believe is set up to purify one from sin or at least those we are willing to give up.


Veteran Member
FFH said:
Wow, that's a great quote, very encouraging. Our Father in Heaven is so merciful. Not many believe this great truth.

There are scriptures in the Doctrine and Covenants that confirm that those who spend time in hell will be redeemed from it eventually.. Hell truly is a refiners fire, which i believe is set up to purify one from sin or at least those we are willing to give up.

What I see 'Hell' for the average person in LDS theology is the term we use as "Spirit Prison". Eventually those who repent, and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ can come to Spirit Paradise and Heaven.


Brother Rock
beckysoup61 said:
What I see 'Hell' for the average person in LDS theology is the term we use as "Spirit Prison". Eventually those who repent, and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ can come to Spirit Paradise and Heaven.

Great. so i can just sin and reject christ now. just repent when i am in hell and i can go to heaven. Get out of hell free card!:bow:

My belief is a little different. i believe we make that decision here on earth by faith. You need no faith in Hell , you KNOW its real ( your there). who will reject christ in hell? thats a little weird to me.

just my belief.....


Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
What I see 'Hell' for the average person in LDS theology is the term we use as "Spirit Prison". Eventually those who repent, and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ can come to Spirit Paradise and Heaven.
I know that we say Spirit Prison is the equivalent of Hell, but I'm pretty sure it's not, just as Spirit Paradise is not the equivalent of Heaven or the Celestial Kingdom.

The gospel could not be preached in Hell, but would be preached in a more "air conditioned setting LOL, hence a place called Spirit Prison, see what I mean.

I know we refer to Spirit Prison in the same way that other Christians refer to Hell, but they really are two different places in my opinion.

I think many will spend time in hell then be put into Spirit Prison, where they will hear the gospel and be offered a chance to repent, just as many will continue to learn in Spirit Paradise and await their reward in Heaven or the Celestial kingdom or possibly a lower kingdom, according to their works, repentance and beliefs.


Veteran Member
rocka21 said:
Great. so i can just sin and reject christ now.

Absolutley not. If you would take a moment to understand and study the LDS theology on this subject you would understand that this is not the case at all.

rocka21 said:
just repent when i am in hell and i can go to heaven.

Just becuase you get out of 'hell' doesn't mean you are necessarily going to live with God for eternity. If you've read at all on LDS theology you will understand that we believe in three degrees of glory. There has already been much posted on this in the LDS DIR section, so I suggest you take a look.

rocka21 said:
My belief is a little different. i believe we make that decision here on earth by faith. You need no faith in Hell , you KNOW its real ( your there). who will reject christ in hell? thats a little weird to me.

just my belief.....
And ours is ours. Simple as that. I respect yours and you respect mine.


Veteran Member
rocka21 said:
Great. so i can just sin and reject christ now. just repent when i am in hell and i can go to heaven. Get out of hell free card!:bow:

My belief is a little different. i believe we make that decision here on earth by faith. You need no faith in Hell , you KNOW its real ( your there). who will reject christ in hell? thats a little weird to me.

just my belief.....
God is merciful to all who will repent. If you die with a firm disbelief in Christ, you will still have that same disbelief in the next life, but there are those who will repent and believe in Christ and be redeemed from Hell. This is God's plan, to redeem from Hell all who will believe in Christ and repent of their sins.

But it's true we will still have the same tendancies and beliefs when we die as we did while still alive, but there is still the possibilty to change to a certain degree in the next life, for instance those who did not know of the fullnes of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or had it explained to them proplerly.

All will be given a chance to hear the gospel, repent and believe in Chirst, whether in this life or the next. A full and proper chance will be given to all.


I'm Heffer!!!
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

"And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. (Revelation 14:11)

Again, "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."(Revelation 20:10)

Jude 1v13: Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.

Jude 1v7: Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Yes, they definately are.

Is there an exit to hell?


Why or why not?

Because it says eternal/for ever, not "for ever, but if your good, you can get out" Could i ask, what leads you to say that hell isnt forever, other than what LDS doctrine says? What i mean is, do you see it as only an LDS doctrine or do you see it in the bible?


Citizen Mod
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?
Only if you’re a “chick” or a princess, then you only have to wait till some impatient lover comes to rescue you. Someday I would like to see it performed the other way around.