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Is Hell permenant?


Veteran Member
beckysoup61 said:
Where do you work at 1:22 AM in the morning? :confused:
I'm the closing manager 5 and sometimes 6 nights a week at a restaurant in Herriman, which is near South Jordan and Riverton, just up the street from the new Riverton/Herriman border Temple site, which you posted a week or two ago, and I live just 8 blocks down from the new Oquirrh Mountain Temple site in South Jordan, that was just dedicated, but I didn't go to the dedication.:( I'll try to get to the Herriman/Riverton border Temple dedication. I don't think they've named that Temple yet. Go back to that thread you started and I explained where I live and work.

Edit: I was home for over a year recovering from a bad motorcycle accident. Just started back to work a few months ago.


Veteran Member
I'll look for the scriptue in the Doctrine and Covenants that says Hell is eternal and is prepared for Satan and his angels, but it's not eternal in the same regard for anyone else but Satan and his angels. Even though Hell is specifically reserved for Satan and his angels, many will have their "part" in the "lake of fire" or spend time in Hell because of their lack of repentance and belief in Christ and His gospel.

The majority of this earth's population will not believe or accept Jesus Chirst as their savior or accept His gospel, but they will eventually be redeemed from Hell at the end of the "Millenium" or at the end of the thousand year period after Christ's return. They will receive a reward in the Telestial Kingdom, which is said to be greater than this current life we are now experiencing.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?

hell is mankinds common grave ,and yes there is a way out .it is those in Jehovahs memory john 5;28-29 all those in sheol or hades in Gods memory will come out. but those in Gehenna are not in Gods memory.Gehenna is symbolic of everlasting destruction. no hope in that one .
Gehenna complete destruction without hope of a resurrection. gone for ever , Gehenna is not a litral hellfire it is symbolic of no hope of returning.


The Feisty Penguin
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?


I just want to throw this out there.

If Hell is not permenant, is Heaven not permenant either?


Well-Known Member
If Hell is not permenant, is Heaven not permenant either? ___________________________

Satan was at was an angel who of course defied God's word and was kicked from heaven.......So that would seem to say that heaven could also not be permenant.


Well-Known Member
The Bible says they the devil and his angels are cast into the "lake of fire" to be in eternal torment. (Rev. 20:10).

Ow I guess this also depends on what your demontion is too. This seems to be pretty much what the Babtist think. At least thats what I was taught when I was one.

On the other hand?

If our punishment was to be death, He would only have had to die for us. The Bible says: "The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 6:23. It doesn't say that the wages of sin isenernal life in a burning fire. Death is merely "cessation of life."

I'm sorry but isn't this a condraction? OR is the wording the way out of it?


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Our cosmology teaches that the hell-realms are not permanent, but those that are incarnated there are having a much worse time there than any kind of suffering we can imagine here.

Fwiw, our cosmology teaches also that the god-realm is not permanent, either. To be removed from all the suffering that exists in the lower realms does not help, but only seperates oneself from contributing to the welfare of others. I believe that going to heaven does nothing more than satiates the ego...........which is why we call it the "god-realm", where all one's desires and wishes are fulfilled.

The human realm is the only avenue an entity has to become fully realized and to attain enlightenment. I've said it before and I'll say it again - every single one of us here has done something very right in a former life to be born human (which is why we call it "precious human birth"). Our human faculties that allow us to experience suffering without becoming attached to it is the one way for us to achieve buddhahood and to help all others.

Hell has only suffering, and one is drowning in it there. Enlightenment is impossible because there is nothing but suffering there.

Heaven has no suffering, and one is completely removed from it. Enlightenment is impossible, therefore, because one does not fully understand the reality of suffering and hence can't be engaged in helping others.

This is where the Buddhist law of impermanence always makes sense to me. Everything dies, and is reborn anew. This is true no matter what realm one finds oneself in.



De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If I were a theist, I would have a difficult time believing hell was permanent. Then notion that a loving deity would condemn people to eternal torment seems rather strange.


Veteran Member
porkchop said:
Could i ask, what leads you to say that hell isnt forever, other than what LDS doctrine says?

There isn't anything other then LDS Doctrine.

porkchop said:
What i mean is, do you see it as only an LDS doctrine or do you see it in the bible?

Porkchop, I believe the Bible to be the Word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. This means, I believe that the Bible is really the Word of God, but parts of it have been mistranslated and left out. So this could have been in there, or maybe not. It is LDS doctrine as far as I'm concerened.


Veteran Member
Gentoo said:
I just want to throw this out there.

If Hell is not permenant, is Heaven not permenant either?

Heaven is very permenant....are you talking about being in the state of Heaven? :)


I'm Heffer!!!
beckysoup61 said:
There isn't anything other then LDS Doctrine.

Porkchop, I believe the Bible to be the Word of God, as far as it is translated correctly. This means, I believe that the Bible is really the Word of God, but parts of it have been mistranslated and left out. So this could have been in there, or maybe not. It is LDS doctrine as far as I'm concerened.

Thanks for clarifying that for me, Becky. I would have to disagree with you on that one, but thats going off topic and im sure there have been several debates on it.


The Feisty Penguin
beckysoup61 said:
Heaven is very permenant....are you talking about being in the state of Heaven? :)

I meant in relation to your question about whether Hell is permenant.

jacquie4000 said:
Satan was at was an angel who of course defied God's word and was kicked from heaven.......So that would seem to say that heaven could also not be permenant.

Lucifer was cast out of Heaven by God, what's to stop him from tossing out anyone else, I guess is what I'm going for...


Veteran Member
Sunstone said:
If I were a theist, I would have a difficult time believing hell was permanent. Then notion that a loving deity would condemn people to eternal torment seems rather strange.

My thoughts exactly, that's why I believe the time spent in hell is not permenant, but hell is a permenant place.


Reason, and reason again
cardero said:
Only if you’re a “chick” or a princess, then you only have to wait till some impatient lover comes to rescue you. Someday I would like to see it performed the other way around.

Greek reference? :D


Veteran Member
Gentoo said:
Lucifer was cast out of Heaven by God, what's to stop him from tossing out anyone else, I guess is what I'm going for...

He won't, God has promised that He wouldn't. That's what to keep Him. God always keeps His promises. :)


Veteran Member
porkchop said:
Thanks for clarifying that for me, Becky. I would have to disagree with you on that one, but thats going off topic and im sure there have been several debates on it.

There has been much a debate about it.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Sunstone said:
Then notion that a loving deity would condemn people to eternal torment seems rather strange.
Absolutely, and that's putting it mildly. "Evil" comes to mind for me.


Veteran Member
kcnorwood said:
The Bible says they the devil and his angels are cast into the "lake of fire" to be in eternal torment. (Rev. 20:10).
Excellent scripture which proves Hell is an eternal place of torment reserved only for Satan and his angels.

No one born into this life will spend an eternity in Hell, except Satan and His angels, but many will spend time in Hell if they don't allow Jesus Christ's sacrafice to take affect in their lives by repenting and believing in Him and His teachings.


Well-Known Member
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?


This question goes around and around in different variations. Once again I say...Karma, come to an understanding of impermanence and determinism.

Hell is not forever. There are epiphenomenal realms so fraught and wretched with suffering that yes, WE would recoil in horror of them and objectively describe them as Hell or layers of Hell. However, one only resides there until ones negative residual karmic energy (quith-pa, the soul wind: there are analogous concepts in LDS theology) is worked off, then ones psyche is released to reincarnate elsewhere, ususally following the usual mnemonic reconfiguration. One is then reborn into another world or dimension to continue the journey towards liberation. However damaging an experience of Hell is, the irony remains that full Enlightenment is not possible without it @ one "time" (so to speak) or other.


Mother Heathen
beckysoup61 said:
Are the conditions of Hell permenant?

Is there an exit to hell?

Why or why not?


I believe hell is permanent. We're told we'll spend an eternity there if we choose not to accept Christ.

I believe in the eternal concept of damnation. And I've read such from the bible.