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Is hell too harsh?


Well-Known Member
Yes (as Jesus was). But they were also "Christians" because they were followers of Christ. :yes:

I'm aware of this fact. Relevance? :confused:

We'll have to agree to disagree on this point.

I agree. And those "things" may very well be works. But the love itself is NOT, especially if it doesn't motivate you to actually do something for someone.

Tending to someone's needs IS a work. Love is not!

This entire line of reasoning is a non-sequitur. Love is not an "action" it is an emotion. An action may very well be a "work" (whether there is love behind it or not).

That's not true. SOME of his message had to do with performing works. But the MOST important message has to do with loving God and loving thy neighbor. Again, love is not a work!

You're missing the point of that passage. It's not about their works, it's about what kind of people they are and whether or not they are true disciples. Matthew 7:21-23 is discussing false disciples, people who claim to believe in Jesus, but do the opposite of things he requires. He calls them evildoers because they do evil INSTEAD of good. It's not about lacking works!

No it isn't. It is a requirement for forgiveness! It is not necessarily DOING something for someone else. I don't care whether you forgive me or not. But you SHOULD forgive me IF you want to be forgiven for your sins.

No, it isn't. However, actually tending to widows and orphans would be a work.

I don't think that these theories are mutually exclusive. What drives a man to suddenly turn to Christ? I believe it is the Holy Spirit.

But they were all still SINNERS. Job charged God with judging him unfairly, while Noah was a drunk. They were called blameless because they repented their sins before God.

I agree. But I don't think this is particularly relevant here.

Love is very much an action as it is an emotion.

End of the day it comes down to works and the manner of which the works are upheld. Faith without those works are useless. The Pharisees certainly had faith in God, yet they were not doing good works and for that they were condemned.

Rapture Era

Active Member
Cancer, after all, is a natural, biological thing and depending on kind of cancer, it can be treated with medicine, which means there could be other things in nature (diet or internal autoimmune response) that could treat some of them. Is it a miracle when it happens? Not more than life in general, good and bad, sickness and health, are all miracles.
Yes, our bodies are PH balanced. Studies have shown that if the body is in an alkaline state verses an acidic state? Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline invironment. There are so many food that we can choose to eat that help fight the possibility of cancer manifesting itself. Problem is, we Americans eat to much processed junk foods with appetizing labels! We are more than not, in an acidic state.:(

Well, I was Christian and my wife and kids too when we had our ordeal in the past. Losing our faith saved us from a lot of questions and frustration. We could move on and be more at peace with the problems we faced without feeling guilt towards some imaginary entity pulling strings against us.
Interesting you say that because I could sense it in some of the things you said earlier. I believe it is the number one reason that people leave the Christian faith.
"Wounded Thiesm" This phenomenon of Wounded Theism is a very interesting one. And I think its a real common ground for the believer and the unbeliever. I have seen it on this forum a lot, Christians that are Wounded Theists. Now at first glance that appears not to be so. Christians say, we're not wounded theists, we worship God, we love God, we are in relationship with God, but, then, something really bad happens. We are going about our ordinary life, then some disaster strikes and initially we are shocked. But the moment we recover our senses, we turn to God and we say why? And this "WHY" is made even more poignant, powerful, by the fact that we know that God could do something about it. It would be one thing if God said, "Im really sorry too", but God is omnipotent, and so He has the power to do something about it. And God is benevolent and loving, and He has the desire to do something about it. We as Christians have committed to be on His side, we are on His team. We are like the Israelits, and yet, we ask God, "why arent you doing something about it?"
Sorry, but this phenomenon fascinates me to no end and I could go on and on. Needless to say, I believe its the "Recking Ball" in the church. Maybe I should start a thread on this subject!:D I have been in this situation so many times. And after years and years of seeing how God has worked through my suffering and trials, I think to myself . . . . . what if Abraham gave up on God? What if Moses gave up on God? What if Noah gave up on God when tough times came? What if JOB gave up on God? I dont think anyone on the planet suffered like this guy, talk about tragedy and suffering!:eek:

I think it's a cop-out.
I dont think so.

"All things that are good -> God did it.
All things that are bad -> Satan did it."
When you say all things, I dont agree. I think we have to seperate Moral Evil and Natural Suffering into two camps.We have Moral Evil which are the bad things people do to other people like the Holocaust. Or to animals.
And then you have Natural Suffering, (as you mentioned above) from things like cancer. Things like Earthquakes, Tsunamis, or Tornadoes. These things are not Evil, Earthquakes are not evil, but they do impose a lot of suffering.

It's too simple, besides Satan was created by God, so it doesn't make sense to put Satan on the same level as God unless God is on the same level as Satan. If Satan has that power, then God is either at fault or not strong enough to fight him.
Being a Christian for 30 years, I dont need to go any further here. You understand what happened. Lucifer was Gods most beautiful and powerful created angel. Until PRIDE got into him. And apperantly in the angelic realm it can happen. Well, it did happen! Also in the angelic realm, angels have the ability to choose because 1/3 of them chose to go with Lucifer!

Which means that he has creating power like God. Either God lets him, or God can't stop him. Either way, it's not the God I'd like to believe in or pray to.
Again, you know that God only allows Satan to do so much. Btw, for those who will be left behind at the Rapture of the church? They willl experience the full force of evil in the world during the tribulation! If people think things are bad now? WOW!:eek:
They have no clue whats comming!

I think it's time to put imaginary monsters under the bed to rest. The bogey man doesn't exist. He's just a scary nightmarish story to scare kids to obedience. I feel that a grew out of those stories and now I can be at peace with how the world works.
I agree and I have long ago, however, Satan is no imaginary monster, he is for real! And you know it, deep down in that 30 year Christianity, you know it.;)

Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's how I feel. A God who needs to scare people into belief and obedience isn't a good god.
You are absolutely right! A god that would do that would NOT be a very good god! And btw, I appreciate your honesty and how you feel and sharing your thoughts.;) Its helped me in more ways than you know! Thank you!;)


Coincidentia oppositorum
You are absolutely right! A god that would do that would NOT be a very good god! And btw, I appreciate your honesty and how you feel and sharing your thoughts.;) Its helped me in more ways than you know! Thank you!;)

I appreciate your kind responses and glad that my thoughts were not wasted. We'll talk more in the future. :bow:


What gives god the right to put people into eternal suffering for not being "perfect"? Doesn't this seem a little unfair? How is god justified in letting his own creation suffer forever? If there is a heaven with this kind of god, hell is the place for me. How can he expect people to enjoy heaven when there are people who will burn forever because of the god the worship?

You can't say why they let us memorize 12 boooks in school and it is not fair

Our life like a test you study success when you don't you will fail

God created you for reason is to worship him according to his rule

His rule for your benefits

And there is no better rule

Like don't drink wine.

It is bad for you and your health
Cause cancer, cause diseases, demolish ethics

Don't eat pork

Bad for health
Pork eat his ....
Even you tried to put in clean enviroment


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You can't say why they let us memorize 12 boooks in school and it is not fair

Such memorization wouldn't be fair, or very useful, for that matter.

Like don't drink wine.

It is bad for you and your health
Cause cancer, cause diseases, demolish ethics

Same is true of too much caffeine. Or water. Or juice. Or pretty much anything else when done in excess.

A little bit of alcohol every now and then is perfectly healthy and won't cause cancer, disease, or "demolish ethics", whatever that means.


Active Member
Love is very much an action as it is an emotion.
Agree to disagree.

End of the day it comes down to works
But according to the bible, IT DOESN'T (at the end of the day).

Faith without those works are useless.
Your failure to answer either of my hypothetical's suggests that you don't even believe this.

The Pharisees certainly had faith in God
Actually they didn't, because they failed to obey him! It was their faith that was dead.


But according to the bible, IT DOESN'T (at the end of the day).

According to some interpretations of Paul perhaps (if you're willing to let those conflict and clash with everything else it says), but even Paul exhorts believers to good works, and he and James both say that those who don't watch their mouths or provide help to the poor and widows or their own relatives, their religion is "worthless", and Jesus is ALL about works, so this anti-works confusion is based more on ideological doctrine (and one built on inconvenience out of insecurity, and IMO, laziness) and dismissal of vast swaths of what Jesus and the Epistles actually teach. To say that the Bible does not say Works is what it's all about requires some Theological stretching of some critical passages, extreme cherry picking, ignoring crucial verses, and a vast rewrite of what the likely originally intended Theology was meant to convey. You'd have to get rid of all of John's Epistles, and you're stuck with eliminating most of the things Jesus says, including in Matthew 25 where Jesus says those who fail to help their brothers in need will burn in hell. Jesus also says that doers of lawlessness will be rejected. It's kinda hard to read anything BUT works being the critical factor in that. Revelation as well says the Church of Smyrna will be Spat out as "Luke warm" because of their (lack of good) deeds.

If you're cool with taking a few verses from Paul out of context and completely rejecting most of the things Jesus teaches as well as the epistles of John, James, Jude, and Peter as well as most of what Paul actually says in favor of some dubious post 1500s Theology from a man who called James "an Epistle of Straw" (As so many Protestants do, as it's a very nice and easy doctrine that helps settle their troubled souls about their lack of obedience and doing actual good works), then yes, you can say the Bible doesn't specify works are important.
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Well-Known Member
Agree to disagree.

But according to the bible, IT DOESN'T (at the end of the day).

Your failure to answer either of my hypothetical's suggests that you don't even believe this.

Actually they didn't, because they failed to obey him! It was their faith that was dead.

I didn't answer your hypothetical questions because I didn't read them. The moment you said wrong with such confidence I ignored any examples you would give simply because you would be operating in the realm of "your interpretation."

They didn't? You would be able to say they had no faith in God they certainly seemed to. Jesus doesn't even bring their faith into question majority of the time if at all rather he focuses on how they were so focused on rituals that they were failing to actual follow the spirit of what the law was. The works that come from the heart rather than the mouth.

But to each their own. You believe what helps you get through as does everyone else.


Active Member
According to some interpretations of Paul perhaps (if you're willing to let those conflict and clash with everything else it says),
There is no conflicting or clashing for those who accept Paul as an Apostle of Christ. Only by rejecting all Pauline scriptures (and therefore cherry picking) can one craft a doctrine based on "works" getting you into heaven!

but even Paul exhorts believers to good works, and he and James both say that those who don't watch their mouths or provide help to the poor and widows or their own relatives, their religion is "worthless",
I agree. But that's not relevant because that doesn't say that works plays a role in salvation! It doesn't because works is only an expression of faith, not vice versa.

and Jesus is ALL about works, so this anti-works confusion is based more on ideological doctrine
I am not "anti-works" and for you to make that association with my argument means that you are missing the point. Jesus was NOT all about works! That was PART of what he taught, yes, but that doesn't mean works plays a role in salvation. Jesus tells us how to attain salvation and it is not by works. It is by being born again. That is an act of faith, not a work!

To say that the Bible does not say Works is what it's all about requires some Theological stretching of some critical passages, extreme cherry picking, ignoring crucial verses, and a vast rewrite of what the likely originally intended Theology was meant to convey.
On the contrary, to say that "works IS what it's all about" or that Jesus was "all about works" requires all those things. You've already admitted that by rejecting every scripture written by Paul. That's how you make it "all about works", you cherry pick the bible!

You'd have to get rid of all of John's Epistles, and you're stuck with eliminating most of the things Jesus says, including in Matthew 25 where Jesus says those who fail to help their brothers in need will burn in hell.
Actually Jesus doesn't say anything about "burning in hell" in that largely metaphorical passage (concerning the sheep and the goats). It says they will go away to "eternal punishment" (which is death by the way). Secondly, the scripture reinforces the notion that works is an expression of faith. It does not mean that works will save us!

Jesus also says that doers of lawlessness will be rejected. It's kinda hard to read anything BUT works being the critical factor in that.
No, actually its very easy to see that scripture for what it really is, a contrast between those who do evil acts and those who do not.

Revelation as well says the Church of Smyrna will be Spat out as "Luke warm" because of their (lack of good) deeds.
That's not what it says!

Revelation 3:15-16
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

It doesn't say anything about "lack of good deeds". It says that he knows them! And actually, now that you bring it up, this passage reinforces my point about how deeds do NOT save you. What it is actually saying is that people who do good deeds and think they are saved are blind! They are not saved because they do good deeds. The scripture condemns the self-righteous! People who go around donating to charities and then feel content that they are now "saved" because of it are the LUKEWARM Christians. That's why Jesus says I wish you were hot OR cold. Because even "cold" Christians (who do no good works) realize that they are doing something wrong and would be driven to correct their mistake. Lukewarm Christians on the other hand are those who are "comfortable" with themselves because of their deeds. They think that they are saved because they do good works, and therefore don't realize that they need repentance, forgiveness and salvation because in addition to their works they are also sinners. These are the people that Jesus was talking about in Matthew 7.

Matthew 7:22-23
22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

These are the blind people that Revelation 3 is referencing.

Revelation 3:17-18
17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

And in case you're not aware of the metaphorical content of Revelation, it's not literally saying that they are "poor, blind and naked" or that they need to become "rich with gold" or wear "white clothes". The story is an analogy for those who think they are okay with God and don't need to do anything else special, but in reality are in need of salvation but don't realize it (because they are lukewarm).

If you're cool with taking a few verses from Paul out of context and completely rejecting most of the things Jesus teaches
I'm not, that's what YOU are doing. And it's what the doctrine of good deeds getting you into heaven in fact requires!

(As so many Protestants do, as it's a very nice and easy doctrine that helps settle their troubled souls about their lack of obedience and doing actual good works), then yes, you can say the Bible doesn't specify works are important.
And where exactly did I ever say that? Oh, that's right, I didn't. This is another straw man argument! :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Personally I lean towards it being too harsh. I mean, I can understand the justice aspect of it and everything but even if the punishment in Hell is directly proportional to the wrongs one committed in life, I still think that the eternal aspect makes it somewhat, if not very, cruel.


Active Member
I didn't answer your hypothetical questions because I didn't read them. The moment you said wrong with such confidence I ignored any examples you would give
Fine. This indicates that you're no longer interested in debating the issue with me further, or addressing the points I raised about why faith alone can save. That being the case, I can pretty much ignore you from now on. Suffice it to say, the reason why you are WRONG about works is summed up in those examples I have (which neither you, nor anyone else who believes in salvation through works can address or reconcile). Therefore, I rest my case!

Don't ask me anymore questions if you're just going to ignore my answers. I'm not going to waste my time with that.
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There is no conflicting or clashing for those who accept Paul as an Apostle of Christ. Only by rejecting all Pauline scriptures (and therefore cherry picking) can one craft a doctrine based on "works" getting you into heaven!

Cherry Picking is taking a quote out of context. Rejecting Paul is a Theological position.

I agree. But that's not relevant because that doesn't say that works plays a role in salvation! It doesn't because works is only an expression of faith, not vice versa.

Nowhere does the Bible remotely say that Works are some "Fruit" of an expression of faith. Quite the opposite.

I am not "anti-works" and for you to make that association with my argument means that you are missing the point. Jesus was NOT all about works! That was PART of what he taught, yes, but that doesn't mean works plays a role in salvation. Jesus tells us how to attain salvation and it is not by works. It is by being born again. That is an act of faith, not a work!

So Jesus taught works, but it doesn't play a role in Salvation. When Jesus said those who won't help their brothers will burn in hell, that had nothing to do with Salvation? When Jesus said those who who are "Doers of lawlessness" will be rejected, that had nothing to do with works? Jesus tells you how to attain salvation and it's through works, anyone who says differently has either not actually read what Jesus says or is viciously lying about what he said, and as sure as God lives, Jesus did in fact teach that works were important to your future fate.

On the contrary, to say that "works IS what it's all about" or that Jesus was "all about works" requires all those things. You've already admitted that by rejecting every scripture written by Paul. That's how you make it "all about works", you cherry pick the bible!

Again, you don't understand what Cherry picking means. The issue of the clash between Paul and Jesus is a big controversy that rages to this day. Numerous Christians reject Paul. They are not Cherry Picking. They are being selective, yes. But why do you reject the Catholic Apocrypha? Why do you reject the Book of Enoch which is canonical to the Ethiopians? It's the same thing. What you may fail to understand is that "The Bible" is not just one book. If I don't go by the Pericope Adulterae because I believe it's interpolated, am I cherry picking? If you reject the Shepherd of Hermas which was canonical to the authors of the Sinaiticus, are you cherry picking? Also, you failed to address what I said that Paul's works themselves are heavily pro-works.

Actually Jesus doesn't say anything about "burning in hell" in that largely metaphorical passage (concerning the sheep and the goats). It says they will go away to "eternal punishment" (which is death by the way). Secondly, the scripture reinforces the notion that works is an expression of faith. It does not mean that works will save us!

Okay, you CAN argue that "Works are an expression of faith", but all that means is that those who don't do works are not true in faith, so thus, it's your works either way in the end. The interpretation of "Age long punishment" as relating to the "second death" is an entirely different ballgame of debate, but the fact is clear: Your works are 100% related to your judgment. Revelation is clear about this too.

No, actually its very easy to see that scripture for what it really is, a contrast between those who do evil acts and those who do not.

The "Evil Acts" are the works of lawlessness, which means "Against the Law". Thus, those who do not obey the Law are those who commit "evil acts". Those who commit "evil acts" will not be saved. By your own logic of faith being the seed of good works, we can see that only those who do good works have such faith.

That's not what it says!

Revelation 3:15-16
15 I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16 So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth.

What do you think that verse means?

It doesn't say anything about "lack of good deeds". It says that he knows them! And actually, now that you bring it up, this passage reinforces my point about how deeds do NOT save you.

Wrong, the passage very well enforces the idea that your deeds are what you are judged by. You didn't even provide your interpretation of that, and the way you think it "Enforces" this view is pretty wacky. What do you think "luke warm" implies exactly?

What it is actually saying is that people who do good deeds and think they are saved are blind!

I guess we can interpret anything we want from the text regardless if it explicitly says so or not. You're also failing to look at the preceding verses to get the gist of the context.

They are not saved because they do good deeds.

Nothing close to this is hinted at by the verse. Only by an extreme confirmation bias that interprets whatever it wants into the text regardless of what the previous verses say.

The scripture condemns the self-righteous!

Where? It condemns HYPOCRITES.

People who go around donating to charities and then feel content that they are now "saved" because of it are the LUKEWARM Christians.

It's rather difficult to discuss biblical verses when one can make them say whatever they want to say regardless of the preceding contexts.

That's why Jesus says I wish you were hot OR cold. Because even "cold" Christians (who do no good works) realize that they are doing something wrong and would be driven to correct their mistake.

You may have a grain of truth in this regard, but if you look at the preceding verses, the other churches are being condemned for evil practices. So why not this one?

Lukewarm Christians on the other hand are those who are "comfortable" with themselves because of their deeds.

That is one particular way of looking at it. However Jesus says one must STRIVE for the narrow gate. Thus, by being complacent, that's not striving. In order to "Win the race" as even Paul says, one must do good works.

This anti-works mentality essentially rejects everything Paul says and cherry picks a few things from him out of context, as I said.

They think that they are saved because they do good works, and therefore don't realize that they need repentance, forgiveness and salvation because in addition to their works they are also sinners. These are the people that Jesus was talking about in Matthew 7.

Thinking you are already saved is indeed a blasphemous doctrine, as Jesus says only those who "ENDURE UNTIL THE END" will be saved. Do you think "enduring until the end" merely means "Believing Jesus is your savior"?

Matthew 7:22-23

The word "Evildoers" is "Doers of lawlessness". The word "Lawlessness" in Jewish context is one who disobeys the Law. The "Man of Lawlessness" who is an antichrist is one who rejects the obedience of the Law.

These are the blind people that Revelation 3 is referencing.

And who are the people of the other churches that Revelation condemns? Like I said, we can interpret it to mean whatever we want I guess.

Revelation 3:17-18
17 You say, ‘I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.

Again, I agree you have a piece of the truth, but you're failing to understand why Jesus would say he wished they were "HOT" as well as "or cold". It's about those who are content with their works and aren't striving to do more. That's the ONLY way of interpreting it.

And in case you're not aware of the metaphorical content of Revelation,

Oh no I thought it was all literal for a second there.
it's not literally saying that they are "poor, blind and naked" or that they need to become "rich with gold" or wear "white clothes". The story is an analogy for those who think they are okay with God and don't need to do anything else special, but in reality are in need of salvation but don't realize it (because they are lukewarm).

You have it halfway, but it's about those who don't think they need to do more. You're keenly ignoring the "I wish you were HOT" part. He wishes they were "Or cold" as well as you say, because it would help them realize they aren't doing enough.

I'm not, that's what YOU are doing. And it's what the doctrine of good deeds getting you into heaven in fact requires!

As sure as God lives, those who say works are irrelevant in your salvation are those who twist and distort what the Gospels say and they will have hell to pay in the day of judgment for their ways of changing the very meaning of Jesus's many teachings as well as that of the epistles of John and James and Jude and Peter (all of which I referenced that you ignored), and again, you completely ignored what I said about how even Paul himself implies works are heavily involved, such as what I said about "Their religion is worthless".

And where exactly did I ever say that? Oh, that's right, I didn't. This is another straw man argument! :rolleyes:

Ummm, if I'm not mistaken, you yourself trounced the idea of the "Doctrine of good deeds getting you into heaven".

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Well-Known Member
Fine. This indicates that you're no longer interested in debating the issue with me further, or addressing the points I raised about why faith alone can save. That being the case, I can pretty much ignore you from now on. Suffice it to say, the reason why you are WRONG about works is summed up in those examples I have (which neither you, nor anyone else who believes in salvation through works can address or reconcile). Therefore, I rest my case!

Don't ask me anymore questions if you're just going to ignore my answers. I'm not going to waste my time with that.

I didn't ask you any questions. I made a statement you claimed it wrong...because that's what you've been taught. You haven't rested your case, neither Do I believe in "reconcilation" in the grand context you are using it. You do wrong you apologize and ask for forgiveness. We aren't paying for the sins of some "first man."


I think that since God is completely perfect and just, hell will perfectly fit the crimes of anyone who ends up there and will not be unbalanced or too harsh in anyway whatsoever.


I think that since God is completely perfect and just, hell will perfectly fit the crimes of anyone who ends up there and will not be unbalanced or too harsh in anyway whatsoever.

That's essentially what all the "Apocryphal" literature like the Apocalypse of Peter had to say on the matter of hell, that the punishment fits the crime of each evildoer, with some hints of reincarnation after a due prison sentence. Again, the word "Eternal" is not "Eternal" but "age long", so it's a temporary period of hell.


Active Member
That's essentially what all the "Apocryphal" literature like the Apocalypse of Peter had to say on the matter of hell, that the punishment fits the crime of each evildoer, with some hints of reincarnation after a due prison sentence. Again, the word "Eternal" is not "Eternal" but "age long", so it's a temporary period of hell.
Do you have an exact scripture that we can refer to? :confused:


Pardon me, this got buried underneath hundreds of reply notices.

What did you want scripture for, the NT apocrypha or a breakdown on the "Age-long" language-issue? Please specify.