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Is hell too harsh?


Doubting Thomas
hy god is flawed:
1- Punishes people with hell
2-allows suffering to exist as if he doesnt care about his own creation
3- the scriptures contradict each other
4- if hes omnipotent surely he could have made it so that sin never existed
5- dumb enough to put the tree in the garden in the first place. Surely he could have planned better with all his infinite knowledge and power

You are addressing certain ideas about God. Many here, including some Christians, have a very different view of God.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dang! You deconverted me!


Seriously I get really tired of non-Christians telling me what Christianity is

Though, in fairness, we get tired of those rather uneducated Christians telling us what our beliefs are.

Sometimes the urge to return favor becomes unbearable.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Well, I think living for anything other than God is idolatry. The reason I believe idolatry is wrong is because living for anything less than God brings one into bondage to imperfection.
Still a third option.

Or one's interpretation is flawed.
Every work of literature (fiction or not) can be interpreted as a work of pure genius, from Twilight to Plan 9 From Outer Space to the NES Jekyll and Hyde game.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I find it interesting , God is impotent to give peace to someone who is not in him.

So God can give eternal life to this person in suffering but he is impotent to give him peace.


If God cant give peace apart from him, then God is not omnipotent.

If God knows the person wants peace but does not want Him, he could ask the person what he prefers.

I believe there are things that God cannot do because He cannot go against His own nature. For example, the scriptures say that God cannot lie. This does not diminish His omnipotence, but it is impossible for God to do things which are against or outside of His character and God-nature. He cannot be unjust, therefore He cannot give sinners what they prefer and again, I believe, lasting peace is impossible without God.


On the Other hand, Jesus would say that every time you served your brother yu served him.

Interesting distinction you got there from his message.

And I agree with this, serving another is serving Christ, but submitting one's life or looking to another or self for eternal fulfillment is idolatry.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Okay, tell me what you think is the third option.

Serving another that's neither yourself nor God.

'Course, I don't subscribe to this theology, because everything you've so far said contradicts my experiences. I've never been a Christian, but I've felt peace plenty of times. Just takes some meditation.


Doubting Thomas
I find it interesting , God is impotent to give peace to someone who is not in him.

So God can give eternal life to this person in suffering but he is impotent to give him peace.

Not following you.

God gives me peace to those who seek peace through God.

Me Myself

Back to my username
I believe there are things that God cannot do
because He cannot go against His own nature. For example, the scriptures say that God cannot lie.

He lied to Ninveh

This does not diminish His omnipotence, but it is impossible for God to do things which are against or outside of His character and God-nature.

Of cours it does. The second you have something that is impossible for you to do, the second you are not omnipotent.

Omnipotent means you can do anything. If you cant do anything, then you are not omnipotent. It's just how it works.

He cannot be unjust, therefore He cannot give sinners what they prefer

"forgive them Father, for they know not what they are doing"

Jesus spoke that about the jews in the bible. Jews that allegedly knew what Jesus said he was. The difference is that they didnt believe.

As such, just because you have been given the information does not mean you know.

No human would knowingly choose eternal torture. It is completely against the self anyways.

I believe, lasting peace is impossible without God.

So eternal life is posible without God but peace is not?

In any case, again you keep reinforcing his impotence for some reason.


If God cant give peace apart from him, then God is not omnipotent.

If God knows the person wants peace but does not want Him, he could ask the person what he prefers.

Omnipotent is different from the idea of making things possible which He does not want for whatever reason. Perhaps it's not a "can't" issue but a "Won't>