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Is hell too harsh?

Me Myself

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Out of curiosity. Now that we poked fun at the Abrahamic mythology about the after life. How do you feel about the Norse concept? Where a bunch of veterans gather in a hall, get drunk out of their minds and stab each other with swords, only to go through the entire process all over again the next day? Also how do you feel about the souls of those who do not die in battle and go to Hel? into an underworld of punishment, with shores made out of dead corpses?

Hel wasnt all about torment or was it? I was almost sure there were other neutral or enjoyable places besides Valhalla (which was for those who enjoyed that to begin with)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
That may be true, but many people do desire to reject God and and want absolutely nothing to do with Him, choosing instead to live for SELF, SELF, and only SELF.

Those aren't the only two possible choices. Then again, isn't living for the sake of a heavenly reward living for the self, self, and only self?


Doubting Thomas
What gives god the right to put people into eternal suffering for not being "perfect"?--power

Doesn't this seem a little unfair?--absolutely

How is god justified in letting his own creation suffer forever? --he's not

If there is a heaven with this kind of god, hell is the place for me. How can he expect people to enjoy heaven when there are people who will burn forever because of the god the worship?--he can't

These answers led me to embrace Gnosticism.


Agnostic Pantheist
Hel wasnt all about torment or was it? I was almost sure there were other neutral or enjoyable places besides Valhalla (which was for those who enjoyed that to begin with)
Keep in mind that I gave a very general, rough, and even slightly biased description of some of the Norse myths about the afterlife. Which I thought was fitting because of the general, rough, and even slightly biased description of what I can only assume is the Abrahamic version of the afterlife. Obviously our sweet Valkyrie has not delved deeply into the Hebrew Scriptures.


Hell was never created for people. It was created for the devil and his angles. We as human beings were created perfect to be with God forever but God also didnt create us as robots either. He created us with a free will to choose. Because of those choices in the garden, everyone of us is born into sin destined to go to hell. Here's the good news. God knowing this and not wanting anyone to parish in hell did something amazing! He sacrificed His own Son Jesus to pay the penalty in our place. He offers us a free gift of eternal life with Him. In the bible, the book of Romans chapter 10 verse 9 God tells us this; "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." The whole reason Jesus died on the cross was because God loved you so much he wants to spend all of eternity with you in a place beyond what words can describe, Heaven! What greater love is there than that? Now tell me, what is keeping you from accepting His free gift?
Satan hates God. He also hates His creation of all of us as human beings! Do you really think Satan wants you to be close to God and spend all of eternity in Heaven? Satan wants to pull you down with him! Over thousands of years satan has been hard at work creating other religions and belief systems to keep you away from the most important one of all, accepting what God offers to you. But, its your choice. He isnt going to force Himself on you. So when people say how could a loving God send people to hell, He isnt! Its your choice to go there. Everyone who ends up there is because they chose to by rejecting the only way out! So, now, again, what is keeping you from choosing Heaven over Hell? I dont know, but its your choice while you are still alive. Once you die, its too late! Because we never know when we will die, its something to think about very seriously!

I agree hell was created for the devil and fallen angels. God desires every human to spend eternity with Him in eternal joy. So from my perspective I see two choices before each person... continue to follow satan to his eternal destination or take God's alternative route to heaven.

Me Myself

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Keep in mind that I gave a very general, rough, and even slightly biased description of some of the Norse myths about the afterlife. Which I thought was fitting because of the general, rough, and even slightly biased description of what I can only assume is the Abrahamic version of the afterlife. Obviously our sweet Valkyrie has not delved deeply into the Hebrew Scriptures.

I honestly dont think it is bias to say that most interpretations of christian hell are eternal torture towards people to go there while an omnipotent omniscient God looks and does nothing.


Those aren't the only two possible choices. Then again, isn't living for the sake of a heavenly reward living for the self, self, and only self?

I see only two choices...living for self will or living for God's will. If it is God's will that I live for then I am choosing Him over self, if He wants to bless with the wonders of a heavenly reward that's up to Him.


Well-Known Member
I agree hell was created for the devil and fallen angels. God desires every human to spend eternity with Him in eternal joy. So from my perspective I see two choices before each person... continue to follow satan to his eternal destination or take God's alternative route to heaven.

I'm still not sure where this idea of the devil and the angels come from outside of revelation...it doesn't seem to exist in the OT.


Agnostic Pantheist
I honestly dont think it is bias to say that most interpretations of christian hell are eternal torture towards people to go there while an omnipotent omniscient God looks and does nothing.
It varies much like the Norse Hel. Also, where did I say anything about the 'Christian hell'?, I don't think I used the word 'Christian' anywhere in any of my posts here.


Well what I've come to find through all of this Is that god is extremely flawed And not worth following

How do you really KNOW God is flawed? Unless you claim to have infinite knowledge and understanding how can you know whether or not a God who is the Creator of heaven and earth and all life is flawed? Don't you think it is the slightest bit arrogant for a puny human that lives about 70-90 years, if death doesn't come along sooner, to claim that an infinite Being who created all things is extremely flawed and not worth following?


I'm still not sure where this idea of the devil and the angels come from outside of revelation...it doesn't seem to exist in the OT.

Jesus said it...Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels...Matthew 25:41

Me Myself

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I see only two choices...living for self will or living for God's will. If it is God's will that I live for then I am choosing Him over self, if He wants to bless with the wonders of a heavenly reward that's up to Him.

If someone chooses self and peace, but God puts him in Hell anyways, he is not respecting all his free will but only picking and choosing for him.

Desiring torture is just not human nature. Even in masochism it wouldnt be hell unless it is torture you wont enjoy so that is ruled out.

So if God wanted to respect free will he would have to let the person be peaceful if that is what the person wants even supposing the person wants to be away from God. If he cant do this he is not omnipotent.


hy god is flawed:
1- Punishes people with hell
2-allows suffering to exist as if he doesnt care about his own creation
3- the scriptures contradict each other
4- if hes omnipotent surely he could have made it so that sin never existed
5- dumb enough to put the tree in the garden in the first place. Surely he could have planned better with all his infinite knowledge and power


What gives god the right to put people into eternal suffering for not being "perfect"? Doesn't this seem a little unfair? How is god justified in letting his own creation suffer forever? If there is a heaven with this kind of god, hell is the place for me. How can he expect people to enjoy heaven when there are people who will burn forever because of the god the worship?

Indeed, it's a terrible idea which conveniently serves the fearmongers in power's interests, which is why the early Israelites and earliest Christians most likely believed in temporary hell and reincarnation based on your sins. The word "Aionos" does not mean "eternal" but "age-long", but this has only fazed a few more literally-minded translations.


If someone chooses self and peace, but God puts him in Hell anyways, he is not respecting all his free will but only picking and choosing for him.

Desiring torture is just not human nature. Even in masochism it wouldnt be hell unless it is torture you wont enjoy so that is ruled out.

So if God wanted to respect free will he would have to let the person be peaceful if that is what the person wants even supposing the person wants to be away from God. If he cant do this he is not omnipotent.

My perspective and what I see in the scriptures...no Jesus, no peace...know Jesus, know peace, I do not believe there is such a thing as peace apart from God, it is an impossibility. The scriptures are abundantly clear that God does not desire to see anyone go the way of satan and suffer and has done everything possible to offer people the free gift of eternal life filled with peace and joy.

Me Myself

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I do not believe there is such a thing as peace apart from God, it is an impossibilit

If God cant give peace apart from him, then God is not omnipotent.

If God knows the person wants peace but does not want Him, he could ask the person what he prefers.