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Is Hinduism a religion


Premium Member
Organized? Maybe within smaller organizations, but in some overall scope, its about the most disorganized religion. Certainly there is no hierarchy or even a prophet or single scripture. It's vastness makes it so difficult to organise. But maybe I'm misunderstanding your sense of organisation.


Well-Known Member
Mlechhas :)

Actually, the Varna is upheld (by virtue of Gotras) mainly by Brahmanas and not others. An orphan will assume the Varna of the family it gets adopted into. We are of course, walking the thin line between varna and caste.

I dont believe in the birth based cast system, because..

Quoted from Agniveer.

Caste is a European innovation having no semblance in Vedic culture.

Jaati means a classification based on source of origin. Nyaya Sutra states “Samaanaprasavaatmika Jaatih” or those having similar birth source form a Jaati.
An initial broad classification made by Rishis is 4-fold: Udbhija (coming out of ground like plants), Andaja (coming out of eggs like birds and reptiles), Pindaja (mammals) and Ushmaj (reproducing due to temperature and ambient conditions like virus, bacteria etc).
Similarly, various animals like elephant, lion, rabbits etc form different ‘Jaati’. In same manner, entire humanity forms one ‘Jaati’. A particular Jaati will have similar physical characteristics, cannot change from one Jaati to another and cannot cross-breed. Thus Jaati is creation of Ishwar or God.
Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra are no way different Jaati because there is no difference in source of birth or even physical characteristics to differentiate between them.
Later, word ‘Jaati’ started being used to imply any kind of classification. Thus in common usage, we call even different communities as different ‘Jaati’. However that is merely convenience of usage. In reality, all humans form one single Jaati.

The actual word used for Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra is ‘Varna’ and not Jaati.
The word ‘Varna’ is used not only for these four, but also for Dasyu and Arya.
‘Varna’ means one that is adopted by choice. Thus, while Jaati is provided by God, ‘Varna’ is our own choice.
Those who choose to be Arya are called ‘Arya Varna’. Those who choose to be Dasyu become ‘Dasyu Varna’. Same for Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.
That is why Vedic Dharma is called ‘Varnashram Dharma’. The word Varna itself implies that this is based on complete freedom of choice and meritocracy.

Often mantras of Purush Sukta are cited to prove that Brahmins originated from Mouth, Kshatriya from hands, Vaishya from thighs and Shudras from legs of God. Thus these varnas are birth-based. However nothing could be more deceptive. Let us see why:
a. Vedas describe God to be shapeless and unchangeable. How can such a God take shape of a gigantic person if He is shapeless. Refer Yajurved 40.8.
b. If indeed this were true, this would defy the theory of Karma of Vedas. Because as per Theory of Karma, one’s family of birth can change as per his or her deeds. So one born in Shudra family can take birth as king’s son in next birth. But if Shudras are born from feet of God, how can same Shudra again take birth from hands of God?
c. Soul is timeless and never born. So soul can have no Varna. It is only when it takes birth as human that it has a chance to opt a Varna. Then what is meant by a Varna coming from one part of God’s body? If Soul did not take birth from God’s body, then does it mean body of soul is prepared from God’s body parts? But as per Vedas, even nature is eternal. And same atoms recycle among various humans. So it is technically impossible for any one taking birth from God’s body, even if we assume God to be having a body.
d. The said Purush Sukta is in 31st Chapter of Yajurved, apart from Rigved and Atharvaved with some variations. In Yajurved it is 31.11. To see what it actually means, let us look at the previous mantra 31.10.
It asks a question – Who is mouth? Who is hand? Who is thigh and who is leg?



Well-Known Member

The next mantra gives the answer – Brahmin is mouth. Kshatriya is hand. Vaishya is thigh and Shudra becomes the legs.
Note that the mantra does not say that Brahmin “takes birth” from mouth…It says Brahmin “is” mouth. Because if the mantra would mean “takes birth” it would not answer the question in previous mantra “Who is mouth?”
For example, if I ask “Who is Dashrath?”, an answer like “Rama is born from Dashrath” would be meaningless!
The actual meaning is:
In society, Brahmins or intellectuals form the brain or head or mouth that think and speak. Kshatriya or defense personnel form the hands that protect. Vaishya or producers and businessmen form the thigh that support and nurture (note that thigh bone or femur produces blood and is strongest bone). In Atharvaveda, instead of Uru or Thigh, the word “Madhya” is used meaning that it denotes also the stomach and central part of body.
Shudra or Labor force form the legs that lay the foundation and make the body run.

See the entire article at

There is no caste-system in Vedas


Well-Known Member
yeah correct.. It is full of things that I cant understand.

Yes because the philosophies are far more superior to any other "religious", teachings, not to mention far, far more tolerant of other belief systems.

It could be hard for many to comprehend the vastness of this System.


Premium Member
yeah correct.. It is full of things that I cant understand.

Many (I would venture to say 'all') Hindus themselves don't understand all of Hinduism, just their particular small corner of it. The vastness of the scriptures would take lifetimes to read. Imagine reading the Koran about 1 000 times cover to cover. And scripture is just part of it. Most of Hinduism isn't even in words at all, but deeper intrinsic understandings and practices.


Its only a Label
Have shared personal understanding of the topic at every opportunity and here it is once again.
Hindu is a term used for an understanding like any other term or label used for any other.
Hindu came from sindhu and those living on the other side were termed *hindus* by westerners.
It was again incorrect to use an *ism* to the term *hindu* cause the original label or term *Sanatan Dharma* meant an open system following the laws of existence and replacing it with the term *hinduism dilutes the label sanatan dharma totally to an ism restricting to to a practice like other western paths led by a single enlightened individual whereas Sanatan Dharma practitioners never restricted itself to any single enlightened individual or his path but open to all paths and ways that are followed by beings in all forms. We have hath yoga poses from animals, flowers etc. as all forms and no-forms together is what Brahman/God/etc IS. Gautama is from the same background so was the sikh gurus or jain tirthankars and they added to the diversity of dharma in a way dharma evolves through each enlightened being.
In short; SANATAN DHARMA is not * A * religion but is inclusice of all past, present and future RELIGIONS that human kind or any being follows to be in tune with existence.

Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Is it organized? Under what single authority or canon?

Well i know that the Vedas can be said as a "authority", but its not like the other organised religions.

It can be said to be organized as in the organising of the scriptures, eg; starting from Vedas and till we get to the Puranas. but again not like the other religions.

And instead of the Pope, we have Ishvara as our head leader (so to speak), and our bodies as our high temple.

So in a way it is organised, to me that is :)


Active Member
if you dont mind, kindly let us know a few things from that list.
BTW, Do You Understand Evolution Theory?

Well I am not understanding why One god is divided in 3 gods? Why one of them cut the head of the other? one God cut the head of other god!

Why people praying to one of them specificly? Why there are alot of Gods in hindusim? Isn't it a one system? So why many gods?

This is some of what in my mind.


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
Well I am not understanding why One god is divided in 3 gods? Why one of them cut the head of the other? one God cut the head of other god!

Why people praying to one of them specificly? Why there are alot of Gods in hindusim? Isn't it a one system? So why many gods?

This is some of what in my mind.

Many 'gods' but only one God. Do you understand the difference?

PS: The God divided in 3 is more a Christian concept.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Well i know that the Vedas can be said as a "authority", but its not like the other organised religions.

It can be said to be organized as in the organising of the scriptures, eg; starting from Vedas and till we get to the Puranas. but again not like the other religions.

And instead of the Pope, we have Ishvara as our head leader (so to speak), and our bodies as our high temple.

So in a way it is organised, to me that is :)

You are right. I disagreed with the implication that it's a homogenous unified, one belief system. Lately I've been saying "900 million Hindus, 900 million beliefs".


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
Well I am not understanding why One god is divided in 3 gods? Why one of them cut the head of the other? one God cut the head of other god!

Why people praying to one of them specificly? Why there are alot of Gods in hindusim? Isn't it a one system? So why many gods?

This is some of what in my mind.

Different facets of one God. A diamond has many angles and facets and looks different however you look at it. You have different aspects to your personality, but you are only one person. God has different aspects... playful (Lord Krishna); fierce, and protective of devotees (Maa Kali, Maa Durga, Lord Narasimha); bestows wisdom and talent (Maa Saraswati); giver of wealth and good fortune (Mahalakshmi); the perfect husband (Lord Rama); calm, peaceful and meditative (Lord Shiva); and so on. Those and many more are all just different aspects of God, called by different names by different people.


The Creator
Well I am not understanding why One god is divided in 3 gods? Why people praying to one of them specificly? Why there are alot of Gods in hindusim? Isn't it a one system? So why many gods?

This is some of what in my mind.
nope, there is no division. In hinduism creator itself is the creation or in other words there is no creator, that is everything is god or god is everything, it is from this idea the practice of 'namaste' came into being, the message in namaste is "'The God in me greets the God in you". To hindus, saying shiva is god, does not mean vishnu is not god, they both are the same brahman. But people are of different types, so they worship the form of god which suits them, here is a quote from bhagavat gita.

"Whoesoever comes to Me, through whatsoever form, I reach him. All men are struggling through paths which in the end, lead to Me."

these paths can be monism, mono-theism, atheism etc etc, and that is why hinduism is so vast.

moegypt said:
Why one of them cut the head of the other? one God cut the head of other god!
these are 'puranas' the pointers, it should not be taken literally. Puranas are the means to convey subtle spiritual truths in simplified form.

anything else? :)
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Well-Known Member
TouchedbytheLord;2827572]You are right. I disagreed with the implication that it's a homogenous unified, one belief system. Lately I've been saying "900 million Hindus, 900 million beliefs".

The more the merrier. (I think thats how you spell it :eek: )

I think Hinduism has accomplished unity in variations.