For me, a cure would be, if the patient is able to have sex with the opposite gender. To remove the homosexual urges would be more of a bonus. Afaik, most of the "healed gays" are able to have sex with the opposite gender now, regardless of other urges.
Believe me, there are scientific areas, where I actually know what I am talking about. Homosexuality is not one of them, and I said it in my first sentence. You can generelise all Bahais and muslims from my post, if you want. I give you the advice to not generelise people based on their beliefs, and to not call a whole group of people stupid, if one member says something, that you regard as stupid. There are Bahais and even Muslims (!! :O) who know more about homosexuality, then you do.
And I wrote Bahai into my profile to become popular...
If homosexuals want to manage the condition, they surely would be happy, if science helped them.
Ex Gay therapy being flawed is no proof, that there can't be a better one. 100 years ago, schitzophrenia therapy was flawed and dangerous. I bet, there was a time in science when everyone thought, that schitzophrenia is incurable. Today, patients can live an almost normal life.
I am not saying that we should forcefully convert homosexuals. But some people want to change, they want kids on their own. For me, it would be a handicap, if I was not able to love a woman and have kids with her. I would appreciate, if there was a cure, that would enable for me to be sexually attracted to women.