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Is it ever okay to steal?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Peace, let me disagree. I don't think we can blame the starving person if he stole food or even money to feed himself or his family.
Respectfully, I disagree. My guess is that pride does not allow them to admit to others that they desperately need help. Rather than face embarrassment, they resort to taking what is not theirs. This can never be condoned. In Western countries there are always options that do not include stealing. I can't speak for other countries, but there are people all over the place ready and willing to help -- if asked.


Depends Upon My Mood..
I have no idea..But I would steal if I had to.If its not O.K then I'll pay the consequences Im sure.




Shrinidhi Kowndinya
Stealing is Never Oky...

but as said when your Children are Dieing of Hunger or may be anyone dieing without food its ethical enough to steal... Does the Concept of SIN by Stealing is bigger than Saving a LIFE... is SIN MORE THAN A WHOLE LIFE???

when you ask this question the answer which comes is its oky...


Done here.
I think stealing is always wrong, but there may be cases in which it's the lesser evil. I'm not sure.

The example people always give is that it's okay to steal if your children are starving. In advanced countries, though, it's always possible to feed your children without stealing. In countries where poverty is so severe that you really have to steal to feed your children, your theft may well doom your neighbor's children to starvation.

Theft is a problem where I work. The students justify their theft by saying that (a) the owner can afford the loss and (b) they're paying tuition, so they're entitled. In fact, though, the owner is going to charge whatever he needs to charge to run the school at a profit, and the price of stolen items doesn't come directly out of his pocket. It's passed on to students and clients. As for the tuition, what they've paid for doesn't include the items they steal. I can't go into Best Buy and say, "I bought a television here once, so I'm entitled to take a few movies."

When you steal from a large corporation, the harm to any individual employee or customer might be negligible, but the cumulative effect of such theft is not. You are part of a very big problem.

Frankly, I think rationalizing theft is as contemptible as the theft itself. The right of conquest -- "I wanted it, so I stole it" -- may not be very convincing as morality, but at least it's honest.


Active Member
Respectfully, I disagree. My guess is that pride does not allow them to admit to others that they desperately need help. Rather than face embarrassment, they resort to taking what is not theirs. This can never be condoned. In Western countries there are always options that do not include stealing. I can't speak for other countries, but there are people all over the place ready and willing to help -- if asked.
You can't say that this is always the case, though.


Well-Known Member
Stealing huh? Well I think that it is okay to steal when you are dying because you are so hungry. Lets just say there is this scenario: A kids parents do not feed him/her. They never give them food and beat them. He walks into a store in search for food. He has no money at all (obviously because his parent give him nothing). Should he just give up on life and starve? It's not his/her fault that their life sucks. That is the only way I would let it go.


Mother Heathen
Stealing huh? Well I think that it is okay to steal when you are dying because you are so hungry. Lets just say there is this scenario: A kids parents do not feed him/her. They never give them food and beat them. He walks into a store in search for food. He has no money at all (obviously because his parent give him nothing). Should he just give up on life and starve? It's not his/her fault that their life sucks. That is the only way I would let it go.

But there are other ways of going about getting food. It's not as if stealing is the only and best option. Couldn't the child tell another adult? Like a teacher?


Well-Known Member
But there are other ways of going about getting food. It's not as if stealing is the only and best option. Couldn't the child tell another adult? Like a teacher?

That can sometimes be true but some children may be frightened to tell anyone about the abuse from the parent(s). A lot of times that is the case. The child is afraid the parent may harm them more if they tell or is even still afraid the parent may be locked away forever. No matter how much the parent(s) hurts them, they still don't want to see them suffer (unless they are at that certain age of understanding). It's more of a mental thing I guess.


Active Member
But there are other ways of going about getting food. It's not as if stealing is the only and best option. Couldn't the child tell another adult? Like a teacher?
We'd like to think that people would be helpful when we are in need, but in a lot of places, that just isn't the case :/


Well-Known Member
Perhaps but sometimes, when help is needed...one has to go out and seek it. Many would steal because it's easier.

Stealing is not necessarily easier. It is quite terrifying and there is always that possibility of getting caught and getting yourself in trouble. Plus, like I said before... it is not always easy for a young child to ask anyone for help because their parent starves them... especially since their parent(s) have done nothing but brainwash them into thinking they are the bad ones.


Mother Heathen
True, but the point I'm trying to make is, you would do it if it were your only choice right?

The only situation in which I can see myself taking something that doesn't belong to me would be if a major catastrophe occurred to where the usual "rules" no longer apply.

Perhaps it's my line of work...I know of too many community resources, to where I wouldn't need to steal, to survive.


Active Member
If you found a bag of money--a lot of money in a mall parking lot, say a hundred thousand and you didn't know who it belonged to what would you do? Throw it in your car and drive away and wait to hear news about it? Think the company that lost it would have insurance so no big deal? Or go to the police with it knowing that you might never see it again or hear anything except the police saying they gave it to the rightful owner?


Well-Known Member
If you found a bag of money--a lot of money in a mall parking lot, say a hundred thousand and you didn't know who it belonged to what would you do? Throw it in your car and drive away and wait to hear news about it? Think the company that lost it would have insurance so no big deal? Or go to the police with it knowing that you might never see it again or hear anything except the police saying they gave it to the rightful owner?

That is actually a great point. Yyou turn it in to the Police and what would they do with it? Split it betweem each other? People don't care about helping others anymore I swear. What if that bag contained the only amount of money someone had... now that person is poor and helpless. I would probably turn the money in anyway. It isn't mine and I am fine with out it. I can make my own money. Plus, I will be looked up to because I did a good deed. Great point though Spiritone. It really makes a person think.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
I was responding to a specific question. Ephesians 4:28 was quoted that recommends hard work so we do have something to give to someone in need.


Active Member
If you found a bag of money--a lot of money in a mall parking lot, say a hundred thousand and you didn't know who it belonged to what would you do? Throw it in your car and drive away and wait to hear news about it? Think the company that lost it would have insurance so no big deal? Or go to the police with it knowing that you might never see it again or hear anything except the police saying they gave it to the rightful owner?

Sorry if it's selfish, but I would keep it.
It's not like you can prove who it belongs to anyways.


Would it be ok to steal an enemy's weapons in a time of war?

No idea why nobody adressed this one. I think this is one of the most legimit reason so far..

Anyway, it appears stealing is bad, yet stealing an entire forest from animals to build houses is ok, because people need to live. Yet stealing a pencil from the wallmart is bad..
I am guessing there is something terribly wrong in the definition of ownership here..