Which hardly constitutes "repeatedly" as most people understand that word. Glad to see you qualify your earlier statement by what seems to be a much more fair assessment.
Oh, come now! As if Dawkins is
at all responsible for erroneous or deliberate attribution of the quote to him rather than to this as yet unidentified
New Scientist editor.
It's interesting only in that it's one person's or publication's disapproval of Dawkins and speculation about what Dawkins intends based upon that blog posting in 2009.
In that same posting the
Guardian quotes, Dawkins concludes:
Honestly, does this sound like a man who's made up his mind that mockery and ridicule are definitely the tactics to use and use often? And what evidence do we have that he's done more than he indicates he thinks effective enough, employ cutting wit such as Sam Harris did when he compared just knowing there must be a God to people who think Elvis is alive because they simply "feel that he must be"?