For what you perceive as your present self yes, but if your past self still exists the option is still there...
our present self exists based on what our past self "chose". if my present self has drank the pepsi, then the past self "decided" to drink it. if the past self "decides" not to drink it, then the present self would be a different present self. i hope im making sense, but the level at which you've presented your arguement, i think you will have no trouble understanding.
you have been so far the only person with an opposing view to be able to argue your point effectively, i give you cudos for that. i hope that dosent sound arrogant
i mean it as a genuine compliment.
our future selves would exist based on what our present selves have "chosen" to do. but if you think it is possible to know what our future selves would do, before we get to that point in time, then that is what we will do. regardless of we percieve as a "choice", the "choice" has already been made, there is no changing the "choice"
if god knows the future, and he can decide what that future would be, then he is making the choice to reflect what he wants that future to be. if he simply knows the future, and cant decide the future, then i dont see how he could have free will. (example) if he knew before creating satan, what satan would do. that would mean that satan was created, because satan existed in the future. and if god saw in the future, that satan would rebel, then satan would have to rebel. there would be no alternative to that scenario, because god saw it happen, the future was knowable, it existed. it dosent matter if satan went through a process that resembelled "choice" because in the end he could only make 1 "choice", the "choice" god knew he would make.