Your book of Acts (15:7), supposedly written by Luke, a supposed associate of the false prophet Paul, states that Peter left the Jews ("leaves the flock") and went to the Gentiles. It is the heir of Peter, the Pope, who like the "worthless shepherd" of Zech 11:17, doesn't feed, care or tend the sheep (Jews) (Zech 11:16), the same message given 3 times by Yeshua to Peter (John 21:15-16), as Yeshua had said Peter would deny him 3 times. Zechariah 11 was with regards to 3 shepherds (Zech 11:8), not one shepherd. All three were to be "annihilated" in one month (one generation). Two of the shepherds were to "pasture the flock (Christian church) doomed for slaughter", those shepherds being Peter and Paul. Peter, Paul, and Judas died within the span of 1 generation. The specific description of Peter's role is found in Isaiah 22:15-25, whereas Peter made his dwelling within a rock, such as Petras meaning "pebble" (small rock), and that those following his heir, the pope, would be "cut off" in "that day", which is the "day of the LORD". The pope is the Pontifex Maximus, the office taken from the heir of Julius Caesar, Constantine, the establisher of the false dogma of the Trinity, and the keeping of the day of the sun as their day of rest, per his decree of 321 A.D., which is followed by most "Christians". Constantine being the "beast with two horns like a lamb", the "Christians" would bear the mark of the beast and are looking at a bad end (Rev 19:20). Acts 15:7 isn’t written Peter left the Jews/flock and went to the Gentiles. Thus, that’s not what it states-means. Paul’s the apostle to the gentiles and Peter is to the Jews. They both went to the other at times. It’s not like they were doing wrong or didn’t know what they were doing.