Exactly why is a marketing expert put in charge of forecasting polar bear populations by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service? And why didn't whoever filed this story for the Sciencedaily website ask that question?
Regardless, whether or not Polar Bear populations are increasing or decreasing, does not deal with the issue that sea ice and permafrost are melting at increasing rates:
Arctic Sea Ice Blog
Polar Bears are more specialized for their niche of seal hunting and living mostly out on the ice flows. But, all bears are resourceful creatures, and as the sea ice melts and becomes too thin for stalking the seals' breathing holes, the bears move inland looking for food. Polar bears are increasingly hanging around settlements, foraging through garbage and looking for food, and this is the most obvious reason for the rise in polar bear sightings in recent years. But whether the bears survive or not, there is other Arctic wildlife that is dependent on pack ice, and will not make the transition to an ice-free Arctic Ocean.
And, if you think a melting Arctic Ocean is of little or no consequence to us, consider that climatologists and meteorologists have made the connection between more open water in the Arctic summers, and the changes to the Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation weather systems, which have wreaked havoc with the weather in North America and Europe and Northern Asia over the last few years:
NASA - Looking at Earth