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Is it true that the world will end in the year of 2012?


Miss Independent
Although I doubt these statistics... Most people I know are agnostic or atheist, that is besides the point. How can you explain this story as being anything other than the myth it obviously is in my eyes?
How did the animals get from around the world to the ark?
How did 8 people feed them all?
How did 8 people keep them from eating each other?
How did they keep them healthy?
The whole thing is technically impossible, even nowadays... so Noah and his wooden boat and no means of getting the animals there cannot be anything other than a fairy story...unless you think that god transported them there and tended them itself maybe?


If i knew the answer to all your questions id be god. :rolleyes:. Maybe check the turkish goverments non-reluctance to dismiss the ark 'story', since the remains of the ark is in their backyard at the moment.

And also...there is this notion that a christian is suppose to have all the answers. The only answer i need from god is 'well done they good and faithfull servant'. Which does not mean...well done you have all the answers...do you want my job as god.

I dont have to know the nitty gritty details of the ark 'story'. I need to know what its trying to tell me...which is....

People might take notice if you build a massive ark in your backyard, but they dont care what it means. And if they didnt then...they wont now.

God doesnt need an ark built today to serve as a 'sign'. He has millions of christian arks all over the world. And they are also ignored. That and their prophecies of 'doom'. A living testimony to the fact that the end is coming.

Maybe noah didnt tell anybody about the flood coming. Maybe he told some. Though they must have asked since the ark is hard to not notice. But today...there is hardly anybody who does not know about the 'end of the world'. And everybody does not HAVE to know about it for it to come either.



Miss Independent
And how many of the christians do you think actually believes the story of noah to have actually happened? or muslims, or hindu or whatever..?
More important, what does belief of others have to do with reality? All they can go by is the same books as you do..

People dismiss the ark 'story'
People dismiss the bible.
People dismiss god.
People dismiss the prophecies of revelation.

What if god will dismiss whoever dismissed the wrong things. This is a matter you need to sort out for yourself. Good luck!



What if god will dismiss whoever dismissed the wrong things.
Then let him please do so. I would finally get my evidence for God..

I would be more curious how it is possible for someone to follow something (s)he knows is wrong or does not comply with the rules seen in this world..

This is a matter you need to sort out for yourself. Good luck!

This is a matter allready sorted out Heneni..

But this is all so way offtopic :p


Through the Looking Glass
People dismiss the ark 'story'
People dismiss the bible.
People dismiss god.
People dismiss the prophecies of revelation.

What if god will dismiss whoever dismissed the wrong things. This is a matter you need to sort out for yourself. Good luck!


People dismiss the crushing of Jormungandr's head 'story'
People dismiss the Qu'ran
People dismiss every 'god' but the ones they've determined to be the real ones
People dismiss the prophecies of almost every revelation in traditions from all around the world

What if one of those things you've dismissed in favor of your preferred 'god' was the "right" thing? This is a matter you need to sort out for yourself. Good luck!



Through the Looking Glass
For that matter, what if "God" ends up only rejecting those who imagined that they talk for God by dividing people up based on what they believe?

Contemplate it on the Tree of Woe.


The Lost One
heneni said:
If somebody built a massive space ship in their backyard, do you imagine nobody is going to come and ask you why you are building it? And dont you think that the news would spread like wildfire.

The space ship itself is a warning. The ark in itself was a warning too. I would think that people thought that noah was nuts. And so they still think that christians who believe in the 'end of the world' is nuts as well.

That could be true, but that's really depends on where Noah had built his ark.

Population is not as large as Jesus' time, so there could be many place that Noah could have built the ark, which could be remote and given him plenty of privacy. There are many places where he could find isolation.

And I doubt very much that Noah would have built the ark in or near a city or town. He required a fair amount of timber, so that would suggest he could be building it near or in a forest clearing.
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Well-Known Member
People dismiss the ark 'story'
People dismiss the bible.
People dismiss god.
People dismiss the prophecies of revelation.

What if god will dismiss whoever dismissed the wrong things. This is a matter you need to sort out for yourself. Good luck!


Is it accurate to paraphrase this by saying: Believe what you want... But if your wrong you will meet your match. It might be hot and your gonna burn.


Each religion seems to have their own threat of everlasting pain and torture to help you decide which religion to join.

I dismiss god. I deny the holy spirit. Bring it.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
The ark in itself was a warning too. I would think that people thought that noah was nuts. And so they still think that christians who believe in the 'end of the world' is nuts as well.

Someone comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by the giant man-eating squirrel. It has been pre-ordained, for it is written that when the sun sets on a Thursday and three dogs bark, the giant man-eating squirrel will come.

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

Next week, the same person comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by the giant man-eating squirrel. It has been written that when the sun sets on a Thursday and four dogs bark, the gaint bloody squirrel with come. (Oh, um, yeah, it's four dogs now because of some translation error... you know how it goes.)

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

Next week, your friendly neighborhood doomsayer comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by a giant man-eating squirrel. It has been pre-ordained and .... You ask why you weren't eaten last week. Oh, yeah, um, miscounted the barks... you know how that goes. But he got that all sorted out now, so for sure, giant squirrel, tomorrow.

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

...But there was this really nice carnival, with cotton candy, and everything.

Next week, the same dang person comes up to you, and says "You! You unbeliever! You have partaken of cotton candy as if there were no giant man-eating squirrel coming!" And you are just thinking, Dude, chill out, as you gently try to explain to him that he has been wrong many times before, and that quite frankly, you have been given no proof to believe in giant man-eating squirrels to begin with. But the person feels in the depths of his soul that the giant man-eating squirrel is coming.

He leaves with the parting shot "You can't say I didn't warn you! The giant man eating squirrel is coming!"

Now, which person do you think is nuts?

And, for the sake of argument, let's say the man-eating squirrel does come a couple months down the road. Were you justified in not believing the person's warnings? Were the person's previous warnings valid as warnings in any way?


Complex bunch of atoms
Someone comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by the giant man-eating squirrel. It has been pre-ordained, for it is written that when the sun sets on a Thursday and three dogs bark, the giant man-eating squirrel will come.

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

Next week, the same person comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by the giant man-eating squirrel. It has been written that when the sun sets on a Thursday and four dogs bark, the gaint bloody squirrel with come. (Oh, um, yeah, it's four dogs now because of some translation error... you know how it goes.)

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

Next week, your friendly neighborhood doomsayer comes up to you and says that tomorrow you will be eaten by a giant man-eating squirrel. It has been pre-ordained and .... You ask why you weren't eaten last week. Oh, yeah, um, miscounted the barks... you know how that goes. But he got that all sorted out now, so for sure, giant squirrel, tomorrow.

Tomorrow comes.


No squirrel.

...But there was this really nice carnival, with cotton candy, and everything.

Next week, the same dang person comes up to you, and says "You! You unbeliever! You have partaken of cotton candy as if there were no giant man-eating squirrel coming!" And you are just thinking, Dude, chill out, as you gently try to explain to him that he has been wrong many times before, and that quite frankly, you have been given no proof to believe in giant man-eating squirrels to begin with. But the person feels in the depths of his soul that the giant man-eating squirrel is coming.

He leaves with the parting shot "You can't say I didn't warn you! The giant man eating squirrel is coming!"

Now, which person do you think is nuts?

And, for the sake of argument, let's say the man-eating squirrel does come a couple months down the road. Were you justified in not believing the person's warnings? Were the person's previous warnings valid as warnings in any way?

..and the Giant man-eating squirrel sounds far more plausible than any of the religious 'end of days' fairy stories :)


Well-Known Member
I have heard this from a lot of people. My Father was the first to mention it to me. It made me think of Y2K when everyone thought the world would end then. lol it didn't though right? I hope the world doesn't end in 2012 though... I would like to grow old and have a family before I die. I have thought about this concept though and thought that maybe the world will not "end" like some people say it shall... maybe it just has to do with the economy or something to that matter? I don't know... there are many books on this subject and how the Aztecs or something predicted it... they have been right with many things so far... lol Hopefully not the end of all civilization though! :p

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
When i was a Kid back in the 60s my Mother took me to Oxford Street in London where i saw a Man wearing a clip board with "the end is nigh" written on it,years later he was still wearing the same clipboard so i wonder,does he feel cheated ,relieved or just plain stupid.


Jesus in me
I have heard this from a lot of people. My Father was the first to mention it to me. It made me think of Y2K when everyone thought the world would end then. lol it didn't though right? I hope the world doesn't end in 2012 though... I would like to grow old and have a family before I die. I have thought about this concept though and thought that maybe the world will not "end" like some people say it shall... maybe it just has to do with the economy or something to that matter? I don't know... there are many books on this subject and how the Aztecs or something predicted it... they have been right with many things so far... lol Hopefully not the end of all civilization though! :p

I think Y2K was based on a prediction of Armageddon in 1999 by Nostradamus.

I think the stage is set. There are definite signs of the end. Global warming is the hottest sign right now.

IMO God is not dependant on someone's calendar, and He is the one who will orchestrate the end.


Complex bunch of atoms
I have decided to not have children until the future of this world starts to brighten up a bunch.

That's incredibly sad.
The world is no less bright than it has been in your lifetime, and lifetimes before it. It's just the availability of information that makes everything seem that way.
Unless you think 2 world wars, the dark ages, crusades, inquisition, holocaust etc are not in the same league as modern day...