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Is it true that the world will end in the year of 2012?


Through the Looking Glass
I don't know where you got it from, but that's not what happen in the bible.
Maybe she's extrapolating from Luke 17:

21Once, having been asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, Jesus replied, "The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, 21nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within[b] you."

22Then he said to his disciples, "The time is coming when you will long to see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23Men will tell you, 'There he is!' or 'Here he is!' Do not go running off after them. 24For the Son of Man in his day[c] will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other. 25But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

26"Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
But doesn't that specifically say not to go chasing after people who claim to know when and where the Kingdom of God is and will be . . . ?

And notice why you shouldn't go chasing after them . . . ;)
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Will to love
End of time prophecies aside, it is kind of interesting that we are living in the days where it really is possible for humans to destroy the world in a very short time. After billions of years since the earth formed, and million(s) since our species first evolved.


Agnostic Pantheist
it is kind of interesting that we are living in the days where it really is possible for humans to destroy the world in a very short time. After billions of years since the earth formed, and million(s) since our species first evolved.

To be metaphoric, humanity is mere bacteria on this planet, this planet survived a barrage of meteors many millions of years ago, and it will survive humanity.


Will to love

To be metaphoric, humanity is mere bacteria on this planet, this planet survived a barrage of meteors many millions of years ago, and it will survive humanity.


OK, maybe not obliterate it from its place in the universe, but we certainly could make it uninhabitable for humans and most other animals.


Through the Looking Glass
End of time prophecies aside, it is kind of interesting that we are living in the days where it really is possible for humans to destroy the world in a very short time. After billions of years since the earth formed, and million(s) since our species first evolved.
Perhaps "End of Times prophecies" aren't actually about the end of the world . . . maybe . . .?


Agnostic Pantheist

OK, maybe not obliterate it from its place in the universe, but we certainly could make it uninhabitable for humans and most other animals.
Well, we are kind of a pain in the arse. :D
im sure many life forms on this planet who get a glimpse of us are pondering 'what an odd creature'.


Treasure Hunter
The X-Files said it would end in 2012. :D I hope they make another movie released in about November of that year, to scare everyone. :D That would be awesome.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Hahahaha. You got a real laugh out loud from that one. :)

heneni said:
Ok...i do understand what you are saying about 'crying wolf'.

In noah's days...he cried wolf for four hundred years. Thats pretty much an eternity
And that is gods kindness....warning LONG before the time.
I don't know whether I would characterize that as a kindness. God would be intimately familiar with human nature and the way our minds click. He should know that our natural inductive reasoning would cause us to come to such and such conclusion if that is the result that occurs time and time again.

Immediate warnings are probably more effective anyway, since it is fresh in our memories and we don't need to worry about it being twisted through its journey through the generations.

heneni said:
In fact we have recieved a two thousand years warning this time around. Thats pretty long. But if we just go back 400 years from today...i think you will find that there were fewer spiritual people who felt it in their core being. By 'it' i mean they have personally recieved revelation that the end is here.
That would be a very interesting study, actually. Well, obviously we can't ask the people 400 years ago, but we could ask people now to guage their feelings about whether a religious armeggedon was getting closer.

The feelings from religious conviction would also have to be teased apart from the secular feelings created from things like global warming, the AIDS epidemic, the war(s) in the Middle-East etc. The world might simply be a more pessimistic place than it was 400 years ago.

heneni said:
From what i can gather...there is really a LOT of christians who are not necessarily 'afflicted' with religion who can feel that there is definitely reason to believe that the end of our four hundred years warning...or be that 2000 years warning...is about to become a reality. And not because the pastor says so, and not because internet doom sites say so..but because god, which is a very personal god, has given them that revelation. That is gods faithfullness to them. Warning them of things to come.
Well, it is unfair to say that those who believed the world was coming to an end in ages past were not as completely convinced as those in the present day. Sure, some sheep will always go along with the flock, but there has to be people who start the rumors in the first place.

And speaking of rumors, that could be why there are more and more people jumping on the band-wagon today. You hear things whispered enough and you might start incorporating them into your belief system without even remembering where you heard them from in the first place.


Miss Independent
I don't know where you got it from, but that's not what happen in the bible.

Noah didn't fortell nor warn anyone of the coming flood. All it say is that Noah were instructed to build the ark, take his family and animals into the ark, and that's that. There's nothing that say that Noah had tried to warn the people of their destruction and that no one believe it.

Where did you get this from? Where did you get this 400 years business of crying wolf?

If you actually read the book, you would know that even Noah didn't know about the Flood until he was instructed to build the ark, when he was 500 years old. From that point on, he knew of the Flood.

So where did you get this from? When did he warn anyone?

You must have gotten it from movies, or other books, or somewhere else. It is certainly not in the bible.

I am not mocking you. I am seriously curious where you got your information from.

If somebody built a massive space ship in their backyard, do you imagine nobody is going to come and ask you why you are building it? And dont you think that the news would spread like wildfire.

The space ship itself is a warning. The ark in itself was a warning too. I would think that people thought that noah was nuts. And so they still think that christians who believe in the 'end of the world' is nuts as well.


Miss Independent

Just to add. You made a very valid point that perhaps the people in noah's day were not warned about the flood to come.

However when you read the new testament..you find that the bible indicates that the end to come will be the same as when the flood came in noah's days.

People would be getting on with their lives wholly unaware of the dangers ahead. But then...it cant be EXACTLY the same as in the days of noah because the bible and specifically revelations have made it clear that this end will come.

So when the bible says...it will be like in the days of noah...it must mean that just like we are warned now...people were warned then, but paid no attention to it. If people today...with the warning, still get on with their lives, then it cant be 'as in the days of noah' when people got on with their lives without the warning.

That is why i believe noah did warn them, and/or the massive ark must have sparked SOME controversy.


Complex bunch of atoms

Just to add. You made a very valid point that perhaps the people in noah's day were not warned about the flood to come.

However when you read the new testament..you find that the bible indicates that the end to come will be the same as when the flood came in noah's days.

People would be getting on with their lives wholly unaware of the dangers ahead. But then...it cant be EXACTLY the same as in the days of noah because the bible and specifically revelations have made it clear that this end will come.

So when the bible says...it will be like in the days of noah...it must mean that just like we are warned now...people were warned then, but paid no attention to it. If people today...with the warning, still get on with their lives, then it cant be 'as in the days of noah' when people got on with their lives without the warning.

That is why i believe noah did warn them, and/or the massive ark must have sparked SOME controversy.

So do you actually believe in the story of Noah as a true one, rather than a moral tale?
I wonder how big a boat would need to be to fit 2 of every species, then have all of them not try to eat each other, die of starvation etc with only a handful of people to tend them?
Not to mention gathering them from around the whole world.


Miss Independent
Well, it is unfair to say that those who believed the world was coming to an end in ages past were not as completely convinced as those in the present day. Sure, some sheep will always go along with the flock, but there has to be people who start the rumors in the first place.

And speaking of rumors, that could be why there are more and more people jumping on the band-wagon today. You hear things whispered enough and you might start incorporating them into your belief system without even remembering where you heard them from in the first place.

People jumping onto the bandwagon which is saying 'the end of the world is here?

Ask yourself this...would people rather jump on the wagon saying 'dont worry we are never going to see the earth destroyed' or would they rather jump on the 'the end of the world is near' bandwagon?

Most people would rather jump on the wagon which says that we are going to be JUST fine!

Some would think that is is reckless to speak of such things as the 'end of the world' . People who imagine themselves to be the bringers of 'peace' would like to think that they are more mature and level headed than the doomsday prophets. If somebody tells you you have cancer, youd like a second opinion. God has said the earth will be destroyed and so men look for a second opinion. And they get that second opinion from another man. :areyoucra...the ones on the 'everything is going to be fine' bandwagon. It makes us feel better about our future and ourselves.


So do you actually believe in the story of Noah as a true one, rather than a moral tale?
I wonder how big a boat would need to be to fit 2 of every species, then have all of them not try to eat each other, die of starvation etc with only a handful of people to tend them?
Not to mention gathering them from around the whole world.
I am more curious about how one warns human kind without tv, radio or internet :D


Miss Independent
So do you actually believe in the story of Noah as a true one, rather than a moral tale?
I wonder how big a boat would need to be to fit 2 of every species, then have all of them not try to eat each other, die of starvation etc with only a handful of people to tend them?
Not to mention gathering them from around the whole world.

Yes i actually believe the 'story' of noah and so does the turkish goverment who is making some money out of the site where the ark was found.

HE HE....at least im not alone. But besides the turkish goverment...bless them...of the total world population, Christians make up 33.32% (of which Roman Catholics 16.99%, Protestants 5.78%, Orthodox 3.53%, Anglicans 1.25%), Muslims 21.01%, Hindus 13.26%, Buddhists 5.84%, Sikhs 0.35%, Jews 0.23%, Baha'is 0.12%, other religions 11.78%, non-religious 11.77%, atheists 2.32% (2007 est.)

That means you might just be in the minority regarding this matter? :rolleyes: But of course your allowed to have an opinion anyway.


Complex bunch of atoms
Yes i actually believe the 'story' of noah and so does the turkish goverment who is making some money out of the site where the ark was found.

HE HE....at least im not alone. But besides the turkish goverment...bless them...of the total world population, Christians make up 33.32% (of which Roman Catholics 16.99%, Protestants 5.78%, Orthodox 3.53%, Anglicans 1.25%), Muslims 21.01%, Hindus 13.26%, Buddhists 5.84%, Sikhs 0.35%, Jews 0.23%, Baha'is 0.12%, other religions 11.78%, non-religious 11.77%, atheists 2.32% (2007 est.)

That means you might just be in the minority regarding this matter? :rolleyes: But of course your allowed to have an opinion anyway.

Although I doubt these statistics... Most people I know are agnostic or atheist, that is besides the point. How can you explain this story as being anything other than the myth it obviously is in my eyes?
How did the animals get from around the world to the ark?
How did 8 people feed them all?
How did 8 people keep them from eating each other?
How did they keep them healthy?
The whole thing is technically impossible, even nowadays... so Noah and his wooden boat and no means of getting the animals there cannot be anything other than a fairy story...unless you think that god transported them there and tended them itself maybe?


Through the Looking Glass
doppelgänger;1397933 said:
Maybe she's extrapolating from Luke 17:


Just to add. You made a very valid point that perhaps the people in noah's day were not warned about the flood to come.

However when you read the new testament..you find that the bible indicates that the end to come will be the same as when the flood came in noah's days.
Yes, that's exactly what she is doing.

Heneni: read Luke 17 carefully (I quoted a large piece of it above in this thread). I think you have missed the whole point of what exactly is being compared to Noah's flood in the New Testament.


Yes i actually believe the 'story' of noah and so does the turkish goverment who is making some money out of the site where the ark was found.

HE HE....at least im not alone. But besides the turkish goverment...bless them...of the total world population, Christians make up 33.32% (of which Roman Catholics 16.99%, Protestants 5.78%, Orthodox 3.53%, Anglicans 1.25%), Muslims 21.01%, Hindus 13.26%, Buddhists 5.84%, Sikhs 0.35%, Jews 0.23%, Baha'is 0.12%, other religions 11.78%, non-religious 11.77%, atheists 2.32% (2007 est.)

That means you might just be in the minority regarding this matter? :rolleyes: But of course your allowed to have an opinion anyway.
And how many of the christians do you think actually believes the story of noah to have actually happened? or muslims, or hindu or whatever..?
More important, what does belief of others have to do with reality? All they can go by is the same books as you do..