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Is it true that the world will end in the year of 2012?

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
That's incredibly sad.
The world is no less bright than it has been in your lifetime, and lifetimes before it. It's just the availability of information that makes everything seem that way.
Unless you think 2 world wars, the dark ages, crusades, inquisition, holocaust etc are not in the same league as modern day...

Your right, it is incredibly sad, but what would be even sadder is if I had kids knowing the debt I be leaving them with, ie the national debt. If I go to Heaven, I'll just have them there.


Active Member

Yes, similer to the astrological event of the preccision of the equinox, the previus preccision happed in year 1, were the Sun begins his springly journey in pisces insted of Aries, if you read the bible propely it actually tells you that, now with the mayans they used mathematics to predicts these future events and the 2012 is the sun, "in line" with the centre of the galaxy

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Interesting, I though that wasn't supposed to happen until the late 40's to early 50's. Do you have your references handy?


Active Member
Interesting, I though that wasn't supposed to happen until the late 40's to early 50's. Do you have your references handy?

Well the Ancient mathematics was one of there main tools, for example the babylons split the sky into 12 houses, the travels along these houses, every 29 days (luner cycle), but the egyptian discovered the pressicion of equinox in which every 2160 years, first day of springs star sign would change in the the star sign from Febuary. This also hinders the statement of 666, 6*6*6 = 216 b, 2160 (there no 0 in greek), the beast is the zodiac, the man is aquarius and the calculation they go on about is maths, calculated the beast to get 666 is a time measuring thing, read revelation closely and loof closle yat the word usage, people in bible would never called a Man, a beast, Beast means animal that alls, so and Zodiac is greek for circle of Animals, these things are everywere in the bible, so my refrences are all biblical and maths based, the man appearence or apocylipse just means the start of Aquarius, mathematiccly it starts in 2160AD (6*6*6=216'0) the number of the man, whom is aquarius after the 666 in bible they have a 7 bowls parralel, aquaius is a man who holds a bowl read closly at revalaions and compare the 7 day bowls to 7 day of creation, its all in bible


Active Member
Interesting, I though that wasn't supposed to happen until the late 40's to early 50's. Do you have your references handy?

Well the Ancient mathematics was one of there main tools, for example the babylons split the sky into 12 houses, the travels along these houses, every 29 days (luner cycle), but the egyptian discovered the pressicion of equinox in which every 2160 years, first day of springs star sign would change in the the star sign from Febuary. This also hinders the statement of 666, 6*6*6 = 216 b, 2160 (there no 0 in greek), the beast is the zodiac, the man is aquarius and the calculation they go on about is maths, calculated the beast to get 666 is a time measuring thing, read revelation closely and look closely yat the word usage, people in bible would never called a Man, a beast, Beast means animal that alls, so and Zodiac is greek for circle of Animals, these things are everywere in the bible, so my refrences are all biblical and maths based, the man appearence or apocylipse just means the start of Aquarius, mathematiccly it starts in 2160AD (6*6*6=216'0) the number of the man, whom is aquarius after the 666 in bible they have a 7 bowls parralel, aquaius is a man who holds a bowl read closly at revalaions and compare the 7 day bowls to 7 day of creation, its all in bible


Active Member
Interesting, I though that wasn't supposed to happen until the late 40's to early 50's. Do you have your references handy?

Well the Ancient mathematics was one of there main tools, for example the babylons split the sky into 12 houses, the travels along these houses, every 29 days (luner cycle), but the egyptian discovered the pressicion of equinox in which every 2160 years, first day of springs star sign would change in the the star sign from Febuary. This also hinders the statement of 666, 6*6*6 = 216 b, 2160 (there no 0 in greek), the beast is the zodiac, the man is aquarius and the calculation they go on about is maths, calculated the beast to get 666 is a time measuring thing, read revelation closely and look closely yat the word usage, people in bible would never called a Man, a beast, Beast means animal that alls, but Zodiac is greek for circle of Animals, these things are everywere in the bible, so my refrences are all biblical and maths based, the man appearence or apocylipse( sun cycle), or armageddon just means the start of Aquarius, mathematiccly it starts in 2160AD (6*6*6=216'0) the number of the man, whom is aquarius after the 666 in bible they have a 7 bowls parrelel, aquaius is a man who holds a bowl read closly at revalaions and compare the 7 day bowls to 7 day of creation, its all in bible

Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
Well the Ancient mathematics was one of there main tools, for example the babylons split the sky into 12 houses, the travels along these houses, every 29 days (luner cycle), but the egyptian discovered the pressicion of equinox in which every 2160 years, first day of springs star sign would change in the the star sign from Febuary. This also hinders the statement of 666, 6*6*6 = 216 b, 2160 (there no 0 in greek), the beast is the zodiac, the man is aquarius and the calculation they go on about is maths, calculated the beast to get 666 is a time measuring thing, read revelation closely and look closely yat the word usage, people in bible would never called a Man, a beast, Beast means animal that alls, so and Zodiac is greek for circle of Animals, these things are everywere in the bible, so my refrences are all biblical and maths based, the man appearence or apocylipse just means the start of Aquarius, mathematiccly it starts in 2160AD (6*6*6=216'0) the number of the man, whom is aquarius after the 666 in bible they have a 7 bowls parralel, aquaius is a man who holds a bowl read closly at revalaions and compare the 7 day bowls to 7 day of creation, its all in bible

That sounds like a good POV if one had not studied Revelation as much as I have in the last ten or so years. I'm a preterist and 666 has a completely different meaning to me. If you are interested in dispensational, pretribulational Premillenialism, I would recommend The Footsteps of the Messiah, by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum Th.M.,Ph.D.

Preterism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Question Everything
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
(New Testament | Matthew 24:36)

That still leaves year open - who thinks we can at least know the year?

Newton calculated it: not until at least 2060

Some of the stuff has been happening / is happening...
President Hinckley said this in his opening address of General Conference after 9-11

"The era in which we live is the fulness of times spoken of in the scriptures, when God has brought together all of the elements of previous dispensations. From the day that He and His Beloved Son manifested themselves to the boy Joseph, there has been a tremendous cascade of enlightenment poured out upon the world. The hearts of men have turned to their fathers in fulfillment of the words of Malachi. The vision of Joel has been fulfilled wherein he declared:

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke (twin towers). The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord come..."

What do you think about the stuff going on in Yellowstone right now?

Tsunami in Sri Lanka... this is part of it...
Sri Lanka has a reputation as a pedophile’s paradise. In 1997, it was considered the principle. source of child pornography for the United States and Europe ...
42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.(New Testament | Mark9:42)

This has to happen first :) IAP - woo-hoo! He got the repubs fighting the dems part right, and the sticking our nose into everyone else's business right too.
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Well-Known Member

Ok... so I was driving to work when all of the sudden I felt a presence. It was me. I guess I fell asleep but I was still on the road. Then I remember a voice speaking in an ancient tongue only I could understand since only I can really interpret my secret dream language.

It said the earth will end on 12, 21, 20, 12.

Crazy right...

I cant even play those numbers in powerball or play four. (Why do people say the lottery is only a tax for the mathmatically challenged)

So then... I pass a sign. It said next town was 12 miles away. And I bought a dozen of eggs exactly 12 days ago.

This is not when I began to get freaked though. I just said whatever... 12... blah. Then like out of nowhere I hit rush hour traffic.

I looked at my spedometer and guess how fast I was going? Guess?

Still... whatever.... I see some guy to my left broken down. I stop to help and give him a jump. He thanks me and tries to give me 20 bucks! I say nononononono. He says hes 20 years old and makes a ton of money and I should just take it. I say nononono I head back to my car and sit down. I look at the clock and its 8:20!!!!!

So based on that you can judge for yourself. The mayans might be right.



Well-Known Member
In Christian beliefs, no one knows (except God) or can predict when will the world end for it will come to us like a theif/robber. On my own American Idol version, I simply don't believe that the world will end in 2012 even if Entertainment tonight, Oprah and The Gossip Girl tells us that it will possibly happen in 2012, 3000. or whatever year it is. They all tried to predict the "end" and they all failed.


Apart from the mayan people there are many other civilizations who also believe/d that 2012 will be a significant year for the history of mankind.

Hindus Kali Yuga (end time of man). The Coming of Kalki & critical mass of Enlightened Ones.

Hindus: Kali Yuga started about 5100 years ago, and is yet to continue for another 4,27,000 years. At the end of Lord Kalki will appear and re-establish Dharma, and the world will continue. No dissolution or destruction of the world. There would be no end of mankind.